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We're still early in the game - just got the approval to hold the match in the last week, so we're still developing the match details. About the only things certain now are the dates - Thursday June 23 - Sunday June 26, 2005, and that we'll be working our asses off to make this our best match yet. :lol:

We're pretty excited about hosting Area 8. So far the plans are for 11 stages plus chrono - 250 rounds or so. We're now discussing stage designs. If anyone out there in the Enosverse has any course design ideas they would like considered, feel free to pass them along. What would you all like to see in a match?

Let me know of any questions or comments. We'll post match details on our website (www.geocities.com/EHPHA) as they become available.

Oh - one more thing we can say for certain - the Tri-State clown won't be back! :rolleyes:

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Hopefully there will not be another Polish Falcon convention in town this year eating up all of the hotel rooms. There is a small but brand new Holiday Inn Express less than 5 miles from the range in Mount Pleasant. The best bet would be to stay in the New Stanton area(less than 10 miles from the range and right off of the PA Turnpike). If all of those hotels fill up early, then within 20 miles you have other options.

Copied and pasted from a previous thread.

Ron, do you have an idea what kind of format you will run? sw

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Hey Sterling,

It will be a full-day format. Staff will shoot Thursday and everyone else will shoot either Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

The match application is up on our website and lists some match details.

We will get some rates from the local hotels - hopefully save you all some money.


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We're now discussing stage designs. If anyone out there in the Enosverse has any course design ideas they would like considered, feel free to pass them along. What would you all like to see in a match?

Freestyle stages with multiple possible solutions.....

If people are crashing into each other during the walkthrough, it's great; if it's one long conga line snking through --- could be better.... :lol::lol:

Either way --- looking forward to it.

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  • 2 months later...

We're getting crushed. Geocities won't give me a straight answer on what's the trigger transfer amounts for downloads to cause the site to go offline.

If the site is reported as unavailable, try again later, please. In the meantime, I may look into other hosting options if this keeps happening.

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We're getting crushed. Geocities won't give me a straight answer on what's the trigger transfer amounts for downloads to cause the site to go offline.

If the site is reported as unavailable, try again later, please. In the meantime, I may look into other hosting options if this keeps happening.

I've had good luck with 1and1.com

I have the be.com forums pictures loaded on my shooter-grrl.com website, so it gets alot of hits and has only gone down once in a year and that was at 2am :)

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[A little thread drift for the EH/A8 crew: Doug had asked, and I asked Matt to mention to the EH staff...we will give you guys first priority to shoot the Ohio match on Friday, the week before your match. I know you guys will likely be setting up on the weekend. Don't want you to have to miss out.]

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