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case feeder bullet feeder in one unit


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Welcome to WWW.VJPATENTS.COM through this website I want to promote the 1.jpgspirit of progress and enterprise, thanks to the information presented,
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my name is VJ, and enterprising Technician I, born in Spain,
my seven years of technical training, have given me the opportunity
to be internationally patented projects, creating devices
that besides being more productive, offer more advantages in economic
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I just saw the video also... Looks like half the cases and bullets didnt drop when they were supposed too.. Also, towards the end he compares a Dillon Case feeder and a Hornady Bullet Feeder saying they cost total $650?? Seriously, I paid $220 for the case feeder, and $225 for the bullet feeder. Still cheaper than the $550 hes asking.

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You probably have a good point about the taxes since he is overseas. But there is no way I would spend over $500 for that set up. Maybe if he actually did this as a full-time job and he had a corporation and he had distributors here in the United States that would warranty his items then I might reconsider but there's no way I could spend that much money knowing this guy is 10,000 miles around the other side of the world. You can put anything on your website about a warranty but unless it's here in the United States I tend to stay away from things like that. Just my $.03

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from what i read he just owns the patent. he is looking for someone to build it. franco79 i think what you seen in the video was the door under the brass and bullets closing to keep them from falling. it looks like the motor never stops it just closes the door under the plate to keep from over filling when the tube is full. griz that is a good point about dropping the wrong item in the wrong bin. i just thought it was different and wanted to see what others thought of it.

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Here's the vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFpqVvqwMtE

Here's the patent: https://www.google.com/patents/US20130152771?dq=2013/0152771+A1&hl=en&sa=X&ei=9TFPUsf4L4W68ATC5oHoCg&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAA

When did Hornady/Dillon/RCBS/Mr Bulletfeeder, release their case or bullet feeders? From what I see, there's nothing in this design that's significantly better than anything else out there. It's just a merger of two devices in one.

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