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STI vs Caspian for race gun


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I am planning to have a race gun built, and my gun smith is recommending a caspian high capacity frame with a caspian slide(all metal). However, many people have guns made with the STI frames and slides. What is the difference and what do you recommend?

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Caspians have a smaller grip, and might be better for smaller hands.

The problem with Caspians is the lack of affordable "big stick" magazines. Once the magazine pipeline is working again, maybe.


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...many people have guns made with the STI frames and slides. .

Like Alex mentioned...the reason you don't see as many Caspian Open gun is that nobody was making mags for them during the ban.

There are supposed to be some Caspian mags coming out.

If I saw/touched some real mags...then I would have no worries on building a Caspian.

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The Caspian grip is thinner - but I found it to be longer feeling in my hands than an STI (ie, front strap to back strap feels longer). In my hands, the STI feels better.

The other difference is weight - obviously, the Caspian's going to be a little bit heavier.

With available mags, pick whichever one feels best in your hands - I've seen high quality platforms built on both.

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Caspian is coming along with their mags for the 38 Super and they should be on the market in the very near future. In conversations with Gary they will also be producing a 170mm mag. I do not have a timeline for the 170mm, but Caspian wanted to get the std mags out the door and into the hands of the shooters. As far as grip feel I picked up a frame that hat the front strap checkered and it actually feels shorter fron to back than a non-chekered frame. If weight is an issue Caspian also has a Titanium frame. I have one of these as well and the complete open gun weighs in at about 38ozs. Compared to a Colt Govt 38 Super that weighs in at 39 ozs. So the options are definitely out there.

Good Luck.


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*STI is a major supporter of the sport @ all levels. NOt to mention contingency awards.

*Magazine tube availability of varying lengths. Advantage STI.

They have flush fit (carry length mags) I personally keep 2 of these for both limited and open guns for going prone. PLUS 140 mm tubes and 170 mm tubes. I think I get 24 rounds in my 38 Super STI 140mm tubes w/ Gram setup VS. 19 rounds in the Caspian mags.

*Choice of aftermarket mag parts (base pads, followers) Advantage STI.

*Weight. Advantage STI... They're lighter than Caspian resulting in quicker start & stop hence faster transitions.

*Grip dimension. The only place where I might give a slight edge to the Caspian. Although with all of the fantastic grip mods (Jim Shanahan, Bob Londrigan, Tommy Roupe, etc.) and aftermarket products available for the STI it's pretty damn close. EricW Grip

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Don't get me wrong I prefer the STI platform but Caspian is a major supporter of the sport also.

Contingency awards are no way to decide what gun you want although they are a nice plus if you decide STI.

Caspian magazines will be available shortly and then the aftermarket stuff will catch up.

There will be little weight difference between the Caspian titanium frame and the STI.

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Nice comments, Bob - contingency money is definitely not the way to decide which platform to choose (remember, for the chance at getting that money - and it assumes that you win your class - you have to provide STI or SV with free advertising ;)

Choose what feels best in your hand - whether it be S_I, Caspian, Para, Bul.... Some will require more work than others (or, at least, they did in the past). Build it and don't look back.

Slightly OT - how does a titantium frame hold up compared to steel???

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Choose what feels best in your hand - whether it be S_I, Caspian, Para, Bul.... Some will require more work than others (or, at least, they did in the past). Build it and don't look back.

Slightly OT - how does a titantium frame hold up compared to steel???

Good advice and very good question. I'd personally wait until the titanium has proved it can hold up to the punishment that we dish out.

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According to a post on 1911forum.com Caspian has had the Ti frames in production since about 2000 and have had excellent results with the frames. On my Ti Hi-Cap i had it accu-railed due to the anticipated number of rounds I would shoot thorugh it. This way the Slide is riding on the steel rails. Just my thought.


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When it comes to supporting the matches STI seems to be at all the Area and bigger matches going. I forgot my hat at one and Don loaned me his to shoot a stage. He didn't know me from Adam but offered it up. Class acts all around. As far as the free Ads, Hell I have to wear somebody's shirt might as well take a chance on making some money while doing it. Both are good platforms but right now STI is way out in front and will be for a while. Caspian might catch up with mags and mods but while you're waiting for that you could already be set up with STI and shooting.

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  • 1 year later...

Guys, ok, thread bump....

I need some help from the no BS CASPIAN users. How much actual interest is there in new mags and guns?

I am trying to put together a run of Caspian mags and tubes. I know this has been asked before, but how many serious mag BUYERS are there out there.

Please, grab every Caspian guy you know and have them email me. If there really is demand, I am pretty sure we can get it done.


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