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From Mike Voight on 10/24/05 in response to my query of him regarding dates for the Nationals:


Plans are going full speed, should have dates within the next couple weeks. Split venues on the handgun matches, division mix still being worked out.

Dates will be up on the USPSA website as soon as they are finalized. Announcements will be sent to the several email lists, web sites, etc.


I too am eagerly awaiting an answer so I can plan our matches and my vaction schedule.


Edited by Jim Norman
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Was just thinking........(Yes that can be dangerous)

IF the Nationals are split venues again, there will be time for a formal SHOOTOFFS !!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

NOW let's Hope they offer enough slots so those who want to go can, unlike last year when the slots were taken with many still wanting to go.


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Like you say, "We will see"

That would really be a "Nationals" worth shooting though!

On thing though, If there is 1000 shoters, and USPSA goes in the hole at Nationals, we as a club will really need to change things at HQ !!!!!


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No kidding!

I can't wait to see how they are going to work out this special anniversary year nationals.

I can hardly wait to go! (As I am typing this it is 14 degrees and VERY windy outside with snow on the ground :( ....) Is it possible to have cabin fever in the middle of November?

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I can hardly wait to go! (As I am typing this it is 14 degrees and VERY windy outside with snow on the ground :( ....) Is it possible to have cabin fever in the middle of November?

We're just seeing out first taste of 20's in my neck of the woods and I've had cabin fever since I had to miss the season ending steel match at the beginning of the month. :wacko:

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Split venues would be nice. Sponsored shooters will do both, and regular Toms will have to chooose between Lim-10 and Lim (for example). Not a bad choice knowing the FULL HOUSE competition will be there.

I sure hope Bend is on the list.

After the last couple years in Barry....what is it again that makes it the "best" place for Nats? The ticks falling from trees, or the heat index?

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I just hope they announce the info soon. This eternal waiting and rumor mongering is just silly.

I am sure I am not alone in needing to plan my summer NOW so I can ensure I can have the finances in order and the vacation schedule lined out.

I have had to miss Nats every time it has been at Bend for one reason or another and, if it is going to be at Bend again, I don't want to miss it this go-round.

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The ticks are not even an annoyance. The heat was typical. But you know what, the best shooters still won. Funny how the cream comes to the top. Yes I was there for both matches. Still enjoyed myself. Quit whining. Maybe we should have nationals in Alaska in January. I bet the same people still win. It's all in your mental state. Bring on Nationals wherever and whenever they are and shoot your best.

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The ticks are not even an annoyance.

I guess you like ticks and Lyme disease, I don't, and found them annoying.

The heat was typical.

So if 95-100 degree heat and high humidity is typical, why would you choose that location (multi-year contract, I know)? I've shot in Barry, I've shot in Bend. Bend is better.

But you know what, the best shooters still won.

Who said they didn't?

Still enjoyed myself.

Me too. Would have enjoyed it more in Bend.

Quit whining.

I think the internet mandatory response here is, "Drink the Kool-Aid." :P

Bring on Nationals wherever and whenever they are and shoot your best.

But please don't make any suggestions for improvement, as someone is bound to call it whining.

Edited by John Dunn
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FYI, sent today to Michael Voight, Dave Thomas, and my Area Director:


I was hoping I could get some information on the dates for the 2006 National events. If I can't get firm dates, would it be possible to get something (ex. "It will either be this date or that date, venue unknown" or maybe "We'll be announcing the date for the Nat's on this date").

I know that these contracts can be tough to negotiate but I, like many match directors, am coming up on hard deadlines for setting next year's match dates including our section championship. Our host range will be requiring us to set our dates for 2006 in the next couple of weeks and we would really like to try to avoid conflicts with major events. There are only so many USPSA shooters out there and scheduling conflicts force them to choose between attending one event or the other. Dividing the available shooters like that can only hurt both events.

Thank you,

John Heiter

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Well, the response was prompt, just not as informative as I might have hoped.

"Hi John,

Final details are being worked out for locations, dates and divisions.

We should have facts in a very short time on the USPSA web page.

Michael Voigt


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Venues for the Nationals

Barry reasonably centrally located, can be reached by many memeberts in one long days drive.

Bend, great if you live west of the Continental Divide, not easily reached by the majority of shooters without resorting to flying the unfriendly (towards shooters) skys.

Other locations that may be being considered should take the 18 hour drive circle into account. If less than 50% of the membership lives outside of this circle, it MAY not be an ideal choice.

Do I like Barry, not really, there is not much else to do. Two years back we got a half day free and went to see some of the Mark Twain things in Hannibal. Not much for family.

I understand that WE are there for the shooting, but it would be nice, at least for those of us not trying to get away from our families if there was something nearby for them to do. This is truer especially if we are looking at a full week.

Other than the above, we really do need to know sooner rather than later. Vacations, other matches all need lead time to schedule.

It would be really great if we were given the time and venues for next Nationals within one month of the completion of the current Nationals.

Jim Norman

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The ticks are not even an annoyance. The heat was typical. But you know what, the best shooters still won. Funny how the cream comes to the top. Yes I was there for both matches. Still enjoyed myself. Quit whining. Maybe we should have nationals in Alaska in January. I bet the same people still win. It's all in your mental state. Bring on Nationals wherever and whenever they are and shoot your best.

I was there for both matches also, I thought the heat sucked.

Appearently so did TGO. I had dinner at the same place as him on Wed or Thurs night in Barry. As we were walking out he was too, someone asked him how he was doing, he said good, BUT, he thought this would have been the perfect time for half days because of the heat.

So even the "cream" didn't like the heat.

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