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Uspsa Revolver Nationals


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Well they are over, "Whew" !!!!

First of all I want to congratulate each and every one of the revolver shooters for attending what is the largest number of revo shooters in a USPSA Nationals yet!!! :D

USPSA considers revolvers a thorn in their side obviously, since at the awards cerimoney the top 3 did not even get thier names and plaques announced and handed out. :angry::angry:

Congrats go to Jerry for the National title again, Cliff for his strong second(he truly deserves the M card as he has now shot 85% of Jerry at a major match way to go cliff) Dan Carden has stepped up and delivered a fine performance coming from the part of the world where ICORE rules the roost. ;)

I called Dan a few times in the last two or three weeks and what was he doing?

That thing that starts with a P and it was not Physical Training !!!!! <_<

Now to my buddy Carmoney, Good Job !!!! In the predictions thread I had you making the top 4 thanks for not making a liar our of me !!!!! keep up the good work, you have transitioned well into this USPSA game.

I will keep it short so everyone doesn't get bored.

I did not get to shoot with all the guys and still don't regret it as I had a great time on squad 5 (GREAT SQUAD BY THE WAY) I usually hit the stages before the "Revolver" squad did but late in the match when I got to the ones they had shot I kept hearing from the RO's "The rest of the revolver shooters did not do it that way" so I kind of would have liked to seen how ya'll did them. :(

Sam Carmoney shot 50% of Jerry !!!!!!! Way to go Sam, you never fail to impress me !!!! :rolleyes:

Mark W. (not trying the spelling) D.Q.d by breaking the 180 getting his gun out of the briefcase so he unfortunately got sent to the showers early, Sorry Mark, keep your head up !!!!! ;)

I did get to B.S. with the Revos before and after the match and a little during, I had a good time, got to see some of you I had not seen in a while and hope it won't be so long before we meet again.

Congrats to all, good seeing you again, hope to see you on a range somewhere, sometime. :)

Sam "Also ran" Keen

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Without a doubt this experience stands as the high point in my shooting career. I've shot area matches and a few big sectionals, but this was my first trip to Nationals.

Sam, I won't dispute that Squad 5 was a great squad, but I have never been squadded with a finer group of individuals. I have seen a lot of squads and shooters both shooting and RO'ing at matches. I even RO'd Jerry M. two years in a row at Area 4, but it ain't the same as spending the better part of three days with such a fine group of talented revolver shooters.

Congratulations to all for a historic match. I only hope I am again so fortunate to be squadded with you all again.

My only sour note was the recognition area. The top three Revolver shooters should have been recognized at minimum. Ditto for the junior shooters. They were certainly able to recognize several of the ladies. Were there really that many more women at the match to explain the disparity?

Thanks again to everyone, particularly to Mom for keeping us all running smoothly. :lol:

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Let me add just a little bit....

Dan Carden and Mike Carmoney have come from literally out of no where and have made a LARGE impact on the Revolver Division, Congrats again and keep up the good work.

With the impact you two have had, Cliff cutting the distance between Jerry and the rest of the pack, revolver will become quite interesting in the next few years.

On that note there were some very good revolver shooters from last year that were not at the Nationals this year, Maybe next year we can get them to come back and really make things more interesting.

I know as well as every one else Revolver Division will always be the least popular of the 5 USPSA divisions but there is no reason it can't be one of the most competitive.

Just an observation from an "Also Ran" ;)


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I'm not to sure about that "also ran" stuff! You "almost ran" your way into 6th place at the Nationals! Nice shooting! I'd really like to see how you ran stage 14, the taxi stage, to be able to beat Jerry. Jerry looked real good on that one, you must have channelled the Flash or something! Ken, I'll Range Mommy for you or anyone else from our crew any day, just remember to eat all your veggies when you're at the Elkton or Mom will be mad at you!

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Funny, "President" sounds an awful lot like an elected position.... <_<

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You must have a rough bunch of wheelgunners to require a discipline chairman :D


I shot w/Fomeister this weekend. The guys were all happy to squad with you at the Nationals. I reminded him that revo guys were nice.


