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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

45 years ago man walked on the moon. 7/20/69

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Once upon a time a United States President commited this country to landing on the moon in ten years time. This country and government united and showed our strength and greatness. When we come together, no country on Earth is as great as America. Remember that greatness while we remember that moment 45 years ago. With 30 seconds of fuel left ,Neil Armstrong radioed ,"Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Neil Armstrong then stepped into history and uttered those immortal words. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." He then planted the American flag on the surface of the moon. One of the greatest memories of my life.

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I was 6 yrs old that night. My parents let me stay up late to watch it. I remember it clearly even now. And I also remember going outside to look up at the moon and try to see them.

And I still cannot fathom the conspiracy theorists that say it never happened. There is so much evidence that proves it and all you need is a good telescope.

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And having discovered it wasnt made of cheese, we never went back.

It's ok. If it had been made of cheese, we'd have put a lot of dairy farmers out of work, eaten half of it by now and have half a dozen radical conservation groups trying to save it. :blush:

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What's amazing is how realistic the pictures were. They didn't have CGI effects back then so the lunar landscape had to be simulated in a sound stage on the Paramount lot. They did a really good job, especially the projection of the image of the earth above the lunar horizon.

Just kidding...... but there are morons out there still claiming it was fake to this day.

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