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The March Of The Penguins


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It was one of the most beautiful, moving movies I've ever seen. I saw it at our local "artsy" theater... I overheard the manager saying that, on opening night, in 65 theaters, it outsold War of the Worlds in 300 theaters. Now that does sound a tad hard to believe, but it was certainly a unique movie adventure.

After the introductory scene shots, it opens with the penguins jumping out of the water and onto the ice, assembling to begin "the march." Penguins are just so damn cute, but at that point I remember thinking - what are they going to do with them for an hour and a half, anyway? Without going into any more details... it was just so real - check it out if you can.


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Does this have anything to do with Linux?

I hear that Linus Torvalds makes a cameo appearance, and at the end the penguins kill Bill Gates :unsure:

Seriously it looks like a movie about penguins in the wild, is that true be?

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It was one of the most beautiful, moving movies I've ever seen. I saw it at our local "artsy" theater... I overheard the manager saying that, on opening night, in 65 theaters, it outsold War of the Worlds in 300 theaters. Now that does sound a tad hard to believe, but it was certainly a unique movie adventure.

I heard it took in more $$$ per-screen than War of the Worlds. Nothing to sneeze at there, but WOTW had a lot more screens to hide the difference.

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Well, I took my wife and 3 year old daughter to see it this morning. They both thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was a very good movie (documentary) and quite amazing scenery. Some of the close up shots were absolutely amazing and certainly some of the best I have ever seen.

Funny thing that I was thinking while watching this was ok so the penguins can endure some of the worst weather imaginable, how about the poor camera men!!!!!

BTW, if you see it, make sure that you don't leave before the credits are over, they show some behind the scenes footage.


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Glad you all liked it.

BTW, if you see it, make sure that you don't leave before the credits are over, they show some behind the scenes footage.

Yea, how they filmed the overhead shots was cool.


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I'm still waiting on our one and only megaplex to bring the movie to town. :(

It probably won't happen, they're too busy putting everything else in two theaters to show something educational.

Maybe we can find it in San Antonio this weekend.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The movie finally made it to my small town and I'm just getting home from seeing it. Great movie - it was almost a comedy at times and quite sad at others. Thanks for the recommendation (my wife thanks you too).

I also was thinking of the poor cameramen during the storms. Brrrr!!!!

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If you value his opinion. Do you want to see every movie end up like Pearl Harbor did?

Michael Bay is probably in the Top Ten All Time Hollywood Jackasses Club. And that's not easy to do.

I found his satirical review pretty darn funny! This is The Onion we're talking about here. I laughed out loud at the last sentence in his review:

"But if you are in the San Diego area, do me this favor: Go to Sea World, walk into the emperor-penguin exhibit, and punch one those f*#kers right in the face."


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Okay, okay, okay!

I saw his name on that article, then just scanned every third or fourth word. Guy makes Martha Stewart look like Mother Theresa so I didn't see the humor.

As long as he realizes that fat swimming birds have a better story to tell than anything he comes up with, I'm fine with that.

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I took two of my daughters (12 and 24) this week and this didn't do anything for us.

In fact I fell asleep.

I did learn a few things about penguins, but then again I didn't really care to know these things.

I think if this movie had "smell-o vision" or some olfactory component those penguin rookeries would be much less appealing.

My 12 year old told me while I was asleep the juvenile penguins started cussin's and smokin'. She might be messing with me.


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As long as he realizes that fat swimming birds have a better story to tell than anything he comes up with, I'm fine with that.

I think that's what he's realized.


We can send a man to the moon but we can't make a blade of grass.

I took two of my daughters (12 and 24) this week and this didn't do anything for us.

In fact I fell asleep.

I did learn a few things about penguins, but then again I didn't really care to know these things.

I think if this movie had "smell-o vision" or some olfactory component those penguin rookeries would be much less appealing.

My 12 year old told me while I was asleep the juvenile penguins started cussin's and smokin'. She might be messing with me.

Sorry Al... you know how it is when you enjoy something so much that you can't imagine everyone won't like it, at least a little bit. ;)

As a child, when I asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was a Herpetologist... then after a couple years my answer changed to an Ornithologist. Then later I decided that I love animals/nature so much that I don't want to ruin it by studying it, scientifically.


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  • 4 weeks later...

A really good movie- I was glad afterwards that my wife dragged me along to see it. Incredible cinemetography, and a remarkable, beautiful story; I couldn't imagine how they could make a whole movie out of it before I saw it, but they really did, and it didn't drag. A good show for people of all ages.

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