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I do think it was an honest mistake on Mike Voigt's part that only Jerry's trophy got awarded in front of the group. The other plaques (2nd through 4th) were laying right there on the table, and when I asked about them, both Mike V. and the lady helping him expressed their apologies and asked me to pass them on to the others they had overlooked. I accepted.

I don't have a problem with them only recognizing the top 4 (if they had remembered to do so, of course), since there were only 20 participants. I think they also should have given plaques out to the class winners, regardless of how many entrees appeared in a class. (At the 2005 Area 3 in Kansas City, if there were three entries in a class, the winner got a plaque, a medal, and a gun!) And I don't think it would have killed them to recognize our junior shooter. Sam was last in line to the prize table, and that was it (he likes the stuff he picked up, though, so what the hell).

My suggestion is that we keep things positive, and focus on campaigning our section coordinators and area directors for increased revolver recognition locally (Emanuel Bragg is our Area 3 Director, and I know he shot a wheelgun at a section match last year, and he made a point of writing up that nice article about Sam in the junior column of Front Sight awhile back). If we work hard to keep on recruiting more wheelgunners to our ranks by showing them how much fun we're having at this, the division will continue to grow and receive more of the recognition it deserves.

Or so it seems to me.


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Welcome Wheelgunnin, to the forum. You might want to unlock you CAPS. It is like shouting. I am not offended by what Mike Voight might of commented about revovlers being the silly thing with a round thing in the middle. Afterall we call his stuff a bottomfeeders. ;) I also hope to make it to the Nationals next year with a wheelgun. Good luck on the ICORE Club in Ohio, glad it is growing. Well I'll hush for now, later rdd

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Now we're talkin !!!!!!!!

Bubber, you can up in a conversation at our table at the awards cerimony as a possible resource for Revos in your area to get involved in IPSC revos.

How about it !!!!

Mike, i agree, keep it positive !!! Thats the only way it can work.

John R.

How about your end??

Can you get some of the ICORE AZ crew to go IPSC this coming year???


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One more thought....let's get a good PR program going here! I know that Bill Nesbitt was planning to write an article about the Ohio Sectional (and its 20 wheelgunners) for Front Sight. Certainly as a bona fide member of both the national and international revo super squads, gunwriter Patrick Sweeney is uniquely qualified to report on the subject!

I'm doing my part by posting all the photos to whet everyone's appetite for next year. Sam's in the process of organizing a major revolver-only match for 2006. I'm sure many others are making similar effort, let's make sure we're being seen.

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Dan C

I'm in the process of trying to win the Area 2, so I can get my ticket to next years Nationals, other than that, i'll have to get on the waiting list (Cliff W knows me and he'll tell you I'm the only idiot out there that will switch out triggers from one gun to another for no good reason other than to ammuse the other revo shooters). As for the other Az guys, I working on Pickett (calling him yeller, and other stuff), right now he's working on the steel challenge, but that won't stop me from hounding him.

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I'm with Mike on this. We have to stay positive and keep slogging away on all levels of competition. I would be kind of hard for anyone to ignore us if 50 guys showed up at an Area Match or the Nationals. I know 50 sounds like a big number, but anyone who's been to an ICORE match knows they're out there, it's just a matter of convincing those guys to come play our game with a wheelgun. My take on it is that there are two kinds of non-IPSC wheelgunners: The guys who don't know what IPSC is all about ("It's craziness, guys running around shooting all over the place!" or "IPSC is all about speed, there's no accuracy, if you can miss everything faster than everybody else you win" or "Revolvers aren't competitive in IPSC, an Open gun will beat you because he has 30 rounds in his mag") and the guys who own revolvers, shoot revolvers, but shoot other divisions in IPSC (anybody at the Nationals come to mind?).

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John, good luck at Area 2, but be warned it's not going to be easy if Dan and Keith are entered! :)

I'm not sure there is any reliable way to get slots for next year's nationals in our division. An Area win is supposed to do the trick, but will they deem it "valid" if no grandmaster (OK, that means Jerry) is shooting at the match? It sure looks to me that they have treated the area results differently in terms of classification depending on whether Jerry's there, not sure what effect that would have on slots.

Pat, Sam K., and I are hoping to pick up slots for our performance at the OH Sectional (of course, Sam might already have one from Area 4) since there were the requisite 20 shooters in the division, but who knows what they will do.

