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What IDPA Revolver Division Will You Shoot?

Bill Nesbitt

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I have been trying to decide what to shoot. I shot a speedloader gun up until last year when I got a 686x6 38 super and shot it all year. Now I have to decide what to shoot now that revolver division has been split up. I am looking for competition. I think it would be embarrassing to win a division if I was the only one there. <_<

I will probably shoot my 686 in ESR if I can come up with a load that won't destroy my gun. :angry: This will allow me to also shoot USPSA with the same gun. ;)

Where will the competition be? B)

Bill Nesbitt

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Thanks for all the hard work on this issue. My computer crashed and I am now just catching up on all the changes. I am new to IDPA but I will be shooting ESR. The only difference for me will be the holster and the postion of the carriers. I can now use the same loads for USPSA and IDPA. I think they did the right thing by eliminating the 8 shots. Hope to see you at area 5 again.

Tom Mainus

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I'll continue to split my IDPA shooting between SSR and SSP

Why SSR? Well, in the interest of full disclosure it's because my S&W Model 10 is the only revolver that I own that is IDPA legal, and so it's the only revolver that I've used in IDPA during the last year. (2004)

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I'm not seeing much of a trend here yet. :P I really expected to see more shooting ESR.

For those of you who voted not to shoot IDPA; did you shoot IDPA before and quit because of the new rules or what?

Brian, I got my info here: http://home.columbus.rr.com/jmaass/ipscload.htm I used HS-7 powder and a Masterblaster poly bullet that has an actual weight of 151.5 grains. I ended up using 8.0 grains of HS-7 to get a PF of 167. I haven't shot it enough to know whether or not it will be a good load. Maybe with several of us working up loads we can find a good one. :D

Tom, we plan on going to Area 5. See you there. :)

I still don't know what I will do until I do more load developement. I don't want to abuse my 686 shooting major. I might just shoot my Glock in SSP and Production. :D

Bill Nesbitt

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I was gearing up to shoot SSR - Now that I have to get new equipment - holsters, moonclip holders and develop a new load since the pf changed - I decided to bag IDPA - who knows when Big Bill decides to change the rules again. I guess I just am not interested in a 'real tactical' game....

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For those of you who voted not to shoot IDPA; did you shoot IDPA before and quit because of the new rules or what?

Well Bill it goes like this............The "Daylight" issue and the ammo carrier rules say it all for me.

Yes I used to shot IDPA. But no more.

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Bill in full disclosure i voted to shoot both :P because i love revolvers. as far as major matches and the nationals go. well I will wait until there is a trend and shoot with the competition.Revolver was a small enough class as it was. I think at the MID south regionals we had 1 master, 2 xperts, and a few sharpshooters, total of maybe 6. With these numbers in mind i will probally call the match director and tell him i want to shoot the division with the most shooters in it and just take enough gear hopefully i can get in with the group. I cant imigane driving 300 miles or more to a match to compete against 5 others to find they all are in a different class :o and i am just competing against myself...

I mean what does SSR champion mean if you were the only shooter in that class? :angry:

Frederick Haring

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I just went out and shot another 60 rounds of the major load through my 686. Recoil was pretty snappy.  <_< I'm not sure I want to shoot 200 rounds plus at a match.  :(

On a positive note, ejection was easy with no pressure signs.  :mellow:

Bill Nesbitt

I'll make you an offer to buy it from you before Marmot gets wind of this!!! B)

Vote = "mostly ESR" SSR only when I want to play with my 686. ESR only at Majors.


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I mean what does SSR champion mean if you were the only shooter in that class? :angry:

Frederick Haring

Been there. It means absolutely nothing. I would like to see a MD decide to shoot all one class when this happens, and it will happen now more than ever.

Well, there might be three out of 48 at the 2005 National Championship....sorry, couldn't resist :rolleyes:

Honestly, I hope it grows and ESR continues it's upward climb in numbers. For those of you quitting IDPA or SSR/ESR for personal reasons I can respect that.

I won't shoot SSR in a major because I don't support the split of the division but it is done and I understand your reasoning. I hope you come back to ESR at least...we could use some more competition. Can't say I like getting beat but I like the competition. It helps motivate us to keep at it. :P

We'll be here when (and if) you decide to "come back" to ESR.

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What I did with my 686 super is cut down 357 mag cases to 38 super length + or -no need for perfection there. Don't use 38 special as rim is not as thick. The 357 cases will fit super chamber without resizing but I resized in super die so I could use .355 bullets. I primed with Federals and use the extra length firing pin. I did not actually load yet just experimenting as of yesterday. Anyway I filled chamber and all set off primer and extracted without moon clips no problem, total 12 rounds. My trigger pull is 5.5 #'s. So that scheme ought to work. So no need to rattle the L frame to death with 165 PF loads. For speed I just set up a jig on my mill and shortened cases no big deal you could use manual or power case trimmer. My next step is to cut down some 41 mag cases , these will have to be resized to 40 and try in my 646. Just looking I may have to mill the bottom of the sizer die for 41 cases so I can size all way down to base but don't know until I do. I do know you don't for 357's. So we have a wildcat . A 357 ? and maybe a 41 ? Don't know how they will do in others 686 supers but they work in mine. ;)

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I didn't vote because none of the choices were close enough.

I've never shot SSR in IDPA but was planning to this year after buying equipment for it last year. Some of that equipment is no longer legal.

