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Terrible news from Asia

Merlin Orr

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My sister and her family live in Panang, Malaysia. They were eating lunch in a restaurant when a commotion broke out, water was rolling into the place before they could pay the bill and get out to higher ground. Their neighbor's house across the street was pretty much demolished, but the water only came a few feet into my sister's yard.

There was a huge clean up effort underway. I just pray an aftershock doesn't send another tidal wave their way, and that they remain safe. The pictures my sister emailed me are pretty dramatic, but I don't know how to post them.

Best wishes for all involved in this disaster.

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John, I'm very greatful that your sisters family was spared in all of this.

So many thousands of people dead in the same natural disaster, it's incredible. Now, Dec. 26th will always be remembered by millions of people in that part of the world as the day of great loss. Yes, pray.

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Anybody know If the range in Bali where the recent Austral Asia champs were held, affected??From the pictures I have seen, it looks like it is close to the beach.

The range in Bali was on an island accessed by a causeway. However, the good news is that I spoke to Vince about this yesterday and he told me the range (and presumably Bali itself) was spared.

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From IPSC Sri Lanka Deputy Regional Director Sarath De Zoysa:

Hi Guys,

Many thanks indeed for your concern about our safety. We are exdtremely fortunate to have decided to stay in Colombo instead of going down to our ancestral home on the South-West coast, which we normally do, during this time of the year. From the information available so far, all our family members and close friends are safe, but there are thousands of unidentified dead bodies that are being buried in mass graves and also thousands of missing persons who have to be presumed dead by now, even though their bodies have not been recovered as yet.

The real magnitude of the tragedy and the total devastation that has been caused, can not be imagined by what you see on TV. My Wife, Son, Daughter-in-law and I will be moving down South this evening to the affected areas, with loads of food, drinking water, clothes, medical supplies etc, to offer whatever assistance and relief we could, to the victims of this disaster. The Government has declared a mourning period of five days and quite rightly cancelled all festivities/celebrations and even suspended the Cricket matches against New Zealand, in view of this National tragedy. Over 12,000 bodies have already been buried and by the time it is completed, the count may go over 20,000 plus another about 5,000 missing persons.

As far as I know, only one Police Shooter (who is a relative of my wife) lost his 7 year old son, who was washed away into the sea, while he was trying to save his 5 year old daughter and the wife.

Wishing all of you a very Happy and Glorious New Year.


Our thoughts and sympathy must surely be with the people of the affected Regions at this very difficult time.

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This should be one of the most dramatic event !

What I can't understand is why the Pacific ocean has an alert system for such events, and the Indian ocean doesn't !

The news told today that this kind of Tsunami happens once in 300 years.

I hope there won't be any kind of replicas to this.

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I just can't believe the the number of dead they are talking about. Last night it was 24K, this morning it was 42K, tonight I have heard 55K, and they still haven't even been able to get to some of the more remote areas.

The news was even talking about how this quake may have altered the Earth's orbit very slightly, making the days shorter by a few hundreths of a secound. No big loss in time, but changing the Earths orbit is IMPRESSIVE!

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Apparently the earth picked up a slight wobble from the quake and the islands closest to the quake centre (Sumatra, etc) have moved by up to 20m. The quake changed our maps. Nature keeps reminding us how insignificant we are - we just tend to forget....

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This should be one of the most dramatic event !

What I can't understand is why the Pacific ocean has an alert system for such events, and the Indian ocean doesn't !

The news told today that this kind of Tsunami happens once in 300 years.

I hope there won't be any kind of replicas to this.

About the warning systems - only Japan and the US have had the money to invest in an effective warning system, the countries around the Indian Ocean are among the poorest in the world and have not had the economy to invest in such a system.

The system worked and the Thai authorities was informed but they opted not to disturb the countries important tourist industry and remained silent.. a costly choice.

I follow this pretty closely because I have yet to hear anything from my landlord, (he owns a beach front hotel on Karon Beach Thailand).

My thoughts go to everyone in the region. And I hope mother nature give relief work the opportunity to work undisturbed.

The UN will have a lot to discuss at their dissaster conference in Jan-05, I think a early warning system and the organisation to support it will be a hot topic.

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The Indonesian Meteorological and Geophysical Agency (BMG) placed the epicenter of the quake at a depth of 20 kilometers below sea level at a position 149 kilometers off the southern coast of Aceh, North Sumatra.

While thousands of deaths in Western Indonesia resulted from the massive destruction of buildings in Loksumawe and Aceh in North Sumatra and from the effects of tidal waves along Sumatra's northern and western coasts, other areas of Indonesia remained largely untouched by the catastrophe.

Bali-based travel operators, hotels and foreign consulates are reporting numerous enquiries from people seeking news of friends and relatives holidaying in Bali. Located some 2,500 kilometers away from the earthquake and well-shielded by numerous large intervening land masses, Bali did not feel the earthquake or experience any of the deadly waves it generated.

On the other hand .............. it could all too easy have been Bali that copped the effects of the catastrophe.

I'm hearing many stories about the generosity and kindness of the local people towards the tourists caught up in it all. It speaks volumes about the people and reinforces the strength of the welcome we received when we were out there.

You must all act with your own consciences, but I for one have sent a donation to the appeal fund. The people need help.

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Heard today that there are another problem :

In Sri Lanka, the country is divided in two zone, one under the control of the government, the other under the control of rebels "Tamoul Tigers".

And it seems the second part is the most devastated, and having access to those areas is quite complicated.

The total of loss will be even greater because at least 30 000 persons are reported missing !

Mother nature reminds us hardly that we are nothing on earth.

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This morning (Dec 31) the death toll is being given at 120,000 plus. That is staggering!

There has been some discussion about why should America give aid when the international community (especially in Asia from what I see, hear, read in the media) is already badmouthing the US for not giving enough (forget that the US Gov and US Companies are the largest contributors to the relief fund).

Well, this is my opinion. The badmouthing comes from politicians who are sitting in their velvet chairs smoking cigars and sipping wine. The folks needing the help are just like you and me. They want a roof over their heads, food on the table.

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