We better all just be ready to jump on the waiting list at the stroke of midnight on the day they open it up next year, to ensure that all the wheelgunners who want to shoot the match have the opportunity. 50 participants is not unreasonable if we put half an effort into this.

In the meantime, I'm curious--who received a slot for the 2005 Nationals for shooting Revolver, and what did you have to do to get it??


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I won the Area 7 match in 2004 (14 revolver shooters total, no Jerry obviously, I won) and I asked the Area 7 Director to put me in for an advance slot, which I received (I'm actually an Area 7 member, not Area 8). I don't know if that slot was for the Area win, or just a favor from the AD. This year I won the Area 8 match, so I'll find out next year. You can also recieve a slot based on attendance/performance at the previous year's Nationals (hell, you were there last year, it's a good bet you'll make the next one). In 2003 I was on the wait list and recieved a slot without any Area or Section win. I had to turn the slot down due to a change in jobs. I think it's a good bet that those of us that were there can get a return slot next year, the other guys should start on their AD's once the dates are announced (but before the random slots, AD's can award slots for club participation as well as put you on the advance list).

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I received my nationals slot from winning overall revolver division at the MN section last year. I believe there was 7 wheelgunners. 2 of them were not from MN, so they were not elligable for a nationals slot according to our bylaws even though Skip was nipping at my heels.

And, I haven't made up my mind to shoot Area 2, yet, but, I have decided to shoot the Florida open next year with a wheelgun. It'll be nice to get out of the MN winter for some Florida shooting in February.

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Thanks for the info guys.

Keith, you'll love the Florida Open. It's a little expensive, but the stages are great and it's a very well-run match. Just remember, you're on El Conquistador's home turf down there....

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I don't think Cliff has much to worry about from me. Especially since I will be coming out of the deep freeze with very little trigger time after November to speak of. I do, however, foresee lot's of dry firing and reload practice to occupy myself when it is -0. We shoot a little during the winter, but not much. SCAPSA, my home club, was written up in Front Site by our then Area director for hosting the worst match he ever attended. Only because when the match started it was, I believe, -24 below zero. And we still had 20 + shooters. :wacko: February in Minnesota.

I think the price will be a deciding factor on area 2. Between Florida, '06 nationals (hopefully) and Area 3, it's adding up in a hurry. Area 2 may get put on the side burner. But, we shall see.

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Dan, I will be proud to do what I can to promote Revo shooting. I think Walter Mitty does a fine job in our area so I'll hook up with him for some ideas. Mike Luttrell in Arkansas is planning on an Big ICORE match some time in the near future. I will let all you know the details when he gets them ironed out. Later rdd

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I got my slot from participation in the section, (my clubs section) as I did the 2003 Nationals.

The 2004 Nationals I got a slot for winning C-class Limited at Area 3.

This coming year I am expecting a slot for the A-4 win or the Ohio section either way I hope to not have to go to the waiting list (don't expect that as I think I'll get another slot from the Section)

If you ask me the top 4 at Nats should be automatic for the next year no matter what division, Kind of a "prize" as should all Junior winners no matter what division and if they had other juniors shooting or not.

But my opinion means squat any way.

Maybe next year we can get a few more.......


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One more thought....let's get a good PR program going here! I know that Bill Nesbitt was planning to write an article about the Ohio Sectional (and its 20 wheelgunners) for Front Sight.

I have the article about 3/4 done. It is going to lean heavily toward promoting revolvers in USPSA. ;) I will be sending it to HQ in a few days. Just waiting on a couple of return e-mails with answers to questions.

I think it is an exciting time to be shooting revolver in USPSA. I look for participation to continue to increase. I remember when there was only one division. We have come a long way. B)

Bill Nesbitt

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I shot w/Fomeister this weekend. The guys were all happy to squad with you at the Nationals. I reminded him that revo guys were nice.


I hope the revolver super squad will forgive me for jumping over to Squad 20 but I just had too much fun with the Kentucky Super Squad (or portions of it) at the KY match to pass up a second opportunity. Those guys made the Nats even more enjoyable.

Hope to see some of you at Area 5...I'm shooting all day Saturday. Good luck!

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