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Wheelgunners Credo

Patrick Sweeney

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I'm a glutton for punishment and ridicule as I'm shooting a 3-gun match this weekend He-Man/Heavy Metal style at a local MN  club that may or may not recognize the He-Man division.  If they do.  Fine.  If not.  Fine.  I will be shooting my .308 M1A Scout rifle with iron sights, my 12 guage 870 pump, and my 625 WHEELGUN to fullfill the .45 pistol requirements.

Slight thread drift-


You mean something like this . I'm shooting this high tech gear Saturday at the Owensboro 3 gun. M1A Bush, 12 ga. Win.model 12 (mfr. 1924), and my 625




Let's see if we can't drift this thread a little more for a second.

Where did you get the stock for the Bush rifle? Looks good. I've thought about getting a camo stock of some type for my Scout rifle.


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I'm an IPSC wheelgunner.


Please send some T-Shirts to good old europe....I know a lot of wheelgunners to buy one!! Is it allowed, to post this credo in a german forum? We have here still a lot of non-revo´s (outsiders.... ;) ) always looking pitiful at us wheelgunners before :D a match....



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That's a USGI fiberglass stock for an M14. It's about $17 from Numrich. The buttpad and screw add another $15 or so and the cool vented handguard add ~$20.

The Monte Carlo look is provided by Bondo and shaped/sanded to fit.

The paint is from WalMart. It's Krylon camo paint. The main coat is the tan color and I simply oversprayed the brown and OD.

I like it and with the relatively cheap parts cost, you can have several stocks in various paint schemes.

As I recall, Numrich website is www.e-gunparts.com


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I have a vision.  25 revolver shooters at the Nationals next year..........arriving together.........in a short bus...........driven by Bubber!!!

If Bubbers driving count me in. :D

8shooter likes it kaws I drive on the same side of the road as he does, the left side, :o unless I take my half out of the middle like underlug does. B)

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I have a vision.  25 revolver shooters at the Nationals next year..........arriving together.........in a short bus...........driven by Bubber!!!

If Bubbers driving count me in. :D

8shooter likes it kaws I drive on the same side of the road as he does, the left side, :o unless I take my half out of the middle like underlug does. B)

Hey Bubber,

I'l go as long as I get a rubber chicken. ;)

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Fellow Round Gun Shooters,

Take this from someone who has been all over the USA with Bubber, you do NOT want HIM driving the short bus! He runs off the road while sleeping, he ALMOST runs out of gas, because he is too lazy to stop and it takes him an hour and a half to go 60 miles, on an Interstate with a speed limit of 75mph!

Now, if you want him as the cruise director that would be another story! With all his redneck jokes, I believe he lived them all, he will keep you in stitches the whole trip! :)

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I'm an IPSC wheelgunner.
Pat - Any chance you could delete the "IPSC" from this? That would make it more inclusive for us IDPA BRT operators. ;)
I shot my last 3 gun with a Garand, a side by side 12 gauge, and my 625. Your rig looks a little too high tech for me. 
And here I was all ready to get an 03A3 from DCM...now I'm back to the Garand/03A3 debate!
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If we decide to put it ont he back of a shirt, I'd like to tighten it up a bit and make it a little punchier. I'll do a "Wheelgunners Credo 2.0" and release it.

And I thought of "Hi, my name is....I'm an IPSC...." but people who say things like that are trying to quit. We aren't.

My .02... Pat's original text would look good on a plaque on a game room wall. But it's way too wordy for a shirt. Trim it to maybe three or four "pithy" comments and it'll do the job.

Maybe something like:

I'm a wheelgunner.

My revolver is reliabile, efficient, and accurate.

Reloading is something I do while running between target arrays,

so don't force me to do it just standing around.

I don't need favors, just freestyle stages.

Stan Penkala


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If we decide to put it ont he back of a shirt, I'd like to tighten it up a bit and make it a little punchier. I'll do a "Wheelgunners Credo 2.0" and release it.

And I thought of "Hi, my name is....I'm an IPSC...." but people who say things like that are trying to quit. We aren't.

My .02... Pat's original text would look good on a plaque on a game room wall. But it's way too wordy for a shirt. Trim it to maybe three or four "pithy" comments and it'll do the job.

Maybe something like:

I'm a wheelgunner.

My revolver is reliabile, efficient, and accurate.

Reloading is something I do while running between target arrays,

so don't force me to do it just standing around.

I don't need favors, just freestyle stages.

Stan Penkala


I'm a wheelgunner, nuf said!

Something like that? ;)

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I'm an IPSC wheelgunner.

I'm not shooting a revolver because I'm looking for sympathy, or because I'm too poor or too cheap to afford an Open gun. I shoot a revolver because I like it.

Don't do me any special favors. You don't have to "dumb down" a stage to make it revolver neutral. I can deal with what you've got. Just don't set up your stages so I'm forced into standing reload after standing reload. Make it freestyle and I'll figure it out.

I can count to six, and I can divide a stage total by six. I know what I'm doing, so don't apologize for making the "swinger too fast" or the "drop-turner too far." I shoot like everyone else; I line the sights up and press the trigger.

