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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Friday Flamer - 30 September 2005


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I hate the fact that I can't find ANY qualified or even trainable well sight geologists. We are swamped and NO ONE is hireable.

I hate that due to the short sighted energy policies of the U.S. under "Uncle Willy", and Bush senior we have skipped a whole generation of oil field workers, and now hardly anyone knows how to work out here.

I hate Invert drilling fluid systems, and having to use them all winter because a neophite drilling engineer thinks regular drilling fluid will freeze. I mean WHAT THE HELL DID WE USE FOR THE LAST 100 YEARS?? :angry::angry:

I hate lost circulation zones due to the down time and yet you can't leave because it might come back any time now!

I hate Patterson and Caza drilling rigs, they are just rattling JUNK and they charge WAY too much for them, but then again we skipped a whole generation of rig builders also :angry: KURT MILLER

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I hate that I can't shoot my new gun for at least a month - waiting for a window with my gunsmith to get the scope mounted...

I can still chrono (wait till Monday when I'll report that the lack of sights caused me to perforate my chronograph :D ) so I will at least be able to run a few rounds through it...

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That my girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me (an hour ago) cause she dosen't feel the same spark with me anymore. Still feels for me very greatly, but can't date me at this time. We never fought (maybe 2 times in 2 years.), always got along together, had many of the same interests, and I loved her so much I wanted to always be with her. Some may think that I'm too frickin young to be like that, but I did want to marry her, even gave her a ring. hmm, wonder if she's still wearing it...

I can't imagine many other things that could happen to me that could beat this. :(

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Uh I hate the wildfires that are burning all around me. It smells all charcoally up in he'ar. But I know there's no tasty BBQ in the end.

I hate all the bugs on the freeway. I must have killed 3000 bugs on my way up to Oregon and another 3000 on the way back down. Haven't had time (or been to lazy) to wash the car. So the bugs have fosilized on my bumper and grill.

I really hate that I have a crack on my windshield that's only two months old. Now I gotta go in and argue with the car dealer to get it replaced. Maybe those 6000 bugs hitting the car caused it.

I really hate this heat. It's been in the 90-100's for months.

And yes I hate paying $2.85 a gallon. But I guess it's better than $3.19 a gallon.

And I hate getting old.

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i hate putting food on the grill and forgetting about it. i threw a couple italian sausage on the grill this afternoon while taking a break from building matt cheely's gun and then the phone rang and after talking to the customer for about 10 minutes i went back in the shop, a half hour later i see smoke rolling by the shop door and sure as shit, then sausages were well done. i read your post about your girlfriend matt and it's kind of like them sausages, i really love them sausages but since the first ones couldn't be eaten, so i went and got some more. well maybe it aint the same but maybe my stupid comparison will cheer you up, or maybe not.

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I hate electricians whom blame the power company for my home owner woes.

I hate power companies who blame electricians for my home owner woes.

I hate liberals.

I hate feral cats that pee on my house and shit in my yard and kill my native wildlife species.

I hate liberals.

I hate people who i thought were my friends but only turn out to be people out for themselves.

I hate IT people who think they are god and control every aspect of your computer life at work. Condecending, arrogant control freaks...the lot of them. Except SS and GL.

Liberals suck.

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I HATE being a grown up.

I hate the part that I had to work all week to feed the family and now my knees hurt to the point tomorrow's match will not be the fun it should be.

I HATE the talking head shows. What makes them think that because they have a microphone in front of them they know everything.

I hate customers that don't pay on time. WE HAVE TO EAT TOO PEOPLE!!!!!!!

I HATE that the Friday Flame fest is only on Friday. Some times it needs to be a WEEKEND FULL FLAME WAR.

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Buhahahahaha! repeat after me... "Not necessary what you want is what I want, is that too difficult to understand? dumbass!"

I hate it when men think that sexual favors will make up for their wrong-doings... especially when there was never a sexual relationship to begin with!!!
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I sometimes hate the life choices I have made. But I made them so now I just need to suck it up and make the best of it. To complain about it is actually to whine....but I have had my instructors credentials for ten years and have taught all of four classes.

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I had an easy day compared to y'all, but...

I hate ranges with a "no walk-up" policy restricting you to s hooting from a single firing line that is under a steel walled and ceilinged enclosure that rings your ears even with plugs and muffs...

I hate cranky chronographs that give you "No start signal", "screens too close", and totally freaky returns like 700fps off, when you ABSOLUTELY know it's all setup properly... So, you set it aside and zero your new sights...

I hate that after zeroing, the chrono inexplicably works perfectly despite the fact there were absolutely no changes in weather, light, positioning, et al...

I hate that my brand new sights absolutely cannot be zeroed at 25 yds due to lack of elevation authority in the rear sight (or to long of a front post)... ESPECIALLY when the set was sold as a "Glock specific" pairing...

I hate slide bites... In 30 years of shooting, I have NEVER had one... not one. And today, when I get a rare chance to practice without interruption, I get my first one... a DEEP one... a blood gushing slice that refuses to stop... from a Glock?

I hate that "pushing" to improve my incredibly slow draw time caused my first slide bite...

I hate that my lack of awareness made me incapable of recognizing my high grip PRIOR to the trigger break...

I hate working in the gas fields with the current crop of idiots incorrectly referred to as "hands", who more appropriately should be referred to as "oxygen thieves"... resulting in such a high stress load on me that I hate my job.

I hate that I am going to have to quit my job.... Monday.

I hate that many of the folks I grew up with and have known all my life have no water or power tonight and in the immediate future, and are living with National Guard patrolling the streets...

At least I got to shoot today, and I'm not patrolling the streets in BDUs!

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I hate my damn Road Runner service it keeps bouncing!

I hate that my right elbow has been in pain for a year and is not getting any better.

I hate that I took almost 2 months off from shooting (Dr.'s orders for my arm) and it didn't make a difference.

I hate that you can't shoot a match taking 2000mg of Ibuprofen. Found this out at Space City.

I hate that my insurance company wants me to take paper work to my Dr. to have him explain his work on my arm. Why don't they just call him!!!

I hate that I have to ice my arm between stages. It is the only thing that works but it's a pain in the ass!

I hate that I didn't get to go to the Texas Limited! Because of a storm!

I hate that my buddy Shane had shit ton of fun at the Limited!

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Wow...that's a pretty good bonfire of insanity we had going there.

Everyone have a great weekend!

And thus ends another edition of the Friday Flamer. Stay tuned for the next installment!

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