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USPSA Revolver Masters


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I was cruising through the USPSA website and decided to check the to 20, had not been there in a long while....

there are 9 Master Revolver shooters with Master percentages, why do we not see them at a major match anywhere? Espescially the Nationals?????

1 of them, (can't remember his name at the moment) is sitting at 94+% (Not Rudy) so With 1 more good classifier there will be 2 Revolver Grand Masters????

Maybe time for USPSA to use Revolver scores to classify revolvers instead of 10% less of the Limited classifier score????


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After looking at the top 20 list, Jerry M's 100%'s have come from kicking butt at major matches. Seems like he shoots very few classifiers.

Some others have a few 100% on classifiers with reloads.

Is it possible that there are enough scores to average in Revolver yet? Not on the new ones, on the 99-xx?

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The last time I spoke to the folks at Sedro, there weren't enough revolver classifiers on file to average the top 10 and come up with a reasonable high hit factor. If the classifiers on file were used to determine the high hit factors, we would have several GM and a lot more M class shooters. Basically, the classification system for wheelgunners is pretty much worthless. We all know who the active revolver shooters are and their match performance speaks for them.

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Sam: I've looked over the list of Revo. Masters, and the only one I know well is fellow Iowan Barney Niner. Barney is another hard-core pin-shooter from the old days, like me. Good guy, real nice family, works hard and spends time with his kids (none of whom are serious shooters). When he takes time to shoot these days, his game is sporting clays.

By the way, I finally got 4 classifers shot, and I find myself a B in Revo. Which is probably about right, given my current IPSC shooting level. I was pleased to see that my last classifer came in at 85.7%, so that gives me hope that a Master card is not a completely unreasonable goal somewhere down the line! :)

Meanwhile, Young Sam still needs one more classifer before he gets a card, but it looks like he's fixin' to wind up a good honest C-class Revo. shooter when that happens. And given that he's still only 11 years old, and shooting minor without the benefit of moonclips, I'm real proud of him!

BTW, Ron: I gotta tell you that I am very impressed with your M ranking in all 5 equipment categories. It's a rare shooter indeed that can do so well with literally any type of handgun. I hope we wind up at the same match one of these days--Area 3 in Kansas City, maybe??


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B- Class ??? why you little S@nd B@gger :lol::lol::lol:

If you don't hurry up and get into A class, Young Sam will be in your class :P:D

Like Ron Said, There is no real way of correctly classifiing Revolvers and unless we get more and get the good guys back to shooting them there will never be a good way.


Pick one match that you would go to if it was the only one you could make, maybe I could catch a plane out?????( or hook up with someone wanting to go west)

And Thanks for giving us your view of why we don't see you shooting your revolver very much, Kind of like SmittyFl wants to shoot and shoot and shoot, maybe reload and shoot some more, plus there is more competition in the flat side games.(oh yeah, merry X-mas SmittyFl)


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I made Master in Revo quite a while back, by default. L2598.

Right now I am caught in the first four classifier perchantage hell. Why on earth a 32% and a 45% count, and others in the 70's and 80's dont count is completely beyond me. I called Sedro and in a nutshell they told me to pound sand.

Thats ok though. I will just keep plugging along as soon as my knee is back and Uncle Sam give me a little more time home.

Like Ron says, it doesent matter what it says on your card.

I wish there was more revo shooters out here in Colorado. I get tired of being a one man freak show.

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  • 1 month later...

I found one of the Missing Masters......

he Kicked My A$$ at Area-4 last June.....

Jack Graham who by the way is sitting at 94% in Revo....1 more good run and we will have 2 GMs in Revo.....

really even if the 625 had not gone out of time in the middle of the match the best I could have done was 1st loser.

Thinking ahead to A-4 this year.....

Jerry M, Jack G, Rudy W, Hopalong, Hopalongs friend who wishes to be the secret weapon (if he can go) maybe a few others to sweeten the pie.

with talent like the first 3 and at least 1 also ran :lol: Area-4 may be the big one in Revolvers this year??????

Think about it......

I'm looking forward to the Florida Open :) but am really looking forward to A-4 (even after I said I would not go back, yes I will eat Crow, it won't be the first time) Might possibly be the real revolver Nationals......


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OK, you've come to the right place (Benos Universe - read as much as possible, use search function for revolver topics).

Dry Fire

Shoot more matches...get rid of any butterflies by getting more experience. The more matches you shoot the more comfortable you will become "on the line."

Slow down and get good hits, worry about speeding up later, it will come. This is probably the biggest thing you can do to move up. I'm guessing you drop too many points (IDPA) or don't earn enough (USPSA). Most of us have been there one time or another...and even visit once in a while after moving up. :)

Love the name :wub:

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  • 7 months later...

Well I'm NOT a master.....I only play one here in my little pond.


I think I have figured some of it out!!!!

The other (REAL) masters, like me have gotten tired of only 3 or 4 to shoot with at most of the major matches they attend. :angry:

Seems like no matter how much you go around trying to promote wheel guns you always get.....

"Man how do you do that with a Revolver" ect. ect. and so forth!!!

When you tell them....."Just practice, like you do with an auto" you get a weird look and that is the end of that. :huh:

Have been to more major matches these last 2 years with a wheel gun than the rest of my shooting "career" combined trying to get numbers up.(that is USPSA and IDPA matches) Seems like money and time just thrown away. :angry:

Maybe time to go back to the Autoloader where I can at least have some more than "two or three" to shoot with. <_<


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I think that is sound advice. You should try to convince Carmoney, YMW, Sweeny, Jerry, and a few others to do the same....that way I don't have to practice to beat you. :lol:

Sam, I think there are only 11 "true" revo masters in USPSA. The others are auto shooters that are GM's. So, believing you'll ever get more than 2 or 3 masters at a major match might be asking a bit much...but I'm going to take this winter and see what I can do to help you out. Getting my head kicked in for two years has me thinking there might actually be something to this "practice" thing....still skeptical but I might have to try it just to prove you guys wrong. :P

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The class system is pretty much inapplicable to our division. Some clubs run lots of classifiers, some run almost none. Some clubs let guys take multiple tries at the classifiers and only send in the best one. Some classifiers do a pretty decent job of ranking the revos, some are nowhere near close.

If Jerry is our lone GM (and he certainly is), how many true revo Masters are there out there (i.e. guys that can consistently shoot at 85% or better at big matches against Jerry)? Precious few in the U.S.

But I'll bet there will be a few more within the next year if things keep going as they are. Club classifers don't mean much, though.

Edited by Carmoney
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Everyone has their own reason for playing this sport

My reason --- to compete with a revolver, to see how good I could get with one.

Since the Revolver Div. is without a doubt the most challenging in USPSA/IPSC, it's not surprising that there is so few who stick with it. That's too bad your thinking of dropping out, because that'll be one less experienced wheelgunner to be a example to others willing to give it a try, which is what will grow or at least keep the division alive.

Your choice.....you have to do what you feel is right for yourself


Just have fun :D


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