Yes, I do a lot of reloading. Everyone did in the old days, before hi-cap magazines became a modern measure of manliness. Some will be messy, most will be smooth, and occasionally there will be a fanstastic one in the mix. Watch, and you might learn something.

Don't treat me like I rode the short bus to the range. I came out to have fun, shoot against other wheelgunners, and see what we can do. If you aren't careful, we'll beat some of you, too.

I'm an IPSC wheelgunner. If you pick on us too much, we'll start comparing your scores to Jerry, and you may not like how that turns out.

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  • 5 months later...

I shoot a wheel gun. When the buzzer sounds, the timeless WarGodWithin arises, the one who lives within all men but few ever dare to unshackle, and I release thunder from my hand. Beyond the ancient ocean, I was out on the battle field unleashing hell on my enemies. Today I only wreak havoc on cardboard and steel targets. Then and now I live in freedom. Like my battle ax, my simple iron-sighted piece of steel never malfunctions. Sometimes I can count till six, sometimes I can't. It makes no difference. If this were a real gunfight, I wouldn't need more than six bullets. If I was so outnumbered that I did, I still couldn‘t be stopped. Even if I died, my gun in my hand, my spirit lives!

That was my wheel gunner’s credo. The following is my warrior’s credo:

I am a warrior. To be a warrior is an ancient and noble calling. It goes beyond duty, affiliation, gun choice, politics, right or wrong, meaning or no meaning. I am a warrior first and foremost for my own reasons and not for anybody else's cause. I might have to follow orders but nobody can force my spirit to surrender. I seek freedom from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shackles. My path is kindness. Should conflict with others arise, I will resort to force only after I have truly attempted to find a peaceful solution. And only if human life is endangered. Should the use of force become thus necessary, I will put my soul into the hands of spirit (God) and pray for both myself and my foe: "Please God, have the person(s) whose life serves the highest good of all, live. Should anybody die, please bless their souls. Should I die I hereby release all claims against the other person(s)." If there isn't time for prayer, this prayer here will stand as my prayer. In the engagement, I will do everything in my considerable power to live. Should I have a gun or other weapon on me I will make use of it only as a last resort to stop the other person(s). Should I live I will thank God for my life, for it is not my own power but God's will that had me live. Should I die I will die knowing it was God's will.

P.S. And for all of you fighting in Iraq, I am with you. To me you are all warriors. Much respect. Know that there are a lot of us back here in the States and around the world who care about you, even if we might disagree with the politicians on sending you there.

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“Hi, everybody!”

I enjoy reading the threads in this forum and I’m learning much. Thank you for sharing what you‘ve learned so newcomers can benefit from your experience. Thank you to those asking the questions as they represent questions many of us beginners may have. I also much enjoyed reading Brian Enos’ book for both its practical information and its link to various Zen texts. While I’m not a Zen practitioner, I value their tenet of simply paying attention. As to my revolver shooting experience, I’ve owned a 686 for roughly three and a half months and I’m practicing a lot.

Dan (D.Carden), I still have your speed loaders and your holster, but my phone broke and I lost all the phone numbers stored on it. In any case, thank you very much for all the advice when I first came out to Richmond in late October. I felt very welcomed and was touched by your graciousness and generosity (he gave me over three hundred dollars worth of equipment knowing me for little over a half hour. A couple weeks later he spent an hour on the phone with me answering questions about revolver shooting). I’ve participated in a lot of different sports, but I’ve never encountered that kind of generosity both materially and in spirit, especially toward a newbie. From what I read on this site, it seems Dan represents the spirit of this community and I feel honored to be a member even if only in the most humble of ways. On the other hand, I feel very tempted to join the chorus and tease Dan a bit, but it feels inappropriate until after I beat him shooting, which may take a little while (Go, Walter Mitty go! Not the forum member, the dreamer. But if the forum member has similar aspirations I‘ll root for him, tooJ).

For now my “looking for range” status is rather appropriate not only as far as skill level is concerned, but also because I did get lost trying to find the Richmond range the other day and the San Leandro Range just last night. I’m working hard to improve both my shooting and my sense of direction. On second thought, it appears to me that it is not so much about skill level here as it is about a certain spirit that seems to go along with revolver shooting and sharing what you’ve learned. So here’s what I‘ve learned: Mapquest is your friend!

I’d also like to say I very much liked the idea of a t-shirt that was mentioned earlier in this thread. My idea would be to have two credos on each shirt. One general one and one individual one, like team players have their team’s name and their own name on their jerseys. It’ll cost a bit more, but in my view to have spirit captured in the form of words is priceless. Except those kinds of credos can get a bit lengthy for a t-shirt. So maybe have one set of credos for the wall, drawer or heart, and a short and spirited set for the t-shirt. For example, have “The Few, The Proud … The Wheel Gunners”, as mentioned earlier (or whatever we decide on), along with maybe some kind of logo on the front of each t-shirt, and each person’s credo or handle name or a combination thereof on the back.



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How 'bout something like this:

I'm a wheelgunner and I'm okay

I run all night and reload all day

(He shoots a round gun and he's okay

He does it for the fun 'cause he likes it that way)

I don't wear women's clothing cause it slows me down

You just can't run with high heels and a gown.

I'm a wheelgunner and I'm okay

If you don't watch out I may beat you today.

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