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Thinking of making the switch from LnL to 650XL

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I don't think switching to a Dillon is going to address your issues with .40 sizing, sounds like Glock bulged brass that you're going to need to address independently.

I have more trouble with the 9mm than the 40. The cases fall off or double cases drop from the case feeder. :sick:

Edited by kmaultsby
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I just went throught this very senario. I had tweaked the Hornady to the max and spent 50% of my time fiddling with it. I now have a 650 and there is no doubt that the case feeder is orders of magnitude better because there is no time the case is not supported in the Dillon on the way to the number 1 station.

It is taking me some time to get adjusted but when you get it in the groove the thing rocks and you can load without stopping except to replenish primers.

I'm very happy I made the change. Sold my LNL and casefeeder to defray the cost of the new setup to another reloader who already had one and he was happy to get it so it was a win win.

Go for it.

Thanks for the feedback Surgdog.

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Dillon makes good presses, but Google "Dillon 650 problems" and you'll find thousands of them. It is not immune to issues, primer explosions, powder spills, index advancing, etc, etc. I too had problems with my LnL, but all were set up issues. Once I got it working correctly, it works perfectly. I don't know why folks have case feeder issues, this was pretty much the only part I never had a problem with. BTW, there is a reason Dillion is known for great customer service, it;s because their customers needed to use it. I know BENOS sells the Dillon and of course he's going to push it, but please, it has it's issues as do all mechanical devices with so many moving parts. In most cases it's a timing issue.

Are you using a LNL? If so what caliber? Are you using a case feeder? My main problem is with 9mm.

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The LNL is a good machine, if you do some Googling,

and watch some videos on the INITIAL PREP AND SET-UP,

of the LNL, especially those by Bill Morgan (a complete series)

"Hornady LNL-AP Press Set-Up Hints and Tricks"

You'll just be singing along making ammo.

The 650 is a nice machine, but don't let the BLUE CROWD BS YOU,

BLUE MACHINES have ISSUES TOO, it's the nature of machinery.


I have BLUE, RED and GREEN machines.

I have looked at Bill Morgan videos if you notice he dose not use a case feeder.

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You can't beat Dillon products and their no BS guarantee. They have the best Tech Support in the industry. They also are super supporters of the shooting sports.

When you decide to buy Dillon, buy from Brian, he'll steer you right.

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Dillon makes good presses, but Google "Dillon 650 problems" and you'll find thousands of them. It is not immune to issues, primer explosions, powder spills, index advancing, etc, etc. I too had problems with my LnL, but all were set up issues. Once I got it working correctly, it works perfectly. I don't know why folks have case feeder issues, this was pretty much the only part I never had a problem with. BTW, there is a reason Dillion is known for great customer service, it;s because their customers needed to use it. I know BENOS sells the Dillon and of course he's going to push it, but please, it has it's issues as do all mechanical devices with so many moving parts. In most cases it's a timing issue.

Are you using a LNL? If so what caliber? Are you using a case feeder? My main problem is with 9mm.

Yes, I use the LnL case feeder and only for 9mm. As i said, it's the only Hornady piece I never had or have any issues with, it has worked perfectly for me. I have no problems with the Dillon 650, but get peterbed at the blue cool-aid drinkers who make it appear that these presses have no issues when in fact they have many. One of the reasons I didn't go with Dillon was the many 9mm powder spill issues. I'm glad I went with the Lnl, once I got it set up correcly, it has done well for me. I realize people who went Blue like to defend their expense, but please, be upfront about their problems as well.

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I had them both and use both for a few years. However I never could get that great feeling with the LNL and I sold it. Don't get me wrong both the Dillon and 650 are great but I just felt the 650 operated better for me.

Now with anything mechanical you have to have a little skill and common sense because things do go wrong. I don't care what you buy it will need a adjustment or something wears out. Heck my car, lawn mower and every piece of farm equipment needs an adjustment from time to time.

The 650 will serve you well. Some times things will go a little wrong. Most of the time just reading the instructions and making a little adjustment fixes every thing. Does the 650 have a ton of issues, well it depends, most everything I read on the internet could have been solved pretty quick if the user took some time to figure out the correct adjustment. Do primer explode in your face? Just like any primer loading device do something wrong and they will, like try to force a primer. Both machines will do this.

As far as customer service Dillon is good but I have used Hornady and RCBS far more with the same great customer service.

So in twenty years what problems have I had with my 650?

