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Alternatives to a G34?


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I love everything about my G34 except the grip.

I've been shooting competition with it for right at six months now, coming up on two dozen comps (mix of IDPA and USPSA), and about 3K rounds fired. I'm coming to the unfortunate realization that the grip is just a bit too large for my hand, especially in a match with more than 4 stages. I just can't keep a strong grip going and accuracy starts to really fall off. I'm new enough that I was certain it was just me (never the bow, always the injun goes the saying), but after trying a CZ and a few other pistols with slightly smaller grips I think my hands just aren't big enough for it.

Is it worth it to look at a grip reduction mod, or some other custom work? I'd prefer to stay in Production class for USPSA and SSP for IDPA, but I can be persuaded to move up a class if I don't have to shell out $3K to do it. I'm not particularly competitive yet (C in USPSA, SS in IDPA) but really enjoy shooting club comps here in DFW. I love the trigger safety and simplicity of the Glock, both in operation and cleaning, but I'm becoming more and more certain the grip on the G34 just isn't for me.

If grip issues have caused others to move on from the G34, what did you move to?

Once again, I love the Glock and this is no way a knock against it.. just a sizing issue. I like the fact that even if nothing but race guns show up to a USPSA match I'm guaranteed to not come in last, as a few of them always go down. The Glock NEVER goes down.

Edit: It's a Gen4 G34.

Edited by NervousEnergy
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Something you said in your post jumps out at me. The fact that it becomes an issue when shooting a comp WITH FOUR OR MORE STAGES. At first blush it really sounds to me like it's a strength issue. Or perhaps a drop in mental focus which can happen to any of us. Both of which can be remedied without altering the gun. I'm not trying to be critical. Just my first impression of your post. If you really like everything about the gun except this one issue (which admittedly is a legitimate one) I would be inclined to address those two possible causes first.

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It could be an issue where further hand/finger strengthening would improve the late-game grip issues, but when handling the CZ SP-01 a few weeks ago after 3 stages I was forcefully struck by how much more 'grippable' the gun seemed to me. I just seem to be reaching around the G34 more than anything. Early on this isn't an issue, but even before the match starts it feels like I'm gripping something that's just a bit too big to be comfortable. That didn't really gel for me until I handled the CZ. Even a 2011 felt easier to grip, though it was subtle.

I do want to make sure it's not fatigue or just the 'something new' factor. I'm also not really keen on going away from the super-simple manual of arms the Glock has... dealing with manual safeties / de-cockers will be a pain to get used to. I don't want to feel like I'm fighting my own gun to get a good grip on it, though.

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NE, in reading through your posts above the thing that stands out to me above all else is your reference to shooting a CZ SP-01. I believe what you are looking for is someone to convince you to move forward with getting an SP-01. Understand I do not shoot a Glock - I do however shoot Custom 2011's and a CZ 75 all of which satisfy my shooting ability. If in your mind YOU feel the SP-01 is a better option then move forward with acquiring one. You should not have a problem selling your 34. Best of luck to you

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Former Glock, former CZ, now SIG guy here.

See if you can find someone local with a SIG P320 and see how that shoots for you. They ship with a medium grip but since the entire grip swaps out its small grip is one of the smallest available on any double stack platform. The CZ could also be a good choice as long as you have no issues with trigger reach for the DA. Similar to what has been suggested you might also look at grip strengthening if the issue you are seeing isn't present at the beginning of a match. A steady dry fire routine should help greatly as well.

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I was also wondering if you were shooting a Gen 3 or 4? The 4 is a little smaller than the 3 with no additional back straps installed.

There is also a thread going on currently about grip type lotions or climbers chalk if you get slippery hands as the match progesses.

Good luck.

Edited by Clay1
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I shot a Glock 35 for a short while as my debut into Limited division, but ultimately went with a 2011. It wasn't so much the grip as it was everything else that made me switch. When I shot Production division I started with the Glock 35 shooting minor, then went to a Glock 34, and eventually switched to a CZ. Again, it wasn't the grip, rather it was trigger, weight of the gun, etc. that made me switch.

A few things that helped me when shooting Glocks: stipple them or apply some sort of grip tape. They get slickery which makes them harder to grip hard, especially when shooting SHO or WHO. Adding texture helps. Second, grip it hard with the support/shooting hands. Some people say 60/40 pressure or 70/30... OK, sure. Advice I got from. Stronger class was grip it hard enough that your finger tips turn color under the nails. Do that during dry fire drills, do it during live fire drills, and lastly do it during the match. When you start getting tendinitis in your elbow you're doing it enough...

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