My thought on shooting IDPA is that I'll shoot until I reach my goals and let my membership lapse. I'll shoot fewer matches (CDP + ESP) and more classifiers until I'm done. I'll shoot no matches with either a SSR or a ESR gun, but I should classify with both of them.

I have a bad feeling about IDPA HQ and the IDPA product now.



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Shoepop, let us know how that works out. Sounds interesting. :D Have you looked at 38 S&W or 38 Colt or something like that? It looks like it would be allowed under the new rule book. 38 caliber or larger. :lol: This rule book has a lot of loop holes. :wacko: I'm sure we will find them all. B)

I didn't get the results that I expected from this poll. The number that won't shoot IDPA surprised me. :( I expected most to shoot ESR with just a few in SSR. I guess the power factor has something to do with it. My joints hurt enough without adding the extra recoil. <_<

If I could do this poll over I would have changed the questions. What should I have asked?

I have reached my answer on what I will shoot. I'm going to shoot my Glock 17 in SSP and Production. My equipment is legal both places and I have been shooting the same load for years. I picked one and I will practice. :D

Maybe next year after things have settled down I will return to revolver.

Bill Nesbitt

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You might have tried something like this:

Given the recent rules changes concerning revolver shooting in IDPA will you:

1) Shoot more IDPA (all divisions)?

2) Shoot less IDPA (all divisions)?

3) Shoot less SSR/ESR?

4) Shoot more SSR/ESR?

5) Of the revolver division(s) you will shoot, will you shoot more SSR then ESR?

6) Of the revolver division(s) you will shoot, will you shoot less SSR then ESR?

Maybe another poll one with:

Given the recent rules changes concerning all the divisions in IDPA, do you:

1) Believe the rule changes are in agreement with the "Purpose" and/or "Principles" of IDPA?

2) Believe the rule changes are in conflict with the "Purpose" and/or "Principles" of IDPA?

3) Feel more trusting of IDPA HQ and the BoD?

4) Feel less trusting of IDPA HQ and the BoD?

5) Will you be leaving IDPA due to the recent rule changes?

The first poll might tell you what you want to know, the second might tell you why.



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Jkelly's reply made me think of another thing - even though I have not yet shot an IDPA match, and was gearing up to do so, I had been a member - because I wanted to support the organization.

I will now let that membership lapse - I rather send in a check to ICORE - of which there is none in the Northeast.

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Will keep you posted Bill. I don't see a problem shooting 38 caliber soft lead bullet through a super barrel. I looked at the 38 S&W but not 38 Colt was looking for thickest rim . One nice thing is you can cut down the 357 case SHORT, make PF easy and load quick since your rounds won't wobble around in speed loader like 38 specials. Also thinking if headspace prevented 100% reliability it would be no big deal to take a little off the shoulder of firing pin modify slot for FP pin so you can get 100%. Just thought about that one and not sure of ramifications on that mod yet.

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Shoepop, I was looking at my reloading manual last night trying to find a rimmed case that could be modified for the 646. Sounds like an interesting proposition. I'd like to be able to keep shooting the same gun for both divisions and don't want to go out and buy a 625 again.


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Shoepop, I was looking at my reloading manual last night trying to find a rimmed case that could be modified for the 646. Sounds like an interesting proposition. I'd like to be able to keep shooting the same gun for both divisions and don't want to go out and buy a 625 again.


I would think if enough people got together you could get someone like starline to make a 10MM auto rim that could be trimmed to .40 as well.

Trick there would be speedloaders though but one thing at a time.


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You may be correct on a place like Starline Ted. For sure the 357 trimmed will work. I just came back from the range. 100% with my 686 super. Also had a chance to play with 41 mag. More work but I ran trimmed cases through a 40 cal sizing die. What I had to do since I could not get bottom 1/16 of case sized because of the shell holder was to de-prime a batch take the primer punch out set the 99% sized case on top of the shell holder so I could get the last 1/16 then tap out the brass through the top with an aluminum rod. Well it worked. All fit chamber and extract great no sticking. More work but I'm going to shoot my 646 in SSR come hell or high water. I will look into speed loader situation next. At least the 357 in the super is viable right now no sizing just trimming.

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I will shoot both divisions....mainly because I like shooting my 625 Mountain Gun....I carry it a lot when in the Glades.....but I will also shoot a 686 with speedloaders because nothing is more fun than beating auto shooters with a revolver, plus reloading faster than the average shooter using mags.....ok, I am sick and twisted....that would be redundant, I shoot revolvers!

As to all the guys leaving IDPA because Bill W. finally enforced the spirit of the rules and went back to the principles of the sport.....BYE!!!!

I have been shooting IDPA since its inception, in fact, our club shot the first club match beating Bill by one day back in '96, and I am glad the rules have been fixed....it was about time.....but as an SOI for the sport, it is giving me a headache at the club level, but thankfully as the MD for the Florida State Match, we will be using the old rulebook since we shoot April 2-3 and the new book goes in effect April 15. Lets all just have fun and shoot our round guns and play.....


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Enforcing the spirit of the rules is not the issue - changing the rules is. A Blade Tech belt holster is legal one day - and the next day - wait - let me get out my vernier calipers and do some measuring......My 686 4" super with moonclips is legal one day - the next - wait - let me load it to - wait - what is the power factor today? Mostly everyone that I shoot with who shot IDPA, is as frustrated as I am.

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