1.) Broke the primer sky ramp twice. Somehow I don't know how I must of bumped it with something.

2.) The case feed system broke, actual it is the triangle piece that you switch for pistol and rifle on the press. In honest I think I tighten the screw to tight.

3.) Over tighten the primer warning system and cracked the case.

4.) I had a binding problem and it was hard to rotate the shell plate, again my fault I let too much crud build up and had to clean and lubricate.

5.) yes a primer explosion, try to set primer in a crimped case by really forcing it. No my primer tube did not exploding sending anything into the air.

6.) I did have primers that would jump to the floor instead of the spent primer cup, fixed with a small piece of card board to shim the cup, never had any further issue. The newer style have a neat aftermarket fix.

7.) had problems loading rifle brass into shell plate until I learned how to adjust the system. Drove me nuts on the 223 until I bothered to read the instructions and never had a problem.

That is it in twenty years.

I had a total of 24 issue with my LNL over a two year period. These ranged from primers not feeding, breaking that darn spring, shell plate misalignment, shells not ejecting, powder system not working right, just needs tweaked if you are having this problem. Others include the grease nipples just falling off, shell plate locks, primers not aligning, cases bouncing off the feed ramp. These were just a few.

Now like I said a little common sense and both machines can be fixed and operate smoothly but for me I had enough of the LNL.

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I've not owned a 650 but from what I have seen and read get a 1050. The 650 is a nice piece of gear but not a1050. I have two LNL w/case feeders and short of a1050 wouldn't change. They aren't commercial grade loaders but weren't billed as such.

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The Super 1050 comes with a one-year factory warranty that covers anything commonly encountered with "normal wear-and-tear," and a lifetime warranty for "factory defects, materials, and workmanship."

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  • 1 year later...

I think this topic went way off target. Just my 2 cents here. If there is a product out there that is selling then at least a few of them work like they should. I own a ruger P85, many people put them down but I bought mine to carry in desert storm and I love it.

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I load on a Lee load master and have considered switching myself. I have read quite a few threads about primer issues and other problems with the 650 so I am reluctant to drop the coin. I will probably switch one day just to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not it actually loads better ammo. So far the load master is working fine so it's just hard to justify.

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I have both 650 and lm and can tell you the dillon won't load 'better' ammo. The powder measures are both about as good (dillon holds more powder). The lee has the edge in priming on the up stroke of the ram and primer depth adjustment, it also has the edge on faster to replenish primers. It's downside is the plastic primer system parts are no where near as reliable as dillons disk system on the 650. The case collator and slider is nicer on the dillon though personally the case insert always worked fine on my LM (though I know many have issues).

The lee actually has some clever ideas but they are poorly executed. The dillon is much better built, has a wide aftermarket support, great warranty and is more reliable.

Providing you maintain it well it just cranks out ammo. The reduced stoppages save so much time. With a bullet feeder it's silly fast.

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I think this topic went way off target. Just my 2 cents here. If there is a product out there that is selling then at least a few of them work like they should. I own a ruger P85, many people put them down but I bought mine to carry in desert storm and I love it.

Wait. Topic went off target so you bumped a 2 year old thread about 650 v lnl to tell us you bought a ruger for desert storm? Okaaay.

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The point as stated someone some where will find the perfect lee loader and some one will find a dillion that will not work better than their lee. I bought a similar story to make the point easier to see, although some people can't catch on no matter how simple you make it

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One more point, posts are here for information no matter the age of the post, that is why this one is still going. I read the forum for information and facts not for bickering. And I post to get my 200 so I can get rid of the brass I dont need.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I had a Hornady LnL AP for a few years. I sold it pretty quick once I bought my 650. To be fair, I bought my 650 in early 2013 when everything was starting to get crazy, so selling the LnL was pretty easy to do, and even without trying to take advantage of anybody, I still ended up doing pretty well.

I like my 650 much better than the Hornady. Customer service for BOTH companies is amazing.

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I've pondered this for the last year or so. I've been happy with the 2 LNL AP presses I have. Only 1 of them has a case feeder, which is used for pistol ammo. Other one is for rifle ammo. I'm thinking I'll skip the 650 and go for a 1050 in 9mm and use the one LNL for other stuff such as .40, .45 and rifle ammo as needed. Then just sell off the other LNL. Really don't have room for all of them.

I'm not that high of a volume shooter, but really want to see what the 1050 is all about and maximize my time.

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