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sizing die w/o decapping


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My 223 set up is now perfect with my 550B with Dillon Dies, The only thing that bugs me right now is some claning media got stuck in the primer pocket after my second tumble to get rid of the lube and already broke 2 Lyman decapping pin. Is there such thing as FL sizing die but doesnt decap . Planning of cutting the decapping pin of my Sizing die to eliminate this problem of the cleaning media on my second tumble and will just use a universal decaaping die on my second tool head at station 1. for better discription here's my setup

tool head 1,station1

Lube case, then FL resize/decap


Tumble- to get rid of the lube/shaving

tool head 2

station1 - universal decapping die- to get rid of some media

station 2- powder

station 3- seating

station4- crimp-optional

my alternative/ plan setup

station1 FL resize but without decapping(lube case)


tumble -to get rid of the lube


Decap- Universal decapping die




Any comments, advice is widely welcome. thanks

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I doubt that the media that may be stuck in the primer pocket is hard enough to break a decap pin, so there is something else going on IMHO. Also you won't get a clean primer pocket by decaping in the 2nd head, slightly trivial I know, but that coupled with my first point...

I would figure out exactly what is breaking the pin first.


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will check my Dillon Die if the pin is removable, but I beleive the pin and the expander is 1 piece?

cross my hear-LOL, broke 2 pins already, Lyman just sent me 2 pins for free.

I cant seem to find a very fine media up here, will try some pet store.

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Remove the primer and size brass. Trim brass. Load ammo then clean after loading. No need to clean after the first step but it will trim easier if the neck is round.

I don't have a fancy trimmer, just standard Lyman trimmer set up in a drill press. I was able to hold .004 the last time I trimmed 800 pieces of 223 brass. Trimmer has a drill attachment and the lock on the drill press is more secure than the one on the trimmer. Once trimmed check for swaged primer pockets then trim on the drill press using a champher tool, lightly push the primer pocket against the champher tool. Be careful during this operation.

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A friend always worried about the round firing with polishing media in the flash hole, I said it would still fire. Loaded up ten rounds of .45 with walnut hull and some with corn cob media in flash hole. Guess what, all fired very nicely. Primers are a lot healthier than what some people give them credit for.

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Should be able to remove but....do you want the ammo to make it past that step then not fire

because the flash hole is blocked?

In my pistol round, I tumble without depriming, never cleaned the primer pockets and never have a problem.

The pins are removable, but its a one piece with the expander ball.. I want to full resized without depriming

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I size and decap in a single stage press and then tumble. Swage primer pocket/trim. Then load as normal on my 550b except the "stage 1" die is backed off so no sizing occurs but the decap pin protrudes enough so the hole is cleared (if needed). I did not like the Lee Universal decap die in stage one as sometimes a .223 case does not start straight enough that I did not have to mess with it. And I had an extra set of .223 dies. I thought about a seperate head for the 550b set up just to size/de-cap but I have other single stage presses and figured I might as well save the wear and tear on the Dillion (I should be so lucky to wear it out).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never heard of a pin breaking on media.

It's not the media that's directly breaking pins in a lot of instances. If you have a clump of media stuck in the case and it's off to one side the rod itself can be bent with some makes (Forster for me). You don't necessarily notice it when it happens as the expander ball will still follow the inside of the case neck but the next time into the case, assuming the rod is only slightly bent and the expander ball enters the case with out hitting the case mouth, the pin may be just enough off center to miss the flash hole and "Twink" it's broken.

This occurred to me right after I added some more polish to the corncob and ended up with a "clump" in the case. Now I use SS Pins exclusively, de-priming before cleaning. Good old Lee Universal de-priming die. The pin is strong enough it it that I once punched a center flash hole in a berdan primed case just to see if I could.

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