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Bought a Used Dillon 650 setup for 9mm, need tips on converting to .40 S&W

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I already have the conversion kit and Dillion Dies except for Lee FCD, Powder check system, and help on the powder drop setup. I need tips on setting up the dies and everything else especially on how much bell to put on the case, also I will be loading 180 gr. Blue Bullets .40 S&W.  I have been loading mainly rifle on a single stage press so I'm a noob when it comes to progressive presses. Any help if you have good video links that might be helpful comment those also. Thanks in advance!

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1 minute ago, DB_Cooper said:

Mine didn't come with a primer tube filler, suggestions?


I've had good luck with the Frankford Arsenal Vibra Prime (after a few modifications).  I can load 1K primers into tubes in 11ish minutes.

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When you bell the case, you want just enough for the bullet to rest on the case without falling off.  When you crimp, just enough to remove the bell.  If you pull the head, you shouldn't see a ring around the bullet.  if you do, you have too much crimp.

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blue bullets are powder coated right?


You want more than a bell.  You need a case expander.


Lyman M die is really what you want so you dont shave all the powder coating off the bullets.


Ive never loaded powder coated pistol bullets, but I have loaded a TON for 300blk and you have to use the Lyman M expander before loading.

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You want the minimal amount of bell possible. Start with no powder on the funnel, run a used case through the primer and powder/bell station. Keep adjusting the powder station until you can see a hint of bell. If you can spot the bell from 3’ away it is far too much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, bigeric said:

Are you interested in parting with the 9mm stuff?

If he was this is not the place to buy, sell, or otherwise engage in commerce, we have the classifieds for that.

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