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gen 4 vs gen 5 recoil


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is it just me, or does the gen5 shot softer and flatter than the gen4? 


i borrowed a buddies 19x for a few days as i am considering picking one up.  it seems to me that the 19x shoots flatter and softer than my gen4 19 and 17.  the first few shots were, "what the...".  im not 100% sure though, as i have dawson fiber optic sights for the front and plain black rear on the gen4 19 and 17 so it's easier to track than the stupid giant 3 dot night sights on the 19x.  i tried some drills on the timer but came up with inconclusive results.  maybe it seems like the gen4s jump more because i can see the front sight move around with the fiber optic glowing vs the dull color of the 19x sights.


has anyone else noticed this or is just me?

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To me:  They are the same.


What I noticed; the increased grip size of the 19x makes it preferable/more controllable shooting vs the standard 19 (gen 4, no experience w/gen 5).

The shorter/lighter slide of the 19 makes it cycle quicker (perceived as softer to you maybe?) than a 17. The shorter sight radius makes it easy to track as well.

Add the two together and you have a winning combination for a battle ready side arm.


Overall, I like the 19x a lot, shoots great. 19's shoot flat in general, and add the increased surface area of the grip and I can definitely see where "softer and flatter" could be perceived.


Edit: the only real way to tell would be to have a gen 4 19 and gen 5 19 side by side w/same ammo/recoil spring/etc. 19x to 17 or 19 to 19x aren't really comparable to the margin you are describing, as much as they might seem like it.

Edited by dkamps
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to me, both of my gen4 19 and 17 feel the same when i shoot them.  i do like the 19 sight radius better then the 17 though.


maybe i'll go to one of the indoor rental ranges and see if they have a gen5 19 and 17.

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In theory the Gen 5 17 could feel softer than a Gen4 17 because they moved the barrel lug which gave the recoil spring more room to absorb the recoil. Not by much, maybe 1/8in. 


The 19's remained the same. 

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direct comparison with a friend (my 17gen4 and his 17gen5):

mine with est. 21k rounds on the RSA is definitely a little bit more jumpy than his brandnew gen5.

after replacing my RSA with a new one it is slightly better, but still beaten by the gen5.

we both felt the same way for each gun.

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