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Glock 17L Racegun


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Hey all, I've been a long time lurker but have not found a good reason to post yet!

I went to a gunshop with a buddy yesterday for no good reason other than he wanted to go. I should have learned by now to leave my wallet at home...

While looking around, I noticed a brand new glock 17L sitting in the case. I have lusted over owning a 17L or 24 for years now just have never had one in front of me. So silly me told him I'd take it without even having him open the case.

I'l like to build it up as a racegun for shooting open. I see tons of 17's and some 34's on the net, but have yet to come across a 17L racegun. Is there a good reason for this?? It seems it would be beneficial to have such a long barrel from a velocity stand point. But I am very much new to all of this. I mostly shoot IDPA and have been shooting some Limited minor locally and doing very well.

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For one I'm not sure if you're going to find anyone making a barrel longer than 6" to give you something sticking out of the slide to get a comp on. For two a 6" slide plus 2" or so of comp is going to steer like a battleship.

The issue in Open is not getting enough velocity to make major, but getting enough gas to keep the gun flat, most Open shooters are loading well beyond the minimum for major.

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I guess that kind of makes sense. I was planning to port the slide to make it very light and run an SJC 11 port comp with one of their fitted KKM barrels. Maybe I should reconsider even spending the money on the 17L. Too bad it wont even make a good limited gun either :P

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As you are finding out the 17L is an oddball fit in the world of USPSA. If you want the 17L just to have it I would get it. But for our game it is too long for Open, only minor PF in Limited and just plain illegal in Production.

Use it for shooting steel or get the barrel and slide ported. Still going to be nose heavy and a little long and not nearly as flat as a 17 with a good comp.

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I've never seen anyone shoot a 6" Open 2011. The longest 2011 Open gun I've seen is a 5" slide with a 5.4" barrel which is an inch shorter than what you're talking about.

If you want to give it a try, have at it:)

You might have a hard time finding a 6 1/2" barrel although you could have Tornado Tech add a threaded extension for you. With a good comp it should be really flat though.

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I see that now... What makes it so much longer than guys running 6" open 2011's with 4-6 port comps?

My open gun has a 5" barrel for starters. Some are shorter. Titanium comp that weighs practically nothing. Radically lightened slide. More of a centered weight back in the hands.

17L is 6" of solid barrel and slide already. Add maybe 1.5 inches of comp or more and it's getting very long and nose heavy for transitions.

See quite a few G24's come up for sale on here. Guys buy them thinking they will be a great limited gun instead of paying big bucks for a 6" 2011. But they realize the same thing. The G24 is really nose heavy with such a light frame that it is nowhere near the same gun as a drastically lightened 6" 2011.

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I get it, and I really do appreciate the input and advice. I do have some more questions if you all would put up with me for them I'd be very grateful :)

Where can I learn more about comp designs and how they work?

I have access to a full machine shop and a good bit of machining background. Is it possible to make a efficient major compensator in a 3 port design? IE. compact, light, and still flat? I was planning to lighten the slide significantly

I have seen some guns with ports prior to the compensator... what is the point of that?

I hope I am not bothering you all with my very novice questions.

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The 17L slide weighs the same as a 34 slide which is only 2 ounces more than the 17 slide. The added barrel length will add a few extra ounces as well. Whether this is too much weight out front would depend largely on the shooter. Maybe it would be hard to point/drive into the target maybe not. You might get some benefit from the extra weigh out front paired with the added down force of the comp. The comp can create more torque from the leverage of being further in front of the gun. The trade off from the added down force vs more weight to drive/point the gun would be highly subjective. It would certainly be a cool project, just don't go into it expecting amazing performance and also realize resale value would be low. Also it could be a stinker and you will invest time and money only to realize you hate it.

There are several barrel manufactures who might take a special order to cut a threaded 17L barrel. It just might take a while to get the order to process.

As for the coffin cut sight tracker yikes! It would effect the unlocking of the gun and most likely be timed all wrong. Then again if you are really handy it could be awesome. I'm guessing a trashed slide and trashed barrel are more likely the result of this experiment. Hybrid barrels still lock up to the top of the slide on the sides of the hybrid rib, so you would need the comp/barrel to make contact toward the front of the slide. This sounds like an expensive disaster of frustration.

At any rate, if funds are tight and you can't afford the expensive mistake I wouldn't jump into this project. On the other hand, if you are prepared to take a potential loss for the sake of science then I say go for it!

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It is not completely unheard of, as I know I've seen pictures somewhere of one that was built as an open gun (could have been a 24, but I don't know for sure). If you took a bunch of weight out of the front to lighten it up, and put a popple hole or two in the barrel (you already have significantly more barrel than you need to get the velocity for major) you might be able to create a very very flat gun. It would still be incredibly long though. Aren't the Zev 17L slides lighter than a 34 slide? So it's certainly possible.

::ETA:: I just looked it up and yes, they do lighten 17L slides down to lighter than a factory 34, so there is your proof of concept! I say give it a go.

Edited by Gooldylocks
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