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The Hallowed Hall Of Bonedaddyisms


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Sam, aka Bonedaddy has posted so many profundities here over the years, that they really deserve memorialization.

My fave:

I've been to 3 goat ropings and 2 county fairs and I ain't never had no tool steel hammer break in any way.

There's a lot more pearls out there, so start your search buttons and start quoting.


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"Best of Bonedaddy"... Yep, it's high time. Well, it won't hurt to start with one of the most recent:

"A Warrior Princess does what ever she likes to do, doesn't have to explain why, and then beats the crap out of anybody who teases her about it."
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Without a doubt, the wisest and most profound observation from the bonedaddy is, "...a blizzard is a heck of a bad place to find out too late that your mojo is broke."

Not only is Sam one of the wisest men I know, he has also reached the pinnacle of range officership. I remember when he told me to, "Hop in the box and git yerself ready to grip it and rip it." I looked at him confused and befuddled. He sensed my angst and told me to, "Stoke em up cowboy."

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Here are some from the post-Bonedaddy days--recent Sam-isms:

In independent tests, playing Nugent really loud has been proven to defrost windows an average of 35% faster.

On Mojo:

Hmmm..... thought I was describing gyro-mojonation. Cross-mojonation actually has to do with failing to envoke the appropriate mojo for the task at hand. For example, if one were to wear a monkey's paw around one's neck in an attempt to get your 25 year-old "classic" four-wheel drive pick-up to start in a blizzard. That would be an unfortunate example of "cross-mojonation" Monkey's paw is strong mojo alright, but not for mechanical stuff. That would require "Marvel Mystery Oil", great mojo for old trucks!

A word to the wise: It's also quite easy to confuse "cross-mojonation" with "trans-mogonation", which is actually the transfer of mojo from one area of the country to another. You certatinly don't want to get confused about that. It's probably the single biggest cause of having " lost one's mojo".

On The Brain:

The spirit, soul, heart, whatever we call it, can be rather elusive. Think of a wild creature like a moose or badger. They seek solitude in quiet places. But, they are certainly not timid. The eagle soars high above the world, but not out of fear.

It's just what an eagle is. It's his way. It's what he was created to be.

On Spanking:

Anytime I see some parent administering a well deserved whack on the rear in public I always give 'em a wink and a "thumbs up". Future adults deserve to be taken seriously. Kids should be valued, appreciated, and disciplined, just like adults. Then they don't end up being annoying...... just like some adults.

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Bonedaddy on: July 5, 2001

The Fall Of A Republic

When the thirteen colonies were still a part of England, Professor Alexander Tyler wrote about the fall of the Athenian republic over two thousand years previous to that time:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.

Sam on: April 14, 2005

If I found either guns or money walled up inside of property that I purchased legally.......I ain't saying nuthin' but "Thank You, Jeeezus!" :lol:

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I go "off line" to catch up on practice and reloading for a few days and come back to find this.....hmmm... :P

You folks are better at dredging up stuff that I don't ever remember having said than Bonemomma is. :lol: Well, OK... NOBODY is better at that than Bonemomma! And the stuff you guys come up with is a whole lot nicer. ;)

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Seein' as how I now live in the great state...I have to vote for this one:

"After it was all over, the South still had Texas and the north still had New York. Now the history books can say whatever they like, but y'all know who really won."

I like it partially for the following reason: I moved here from Kalifornia - the only thing Texas hate more than Kalifornians are Yankees (the name of a New York ball team, 'nuff said!).

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Miffed Customer:

I just paid $20 for a ground-down Lee U die


send me your Lee die and $50 bucks. I'll turn the base down a few thou for you and turn the Lee name off as well.
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  • 2 weeks later...

He merely lives a life uncluttered by urban bulls**t values... and by Star Wars... and high-fashion shoes that need foot surgery so you can fit into them... and too much concrete... and mall ninjas.


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I like this one:


The lack of it causes me to try.

Bottom line, I can only shoot as well as I've trained myself to shoot.

But, I think, "that isn't good enough for me".

Since it's impossible for me to shoot better than me,

lacking humility, I will try to shoot like someone else.

Thus, a lie is born. Lies always come unraveled in the end.

The end comes quickly in a 20 round field course.

This is the most frequent source of "crash and burn" I see in myself and others.

Blessed are the humble......... "

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