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Welded Miculek Upside Down


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Long story short, gunsmith pinned and welded a Miculek brake upside down on my fiancé's 14.5 AR. What are my options- drill some holes or reshape the port to give more force upwards? It pushes it up noticeably. Not a huge deal since she is a new shooter and not super fast anyways, but it will be more apparent as she shoots more and gets better. Thanks.

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If this person were a real gunsmith - as in they sell their services as a gunsmith - then they shouldn't have made the mistake in the first place and should be willing to fix it at their expense.

If they are an amateur then they need to learn what they are doing and they should still fix it or pay a competent gunsmith to do so.

Granted, the difference between up and down on that brake isn't much, but it's still visible and easy enough to find out if they are unsure.

Edited by Graham Smith
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If this person were a real gunsmith - as in they sell their services as a gunsmith - then they shouldn't have made such a bone headed mistake in the first place and should be willing to fix it at their expense.

If they are an amateur then they need to learn what the f* they are doing and they should still fix it or pay a competent gunsmith to do so.


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Well, lets not get too crazy on this stuff guys. Don't forget that there are plenty of really good, competent Gunsmiths out there who just never do the stuff we do. They can fix about any gun, they can silver solder on sights, turn and chamber your dad's ought six, but they have never played with an AR., nore would they particular notice a subtle little difference like the Miculek has in down thrust. Especially if some one just handed it to them with no paper work and said screw this on and pin it.

On the other side these very same guys would almost all say.....ah damn!!! I never even noticed that, here let me fix that for you right now! Have you given him the chance to say that??

Internet condemnation is real easy, but we collectively loose track of the fact that we are a very small to non existent segment of a market that a good general gunsmith services!

Edited by kurtm
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Blasphemy...don't send it back! two wrongs do not make a right. the comp is inexpensive however drilling out a pin can be expensive if you mess up the barrel. my suggestion is to drill/tap the holes on the bottom and insert some plugs. Next drill some holes topside. Not the best cure however if you take your time and do it right it will work.

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this is tragic. I think the barrel is toast. there is no way imo to salvage what has been done. Drilling out the pin and getting rid of those welds while preserving the barrel requires more skill than what it took to pin it and weld it; if it is do-able. Don't get me wrong it can be done, but the end result may not be worth it. If it won't cost you then do it, but if it will cost you ... maybe getting another barrel and comp maybe the best pain free way of doing this. Trust me all of us have made costly mistakes like these and we all have learned our lesson.

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Barrel toast?? No, not hard . Grind off weld, tap out pin, or at worst, drill pin a little way and use an easy out to pull pin. Re index comp, drill just enough to install pin back flush. Re weld, dress off weld with fine file, done.....no harm no foul. The heat to "weld" is less than a mag dump.

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Well, lets not get too crazy on this stuff guys. Don't forget that there are plenty of really good, competent Gunsmiths out there who just never do the stuff we do. They can fix about any gun, they can silver solder on sights, turn and chamber your dad's ought six, but they have never played with an AR., nore would they particular notice a subtle little difference like the Miculek has in down thrust. Especially if some one just handed it to them with no paper work and said screw this on and pin it.

On the other side these very same guys would almost all say.....ah damn!!! I never even noticed that, here let me fix that for you right now! Have you given him the chance to say that??

Internet condemnation is real easy, but we collectively loose track of the fact that we are a very small to non existent segment of a market that a good general gunsmith services!

I completely agree, give him a chance to right his wrong. if he can or refuses this becomes a totally different story. but you have to give him a chance.

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Ugh..really? Have you seen a Miculek comp? Slots..... like in Ely or Tonapah, not holes like you reclaim! You've got holes on the "mine" :lol:

Yes sir...and plugging a hole is really not that hard. The old term "practice makes....." :roflol:

Anyhow here an example of the drill, tap, and plug: 10940587_315748808624357_392143436348217

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Kurt has access to a really ancient welding machine, horse file, and and an old grinding wheel! Wait a minute....... are you a blacksmith KM? :ph34r:

It doesn't but I did see his name at the top of the thread somewhere.

Oh my Stl'yheaded friend....you don't know! :P

Edited by Sterling White
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As I recall that ancient grinder was utilized by you to perform an act of alchemy on an unsuspecting serf of my fiefdom. Once again there aren't any holes in a Miculek comp......except for the ones the bullets go through and I doubt even a wizzard such as yourself would drill and plug "those" holes, but feel free to use my grinder anytime :lol:

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OK...so I'm slow and need to re-read things several times. I thought the M - comp had two port holes in it and were facing downward. After looking for it I found that it's some aftermarket comp claiming to be a M - style comp but improved. :blush: Damn....oh yeah you gotta do what ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ he said. :roflol:

Here what I thought we were talking about turned upside down: Schuler_Brake_3_zpsfgjhsln8.jpg

Edited by Sterling White
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