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Nationals Squadding


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Can you let us know if or when the squadding letter went or will go out? I have not seen it here yet in NJ. Maybe a post to the website, or on the Enos Forum?


The squadding PINS and letters have not yet gone out. I apologize for the delay. There's a problem synchronizing the DB I use to keep track of entries and the online squadding system. However, it's only minor and scheduled for repair on Monday the 6th. I hope to get the letters out late next week.

As soon as the letters have been mailed, we will activate the online squadding system and allow you to begin squadding to your heart's content.

Thanks for your patience!


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Actually, the sequence will be :

1. USPSA generated the competitor database

2. USPSA or Boudrie uploads this to the squadding system, squadding reamains locked.

3. USPSA HQ assigns super squads, places GM's in initial squads with other GM's (a consolation to those GM's not in the super squads), and unlocks the squadding system and sends out pins via postal mail.

4. Squadding will close a number of days before the match (Kim will figure out how many), and HQ will squad any competitors who have not chosen a squad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am helping HQ get the data into the on-line system this year since the software is new, and this is the quickest way to get the system up for our members.

Nationals provided the match database a couple of days ago, and sent me the super squad list last evening. I have entered the super squads into the system, and I expect to turn the system on soon (the system now says staudding starts June 28, but that is a "worst case" timeframe - I hope to have it enabled much sooner than that).

I am expecting follow up from Sedro on a couple of administrative details today. If all goes well, the letters go out in tomorrow's mail.

I will post an update to this forum when the info becomes available. Announcements from HQ will also be available at www.uspsa.org/squadding (select the specific match).


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Members will be able to use the PIN in the letter which is sent or the one from their Front Sight mailing label.

Dave Thomas will be advised when the domestic letters are sent, and will have his staff handle the foreign letters from the Sedro office. The exact opening date is a call which will be made by Dave and Kim.

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The letters with the PINS are being mailed tomorrow, 6/22. Domestic competitors will receive a letter from our mailing service, and foreign competitors will receive a letter directly from USPSA HQ.

Squadding opens tomorrow (Wed) at Midnight. The 9 digit PIN code from your front sight label will also work in addition to the PIN we are mailing you.

Yes, I realize it would have been nice to "pre-announce" this a bit, however, time is of the essence and we simply don't have the time to wait a few days for the letters to arrive, open up squadding, close in on 7/7, and then squad those who have not chosen a squad.

Also, the original plan to pre-squad all "M" class competitors together was not possible due to the amount of time left before the match. The final super-squad list was delivered yesterday, and the on-line system was configured and the mailing provided to our distirbution service within one business day of that time.

My thanks to Kim at USPSA HQ for all of her work on the nationals - waitlist, squadding, complaints and whatever else comes up.

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Squadding opens tomorrow (Wed) at Midnight.  The 9 digit PIN code from your front sight label will also work in addition to the PIN we are mailing you.

I'm looking forward to this online squadding thing. B)

However, I guess I'm a little confused. It's now nine hours past midnight and the squadding seems to be locked:

The match administrator has locked this match. You will not be able to display squadding, or submit squadding requests until the administrator has unlocked this match.

Does the squadding actually open Thursday morning at 00:00:01?


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I ask everyone have some consideration for Kim.

Yes, she does have access to all pins from her office. But, there are 660+ entrants between the two matches, and it's not reasonable to:

(1) Expect Kim to handle phone calls from everyone who does not have Front Sight handy and does not want to wait for the letter.

(2) Expect her to "know who you are." It is not fair to put Kim in the position of having to make the call of "who she knows well enough to give out the info." Good business procedure requires that she treat everyone equally. Yeah, I know everone is "special" and that "everyone knows you", but good process involves treating everyone the same - not running a system where people get treated differently based on "who you know."

If you have a problem with your PIN, you must include the PIN you are attempting to use when corresponding with HQ or myself.

The super squadding was done a bit late this year, and the Nationals staff will learn from the process. When I offered this system to HQ, I did not anticipate that we would have so little time between "data ready" and the matches. As a result, not all steps were done with the exact timing we would have preferred. It would have been nice to announce the "go live" date a few weeks in advance, and send the letters out a full 5 days before turning the system on.

We had the on-line data up within one day of reciept of the final data; used the next day to enable a pre-announcement and review of the Super Squads by the Executive Director; and go live 2 business days after the competitor and supersquad list was delivered.

The timing of the super squad selection used this year would have been perfectly fine in previous years when Kim manually squadded both matches on her living room floor a few days before the match. The "lateness" was partially the result of a failure to communicate the changed timing with all involved parties.

Any comments Kim makes regarding PIN distribution are official policy.

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I appologize if I missed something but what time zone is being refered to for the midnight start? I'm assuming the 7 digit pins are the ones on the May/June Front Sight label after the name? By the way, all you guys do a fantastic job! Thank you all very much.


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I have seven digits after my name, but when I called USPSA (an hour ago) to confirm my PIN they gave me a new seven-digit number...

One day's notice...love it when a plan comes together :ph34r:


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The reason for the different PIN is because the numbers were reset on July 13th. As they are routinely. Your new number will be reflected on the July/August issue of Front Sight which is right now, as I type, being shipped; and to be sure you have not yet received yours.

However, the number from 2 issues back will also work. We will no longer be giving out PINs to members calling in requesting them. I've instructed the USPSA staff to cease immediately. With the sheer numbers in these matches we simply cannot continue. If you've lost or given away your magazine you will simply have to wait for your letter to arrive. I also cannot give you the PIN for your friend who is out of town for the next week or so that you really, really just want to make sure gets squadded with you and your other buddy. I just can't do it, guys.

Thanks for your consideration and cooperation.


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Ok 2 issues back from the July/Aug? Or 2 issues back from the ones we have already received? I'm sorry Kim I know this isn't your fault but the whole system sucks. This should have been put out a couple months ago that if you are going to Nats your pin will be on X issue, save it for the opening date. which will be Y. It would save this cluster&^%$ with letters and databases and the stars in pluto not being in the proper order! My god when did shooting become so damn complicated.... oh yeah when we got computers! Lets just go back to paper next year!

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