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How long should it take for Match results to post?

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Obviously I'm new to all this, seeing as how this past Saturday was only the 2nd USPSA match I've ever shot, and the first one was close to two years ago, But. How long Should it take for the match results to be posted.

Apparently, and I have no idea if this is normal or not, my local club does not announce/reveal/how ever you wish to term it results the day of the match and instead uploads them to the section website. I was told Saturday that they should be up by Tuesday evening. Now I know that it's only been 24 hours past the expected posting time, and I may be perceived as impatient, but 4 days Just to find out if I did as well/bad as I think I did is starting to make me slightly twitchy.

So as I off base and being overly impatient, or is this unusual?

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It varies most the clubs in my area are all electronic scoring, sometimes scores are posted before you get home from the match. But I've seen scores posted within the following week, remember the time it takes to get scores posted is someone giving of their time to make the match run.

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To be honest, I think part of my impatience has to do with some "drama" occurring during the setup phase of the match and a feeling on my part that some of the delay in posting this month's results may be as a result of that.

won't go into details, but the listed contact/Match director left the range prior to sign-up.

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If the club is shooting the match as part of USPSA and there was a classifier shot during the match you could look for results on the USPSA web site. Sounds like there's other issues at hand though and that may have caused the delay in posting the match results.

Under normal circumstances the results for our USPSA and steel challenge matches are posted to the practiscore web site before we leave the range. For steel challenge the official results are uploaded to the steel challenge web site later that same day or the next.

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If it's a practiscore scored match it's usually very quick. One club around we sync up at the match if we want and it's posted online later that day. Other clubs that use practiscore are up same day usually and maybe the next day. With clubs that still use paper scoring, it can take a while sometimes.

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As someone who has stepped into the role of doing scoring through EzWinScore this year, let me assure you transferring paper scores into that particular program is more time consuming than you would ever guess. It really heightened my respect for those club officers that just magically made it all happen for me in all those matches I shot before I had a clue. Luckily one of our local clubs is leading the charge to electronic scoring.

I can't speak to Practiscore. And the number of shooters is part of it too. But it's probably pretty safe to assume anyone doing paper scoring is spending up to 3-4 hours after every match.

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Well, the results posted sometime between 12:30 and 6:30pm today.

And unless I'm really crappy at reading the results, I came in 20th overall and 1st in Single stack. Realistically, the 1st in SS has to be viewed as being due to there only being three of us in the division, and the more experienced shooter taking 0-pts on the third stage somehow.

and the 5th stage seems to have eaten the lunch of half the shooters, penalty wise.

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3-5 hours after the match is over. Practiscore makes this so easy. No reason not to use it.

Ditto, generally early Sunday evening if we tearodwn and leave range by 3:00

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At one range I shoot the scores are up before we leave the parking lot after the match. At another I shoot its not unusual to have to wait many weeks before the scores are posted. Needles to say, I dont really shoot at that club anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pracitscore will revolutionize the way matches are done, by my guess, very soon. Locally there isn't a match that doesn't use Practiscore and it's not only faster but much easier to do and leaves no extra data entry duties for the match staff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 for practiscore. Last match I was at, they posted the scores before I even left the match. The director asked me if I wanted to see my score before I left and I got to see it on his computer. It doesn't get an faster than that!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love it when results are posted on Practiscore because it usually happens very quickly. Clubs that use Practiscore also tend to get the results posted on the USPSA website very quickly. Heck, by Tuesday after a Saturday match, I've lost interest and can't remember half the stages.

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based on some of the discussion preceding and following this months match, we'll be going digital soon. Match director is still getting all his ducks in a row as far as setting it all up how he wants gear (tablets, wifi network, etc) wise. hopefully this will happen soon, kind of an annoyance not knowing results for nearly 4 days after a shoot.

As an aside and additional to this thread, when should I be expecting Classifier scores/records to show up on my USPSA profile page? Or should I?

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based on some of the discussion preceding and following this months match, we'll be going digital soon. Match director is still getting all his ducks in a row as far as setting it all up how he wants gear (tablets, wifi network, etc) wise. hopefully this will happen soon, kind of an annoyance not knowing results for nearly 4 days after a shoot.

As an aside and additional to this thread, when should I be expecting Classifier scores/records to show up on my USPSA profile page? Or should I?

They currently only post to uspsa once a month. Somewhere around the 15th or so.

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to tell the truth, and I should have been a little more specific (knowing that classifier scores are uploaded monthly), I was more curious if maybe scores weren't uploaded to a shooters personal profile till a given number of classifier scores had been submitted? so far I've shot two matches and as I understand things that equates to two classifier stages/scores that could have been uploaded by now (1st on may 10th, 2nd on June 14th) and so far i'm not seeing record of the scores being uploaded to the USPSA site/my profile there.

just wanting to understand the process and where to look if i'm wrong about where to find this info.

I'm also not finding record of our clubs match scores on the USPSA site, only on the section website

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