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Limited A Class Wyoming Champ!

John Dunn

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Just got through reading the squad list for the upcoming Wyoming State USPSA Championship. Unless things have changed, I am the only competitor in A class, Limited. Unless I DQ, I'm a lock to win the class!

I am hereby declaring victory! :D

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I hate to burst you bubble John, but all you get is bragging rights. You might as well start now. :D Seriously though, we all know John is only interested in winning the entire division regardless of silly classifications. Good luck and see you Sunday.

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I think there is at least one GM and a M or two shooting Limited, so the overall title is HIGHLY doubtful, especially the way I've been shooting lately. I fully anticipate trying like heck to shoot a stage as fast as a GM, with the mikes and no shoots to prove it. Maybe I'll try a little discipline and just shoot the sights......but what fun is that? Matt Burkett always says that good shooting is boring, and I don't shoot matches to be bored! :P

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you are alone outstanding in your field.  :)

I think you mean: "you are alone, out standing in your field." But, then again, aren't we all? But, then again, "no man is an island." But, then again, aren't we all pretty much member islands of archipelagos?

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you are alone outstanding in your field.  :)

I think you mean: "you are alone, out standing in your field." But, then again, aren't we all? But, then again, "no man is an island." But, then again, aren't we all pretty much member islands of archipelagos?

Profundities drip from your lips... :rolleyes::lol::D

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I'll set the pace for Ara, about like a pace car sets the pace at a race. They'll be able to look at my runs and say, "I'm going to do it just like John, but 4 seconds faster, and down about 20 fewer points!"

There is a line from Rounders that basically states that when you are playing poker, and can't pick out the sucker at the table, it's you. I guess I'm the Squad 1 sucker! :D

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shooting One or two stages in a match slightly faster than your comfortable with makes it fun..

just as long as you dont throw in too many of those alpha-mike-noshoots or two deltas..

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Just got home from the match. It was great fun, got to watch some very impressive shooting from Sam, Ara, Brett, Rich. My performance was pretty lackluster, with way to many mikes on wide open hoser targets. Still, it was enough to win my class, so I'm happy! :D

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Ron was operating in massive sleep deprivation mode and had gun trouble (hammer follow) to boot. He kept the match moving along, and pretty much slaved away the entire match. I can't say enough about the great volunteers of USPSA and Ron in particular.

As an aside, Rich Redovian is the hardest working working stage resetter I've ever seen. Forget the GM shooting, that guy is a GM steel setter, taper, etc. Our squad didn't have any slackers, but Redovian is a powerhouse.

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Ron sacrificed the time, mental focus, and energy he could have used to kick our butts and used it instead to insure that the match came off without a hitch. Well it certainly worked!

This was the best run, lowest hassel, match I can recall in along time. Imagine hosting a six stage State Championship on a range with 3 bays and 50 shooters. We tore three stages down after lunch was served and set up three more. Everybody worked, nobody whined. And I saw some of the finest shooting I've witnessed in some time. Bret totally burned down Pudding!

And yep, that drum beatin', battery powered, pink rabbit ain't got half the energy of RR :lol:

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John --- thanks for the kind words! When ya can't shoot worth a hoot ya gotta make up for it someplace! Just happy that someone noticed a poor ol' codger puttin' one foot in front of the other a tad bit faster than a few of the other guys that were bustin' ass on our squad!

Congrats on the big win, you can really let the lead fly with that Brazos' --- we all thought you were shooting an Open gun when you first loosed that opening salvo! :o Rat-a-tat-tat --- awesome!!

See ya in Missoula.

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