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Texas Independence Day


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On March 2, 1836, Texas declared its independence from Mexico and became the Republic of Texas. For ten years, from 1836 to 1846, Texas existed as a seperate and unique nation. It is the only state that came into the Union as a republic. The Texas Declaration of Independence was produced, literally, overnight. Its urgency was paramount, because while it was being prepared, the Alamo in San Antonio was under seige by Santa Anna's army of Mexico.

I learned all of this not upon my move to Texas (although some would love to require a citizenship test before allowing residence), but after I met my Aggie husband. Texas history is taught like a religion at the school district where I work.

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Now I ask you, would you see this outpouring of love by residents of another state?

Man, I love the attitude here :wub:

BTW, courtesy of Kay Bailey Hutchinson, here is another Texas factoid:

We entered the Union by a margin of one vote, both in the House and in the Senate. In fact, we originally were going to come into the Union through a treaty, but the two-thirds vote could not be received and, therefore, President Tyler said, `No, then we will pass a law to invite Texas to become a part of our Union,' and the law passed by one vote in the House and one vote in the Senate.

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Texas, Our Texas!all hail the mighty State!

Texas, Our Texas! so wonderful so great!

Ha! I once startled the heck out of my Texan-wannabe wife by bursting out the first two verses of Texas, Our Texas from memory. And they said I never learned anything in 6th grade!


Carina, please email me! I have been trying to get in contact with you re: local matches. Scot Johnson -- mPisi at flash dot net

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I declared independance on my apartment today... ditched it for a little chunk of Texas with a house on it (and a 30 year note :o ), but I'm pretty happy about the whole deal (except for flood insurance, that stuff blows). Real reloading room, here I come!

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About 7 months after I moved to Texas for the first time, I was sitting in class one afternoon. It was gorgeous outside. Spring was there and no one wanted to be learning American History that day. The doors of Carpenter Hall opened and in came three young men from my dormitory. The one in front was waving a Texas Flag. The other two were walking behind him. All three were singing "The Eyes of Texas." They marched up to the front of the room and told the story of Texas's Independence from Mexico. At the end of the story our professor, June Rayfield Welch, told us to "go frolic in the sun and celebrate." We did. My first Texas Independence Day.

Aside from Independence Day, I will never forget that American History class. It was the only one I took with Dr. Welch and I regret it. He enthralled masses of freshmen with history through an extraordinarily deep knowledge of history (both American and Texan), a good ear for dialogue, a phenomenal sense of timing, and a sincere joy in teaching.


Roy, Congratulations on the house!

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I declared independance on my apartment today... ditched it for a little chunk of Texas with a house on it (and a 30 year note :o ), but I'm pretty happy about the whole deal (except for flood insurance, that stuff blows). Real reloading room, here I come!

Congrats, Shred! I can't wait to see it. B)


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I hope you spent some time on the river walk :)

Did I ever! :D If I ever want to get a job as a waiter, I've found my calling... Dick's Last Resort.

Dick's is my favorite place on the River Walk. They have one of those crane games where you try to win a stuffed animal, but at Dick's, it's filled with live lobsters! :wub:


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but you have to be born a Texan.

I assuming that this is different from "you have to be born IN Texas."

If not you'll have to take that up with Colonel Travis (born in South Carolina), Stephen Austin (born in Virginia), Sam Houston (born in Virginia), Jim Bowie (born in Kentucky), and others ...

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I guess we can give that group of guys a pass. Especially Sam Houston since he brought the first Masonic lodge charter in his saddle bags to Texas. If he were alive, we could flash a bunch of secret signs at each other. B)


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I declared independance on my apartment today... ditched it for a little chunk of Texas with a house on it (and a 30 year note :o ), but I'm pretty happy about the whole deal (except for flood insurance, that stuff blows).  Real reloading room, here I come!

Flood insurance? When I bought my first house ever (Houston), I had to get flood insurance. Best insurance ever; house flooded twice in 6 years. If you have to get it, there may be a reason. Keep the powder up high. And the computers, and .... etc.

I am not a native-born Texan, but ancestors settled around Parker's Fort, pre-independence. Now, I'm back. Its a Good Thing.... :lol:


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  • 11 months later...

Thread bump! It's been a year and it's time to celebrate being a Texan again...

Things I know about Texas:

The state bird is the mocking bird. The state animal is the armadillo. How do you see them? Generally toes up. The state tree is the Pecan. The state food is Chili. The state fish is the Guadalupe Bass. The state reptile is the horned toad. Texas is the official home of "big hair."

How to tell you might be a Texan:

1. You can properly pronounce Boerne, Nacogdoches, Waco, Amarillo, Waxahachie, enchilada and guacamole.

2. A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel.

3. You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" on Christmas Day.

4 You know that the true value of a parking space is not determined by

the distance to the door, but by the availability of shade.

5. Stores don't have bags, they have sacks.

6. You see people wear bib overalls at funerals.

7. You measure distance in minutes.

8. Little Smokies are something you serve only for special occasions.

9. You go to the lake because you think it is like going to the ocean.

10. You listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit.

11. You know cowpies are not made of beef.

12. Someone you know has used a football or hunting schedule to plan their wedding date.

13. You have known someone who has had a belt buckle bigger than your fist.

14. You aren't surprised to find movie rental, ammunition, and bait, and pregnancy tests all in the same store

15. Your "place at the lake" has wheels under it.

16. A Mercedes Benz is not a status symbol; a Chev Silverado 4x4 is.

17. You know everything goes better with Ranch dressin'.

18. You learned how to shoot a gun before you learned how to multiply.

19. You actually understand this list and are "fixin' to" send it to your friends.

20. Finally, you are 100% Texan if you have ever heard this conversation:

"You wanna coke?"


"What kind?"

"Dr. Pepper!"

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And for a thread crossover, I just learned another FACT:

The Texas Senate rejected a bill for the 22nd straight year that would make Chuck Norris the official death penalty in Texas because they still believe "a fatal roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris is more of an honor than a penalty."

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