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Area 5 Wheelgunners


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looks like i'm in. airedale is going to check on getting me on squad 37 with carmoney so i can get a few pointers while i shoot. he is going to call me in the morning to let me know the status.

got a plane....land at 505pm.....be at the bar by 6.

staying at the days inn....sam where are you?????

when did you start listening to schoonie??? don't you know he's a yankee and half french!!!!!!!!!


seeya there

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The Area 5 match is complete for this year. 12 wheelgunners shot the event and, I'm sure, had a great time.

Mike Carmoney took first with Cliff Walsh and Sam Keen on his heels.

I must add some analysis to this. I don't have the complete story but-I believe the wiley old foxes Carmoney and Keen led Young and Innocent Master Walsh down a slippery path the night before the match. As we all know, Y&I Master Walsh (Y&I MW)is both young and impressionable. Rumor has it that the two old foxes introduced Y&I MW to the demon hops brew. I believe they convinced him that drinking enough of the demon brew would help him pre hydrate for the upcoming match. Y&I MW being a trusting young soul really pre hydrated. :P Poor Y&I MW is a trooper though. He dragged himself out of the dumpster they left him in, shaved his tongue, and heartily shot the match. Atta boy Cliff!

I believe I met all the wheelgunners as they came through stage 4. Great bunch-as always.


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Airedale, you have been led astray !!!!!

It was not Carmoney and I being a bad influence on YMW (Young Master Walsh).......

This was a planned attack on POOR OLE Hopalong!!!!

Carmoney and YMW came to my room and Kept poor Hopalong and his partner in Crime for the weekend Rodney up and force fed us beers until 2400 hrs.

YMW, being he was away from home.....did what all Youngsters do when they get away....lost all inabitions, thus the HOPS!!!!

"FNG" Carmoney on the other hand, being devious as he is.....Being he is used to staying up to wee hours in the AM being he is a workaholic(or so he says) has no problem operating on less sleep than us mere normal "FOLKS"

So there they are.....FNG Carmoney, and YMW.....FNG Carmoney keeps YMW up and allows him to partake quite liberally into the HOPS, then keeps poor ole Hopalong up late and Forcefeeds him HOPS too.

Now as we all know I am not quite a young and resiliant as I have been in the recent past. <_< and FNG Carmoney and YMWs plan worked perfect.....I could not get my game going until after I had shot 4 stages and they had built up enough of a cushion that I could not make up.

FNG Carmoney's Master plan worked too as YMW admitted to having "A HEADACHE" early that morning and allowed FNG Carmoney to get ahead of him enough that he could not reel him in either.

So there it is....The Rest of the story, the real truth, or what ever you want to call it!!!!!


Also my complements to Lefty45, He shot with me and did good.

Just a little more time with the Revo, seeing more situations in stages and then he will be trouble too!!!!

Good shooting Phil.

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Hold on everybody....as much as I want to win this thing, when I got home I found an error, and it's enough to matter.

I already talked to Cliff, who's sitting in the Louisville airport right now, and hopefully we'll have it figured out for sure later on today.

So stay tuned.


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The FNG's master plan ALMOST worked ????????

One thing though........

We now know how he operates, and can be looking for it next time. ;)

Me personally......I will have the "Do not disturb" sign haning from my door knob before dark. :P


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As a survivor of the Area 5 dust & mud equipment torture testing (for those of you that weren't there, that was the Saturday & Sunday afternoon sessions) I have discovered another advantage to the Way of The Wheelgun.

Unlike the bottomfeeders, who were blowing the sand and dust out of their magazines on Saturday, and wiping and spraying the mud off on Sunday, the Wheelgunners simply fed their BRT's fresh, clean, moonclips on every stage. Much less labor and effort to keep the gun clean, right.... :P

My compliments to Dave and Jeff, fellow wheelgunners for their RO'ing efforts. I just wish that they could have convinced certain other RO's that they didn't need to say my name quite so often while scoring my targets (as in "Alpha-MIKE!!!")

My sincere thanks and compliments to everyone involved in putting on a fine match, IMHO. Diana & I had a very good time shooting...note that I do not say anything about HITTING the targets, as I don't want to leave any false impressions about my marksmanship (or lack of...)

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Good to see you again Airedale (got to meet a puppy too). Hope the next time will be soon.

Dave had the real scoop here. I thinke we all know he always tells the truth.... What a sucker I was. Pre-hydrating made a lot of sense at the time. Sam acts all innocent but he and is buddy Rodney pulled out a bottle of Crown Royal after Carmoney was out of beer and the next thing I know I'm throwing up in my room with all my equipment all over the floor and I'm not sure but my ass :o was a little sore?????????

Sam and Mike are BBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddd!!!!

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Good to see you again Airedale (got to meet a puppy too).  Hope the next time will be soon.

