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Antagonizing the IPSC List!

Shooter Grrl

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Tell them that Limited shooters are a bunch of wusses that are afraid to compete with the big dogs, that should stir them up...if not explain in length the benitfits of shooting IDPA/Action Pistol/Steel/PPC over IPSC...lol...or just say that IPSC shooters are a bunch of wankers that can't shoot straight so they blast at 5yd targets...LMAO

As you can tell, I love playing devils advocate and I'm rather talented at P****** people off :)


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I thought I did pretty well with this last "brownie badge" post, but all I got were off list kudos for speaking up :-)

Of course, my paid staff post generated a good response, but mostly why it wouldn't work stuff - but it died real quick too!

I'm thinking about starting a thread on why IDPA should take over IPSC - that'll get 'em going!

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Oh?  How fun is it when some poor unenlightened soul looses his way from the IPSC list, and unknowingly befouls our happy home here?

You want to do that to them on purpose?  For shame!

Try telling them that factory 357 SIG ammo makes major, and should be allowed as major in all divisions.

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Why not revive the Power Factor / Caliber debate?  I mean with cartridges like 45 Win Mag, 50AE and 454 Casull, 45 ACP isn't the powerhouse it used to be.  Let's quit living in the past and bump major PF to say...400.  


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My thoughts on Load and Make Ready.  When I draw the gun, I'm responsible.  I've been known to ask the R.O. to walk to the edge of vision barriers and to make sure there's no one downrange when he gives the command.  I try to keep track of the number people on the stage --- and make sure they're all behind me.  If I can't hear LAMR clearly, I'll ask.  If I'm standing in the box and want to get going, and the R.O. is attending to other stuff, I may look at him until his attention shifts to me.  I've been known to ask LAMR, to prompt him to start the range commands.  But I won't draw my gun until I'm sure I've heard LAMR AND until I'm sure it's safe for me to do so.  I'm anal about this, because if anyone gets shot by me, even by accident, I'm the guy getting sued, locked up, etc.  Worse yet, I'll know that it was a preventable accident and that's an experience I'd rather do without.

However, if the range is clear, and there's an R.O. within arms reach, and he's said something to the shooter in the box, I think a stern warning and possibly a bump down in the shooting order is appropriate.  Repeated violations should add up to a DQ.  

I also think that if you're an R.O. working a tournament level match, where you don't know all the shooters, the closer you can stick to the approved range commands the better your chance of moving competitors through the course of fire safely and efficiently.

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Short version...he whipped out his blaster too early at the Area 4 match.  Took a sight picture.  RO said he didn't give the LAMR command...DQ'ed Avery.  Avery got upset, said things,  called for the RM.  RM over-turned the RO.  

Avery won the match.

(hear-say on my part)  Read all about it on the USPSA members guestbook.

(Edited by Flexmoney at 7:34 pm on June 27, 2002)

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Quote: from Shooter Grrl on 10:30 am on June 25, 2002

I'm having a great time speaking my mind - but damn, no one seems to want to play

Gee, I wonder why?  Nobody likes being handed their head on a platter....along with their testicles!

I'm just sad that bunch of flamin' jerks didn't want to play.  I wanted to watch you eviscerate a couple of self important blowhards.

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Tee hee hee - check out this response I just posted

"It is not "illegal" nor is it "cheating" to have 30 rounds in a mag. The match officials acted perfectly in accordance with the rule book.  If I wasn't in such a good mood, I'd point out what this post says about you and your "buddy", but I figure I've caused enough trouble here the last couple of weeks."

Spitoli posted about some guy that shot a 30 round stage without a reload, got his mags measured and then finished the match for fun.  Spitty seems to think that this guy cheated, because he shot it faster than anyone else...  Spitteri thinks he should have been DQ'ed for cheating - isn't that ahoot.

I don't need to antagonize the idjots - they do a damn good job all by themselves

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Even though his mags were measured as too long?

"Of course his magazine was too long (measured by the CRO & RM) and his scores were removed from the match.  But he was not DQ'ed and no mention was made of his cheating and he was allowed to CONTINUE SHOOTING THE MATCH for fun."

I must be missing something...


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Yup - even if his mags were too long!  The rule book is VERY specific about the penalties for illegal equipment and DQ isn't it ;-)

My point is that Sam and his buddy are assuming the guy is a cheater because of this.  My next post should clear up that misconception!!!!!

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Okay Shooter Grrl!

Don't I get some kind of award for *really* stirring up the IPSC list? I truly believe I'm the only IPSC shooter to ever have his sexual orientation vetted by no less than the NATIONAL REVIEW, not to mention my "Jesus is gonna get you!" hate mail (which has now superceded my "baby-killer" hate mail). I haven't been this popular since I said range officers would always be secondary to shooters!

Your adoring fan...


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