Dave had the real scoop here. I thinke we all know he always tells the truth.... What a sucker I was. Pre-hydrating made a lot of sense at the time.  Sam acts all innocent but he and is buddy Rodney pulled out a bottle of Crown Royal after Carmoney was out of beer and the next thing I know I'm throwing up in my room with all my equipment all over the floor and I'm not sure but my ass  :o  was a little sore?????????

Sam and Mike are BBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddd!!!!

Who's BBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddd?

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No comments from the GLOCK Portion of the Peanut gallery?????

And don't hide over there on the Left coast either........We know you are over there, and admit it.......You agree Carmoney is the Master Planner of this scheme.

All I did was invite them over after they went to eat and BS a little, Cliff was the one with the HOPS, and FNG Made him sit right there until he was out of Brew, Keeping poor ole HOPALONG and RODNEY awake.....Knowing we need our beauty sleep!!!!!! :huh:


And for the record, I had nothing to do with the posterier region of YMW.(IT was all FNG!!!!!! I'm tellin ya.....)

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Dave had the real scoop here. I thinke we all know he always tells the truth.... What a sucker I was. Pre-hydrating made a lot of sense at the time.  Sam acts all innocent but he and is buddy Rodney pulled out a bottle of Crown Royal after Carmoney was out of beer and the next thing I know I'm throwing up in my room with all my equipment all over the floor and I'm not sure but my ass  :o  was a little sore?????????

Sam and Mike are BBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddd!!!!

Time for a few corrections. Nearly all of the beer we consumed that evening came from Cliff's 12-pack of Coors Light (Cliff's favorite brand) in Cliff's cooler which Cliff had purchased earlier, all by himself, at Wal-Mart. (Dave, I'm sure they checked his ID first.) Several of us of legal consumption age helped Cliff consume that beer, including me (I drank several) and some dude none of us even knew who showed up in the doorway looking thirsty.

Now, the Cliff Walsh I know would be only mildly fortified by the amount of Coors Light that was left out of that 12-pack after he passed it around to the others. No, it was not the beer.

The truth of the matter is we have no idea what was in that bottle that Sam and Rodney pulled out from underneath the pillow. Yes, it could have been Crown Royal, like it said on the label, but how do we know it wasn't something that came straight out of Uncle Jesse's still just down in the holler behind the Keen place? Later I realized that Rodney had been brushing the bore of his gun with some sort of fluid that looked remarkably similar to whatever was in that bottle.

As to the other painful symptom Cliff might have experienced (apparently, his post-traumatic syndrome is not allowing the pre-vomiting memories to fully surface), I will leave it up to the good judgment and common sense of the group to decide what likely happened to him. (Although, Dave, it sure sounds as though you can no longer accurately call him the "young and innocent Master Walsh," it appears he's now just "young Master Walsh" from this point forward...)

We've all seen "Deliverance."

Of the two suspects mentioned above, is it more likely that Cliff fell victim to an upstanding and clean-living family man from the cornfields of Iowa, who typically takes his 12-year-old son to matches with him, when the kid's not at a Boy Scout camporee---or was Cliff violated by a strange bald cretinous hilljack who slinks forth from a place called Rammer, Tennessee??

I suspect even the stats crew at Area 5 could do the math on that one. And folks, that's saying something.

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Rammer, TN !!!

Deliverance !!!

You guys are not right, not right at all.....


I just wish Carmoney would have been watching me the whole match! I won a freaking stage with him watching. I might have to pay him to stand behind me at all matches....oh, wait a minute - considering the last few postings that might not be a good idea either until we clear up a few things. :huh:

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I like to think it was Carmoney....I just bet he would show a lot more gentleness than a moonshine soaked bunch of barefoot hilljacks

Remember what he does for a living. He's a professional, you won't feel the burning till much later...

From the Humor Forum:

A man walks into a bar. He sees a good looking, smartly dressed woman

perched on a bar stool. He walks up behind her and says: "Hi there good looking,

how's it going?"

She turns around, faces him, looks him straight in the eye and says:

"Listen, I'll screw anybody, anytime, anywhere, your place, my place, it doesn't matter. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college. I just flat out love it."

He says: "No kidding? I'm a lawyer too! What firm are you with?"

Edited by R112mercer
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And ya'll belive anything FNG Says!!!!!!

He's the one who FORCED YMW to stay in the room and drink all the "HOPS" and Keep poor "ole" Hopalong up until the new day came around......Knowing how much I need my Beauty sleep.

Besides, as Rob puts it.......Look at what he doe's for a living......Professional on the word play game!!!!!!! ;)

I hope poor Young Carmoney has enough of his mother to live through the traumatic years to come :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Still haven't heard from the Glop guy.......you know that feller over on the left coast that used to shoot wheelguns. :wacko::wacko::wacko:


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Well after getting my Arse thouroughly kicked at Nationals by said YMW and FNG, and now a new dose of Arse kicking from said Turkeys and a few others.....(11others at A-5)

HILLJACK from Tennessee is going back onto the porch.(where I can get my beauty sleep) ;)

HillJack Hop

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