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Photo Radar


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It is so nice to come home and find a nice #*%&ing ticket in the mail that a $(&*% machine has decided I am deserving of. It would come 3 weeks after the supposed act, at a time and place that I cannot remember being at, much less how fast I am going. There is a nice grainy blurry computer generated picture that may or may not be me or my truck.

What really chaps my butt is several years ago these guys were taken to court and the court ruled it was illegal to have these go against people's driving records, because they automatically assume guilty until proven innocent. So the city decides hey, we only want the money, we just won't turn it to the state or issue points.

This is the same city that is scared to death to let its citizens defend themselves. I wonder why..... :angry:

If I am going to get a ticket I deserve to get it from a bonofide LE, not some desk jockey shuffling pictures from a camera, three weeks after the fact.

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Wow that sucks!

The first and only experience I had with high speed cams was when I was in Dubai way back. The driver forgot there was a cam and didn't slow down from his 200kph speed! The picture was pretty decent, too. It clearly showed the cars plate, the driver's face, my face and my white knuckles (clutching the seat belt) and some other digital info like speed, date time, etc.

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I got busted on one of those stupid photo radar speed traps doing 45 in a 35 in the Socialist republic of Beaverton OR. Since the ticket was given with a automated system they even provide a on line system to pay your fine. VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER card. What a bunch of money Grubbing @#$%!!!!

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I guess the photo radars haven't caught any politicians and their girlfriends.

I know in Taiwan, photo radars line the entire freeway that spans the whole island. The units used to face the front of the cars. Few months later, they face the rear of the car. Apparantly some wives weren't too happy seeing the picture of the girlfriend.

If you can't distinguish the picture of you, take it to court. Most likely it would be dropped. At least that's what my lawyer friend told me.

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UNLESS you received

a certified or registered summons/letter in the mail and actually signed for it,disregard the notice . there is then no proof of receipt. i never sign for anything from anyone without knowing the contents. your city may send a server to your door sometime following this incident.,i never open my door to anyone i dont know,the server just cant dump it on your doorstep. there is a time limitation in which the ticket must be served. check your local jurisdiction for this. B)

this info is current in arizona per my legal council and has been sucessfully applied

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The fine is low enough $40, to make it worth paying just to avoid the future headaches of avoiding it and claiming it was never recieved or going to court to fight it. I am not positive, but I think they may "boot" your vehicle for a parking violation if there is an outstanding Photo ticket.

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The fine is low enough $40, to make it worth paying just to avoid the future headaches of avoiding it and claiming it was never recieved or going to court to fight it. I am not positive, but I think they may "boot" your vehicle for a parking violation if there is an outstanding Photo ticket.

send them a photo of your $40 :ph34r:

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UNLESS you received

a certified or registered summons/letter in the mail and actually signed for it,disregard the notice . there is then no proof of receipt. i never sign for anything from anyone without knowing the contents. your city may send a server to your door sometime following this incident.,i never open my door to anyone i dont know,the server just cant dump it on your doorstep. there is a time limitation in which the ticket must be served. check your local jurisdiction for this. B)

this info is current in arizona per my legal council and has been sucessfully applied

great strategy...i love it! :lol:

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I hate photo tickets as well! And, when I got one I promptly threw it in the trash. Now here's what I really hate - answering the door first thing in the morning, slightly "under the weather," to be greeted by a snot-ass punk looking at my picture on the ticket as he's handing it to me. What a way to start the day.


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UNLESS you received

a certified or registered summons/letter in the mail and actually signed for it,disregard the notice . there is then no proof of receipt. i never sign for anything from anyone without knowing the contents. your city may send a server to your door sometime following this incident.,i never open my door to anyone i dont know,the server just cant dump it on your doorstep. there is a time limitation in which the ticket must be served. check your local jurisdiction for this. B)

this info is current in arizona per my legal council and has been sucessfully applied

This is NOT the case everywhere in the US! Be very careful, the law regarding service of process might be different where you live.

Be wary of getting legal advice on an internet forum. This is probably a case where "you get what you pay for," is truly the case. For legal advice, you should probably consult a competent attorney licensed to practice in your state.

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If that's true then all the jury duty summonses aren't really summonses and they can't issue a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear. Not that they do anyway.

I heard the spray stuff works so well it was outlawed immediately in many municipalities and states. But it's invisible. Google it and you'll find info.

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Here in South Africa the "camera fine" has been perfected. Best of all; once you receive a summons and post off a check (cheque in SA!) it often isn't banked and next thing you are arrested at a roadblock on an outstanding warrant for a traffic offence. It happened to me on a Sunday morning and, unless you pay the full amount in cash, you remain locked up with company whose credentials are unknown / questionable, until you appear in court the next working day . Guaranteed checks not accepted, credit card not accepted - do not pass begin but proceed straight to jail... In theory you can remain locked up for more than 2 days if they grab you on a Friday evening, without knowingly or wanting to have avoided paying the fine and for a traffic offence or parking ticket!!! And if you don't have the cash with you, you aren't going to be taken past an ATM to draw money either!!!

Anyhow I have no idea whether this is legal or not where you live, you would need to check that, but without accepting any liability, or recommending these products, I found these links a while back:

http://www.bimmerparts.net/laser/flashphoto.html; http://www.photobuster.com/

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The two not-rocket scientists at “Myth Busters” recently did a feature on all of the different ways that folks think they can avoid traffic tickets from radar or lasers. Everything from disco balls to wads of aluminum foil were …foiled by radar and laser guns.

If you think that an “invisible” spray will prevent your license plate from being photographed I some great beach front property in Sundown, Texas for sale…cheap!


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The two not-rocket scientists at “Myth Busters” recently did a feature on all of the different ways that folks think they can avoid traffic tickets from radar or lasers. Everything from disco balls to wads of aluminum foil were …foiled by radar and laser guns.

If you think that an “invisible” spray will prevent your license plate from being photographed I some great beach front property in Sundown, Texas for sale…cheap!


Laser is easy to defeat, Car and Driver did it a while back. Mythbusters got the right idea, but wrong execution. What C&D did was to aim an auxillary driving light to the side of the road. The driving light had a IR filter over it. The filter looks black so you can't tell if the light is on, but you can feel the heat. They manage to make the laser ineffective until about 10 feet away. Mythbusters used a bunch of LED which doesn't produce anywhere close to the output of a driving light.

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Don't mean to sound like a jerk but..... Isn't one of the biggest complaints we have about our society is people not taking responsiblity for ones actions? If you earned it, pay it. If you have never went over the speed limit, ran a stop sign or not used a turn signal then fight it. If you have ever committed a traffic infraction and didn't get caught then just pay it.

Its sad to see some many people here willing to skirt the issue....as Chris Rock says, "Obey the law".

Having said that, I am also against photo tickets. The goal of traffic infractions is supposed to be compliance and education not about MONEY. I am a LEO and most of the LEO's I know feel the photo tickets are wrong.

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Laser is easy to defeat, Car and Driver did it a while back.  Mythbusters got the right idea, but wrong execution.  What C&D did was to aim an auxillary driving light to the side of the road.  The driving light had a IR filter over it.  The filter looks black so you can't tell if the light is on, but you can feel the heat.  They manage to make the laser ineffective until about 10 feet away.  Mythbusters used a bunch of LED which doesn't produce anywhere close to the output of a driving light.

I can’t find any reference on C&D’s site about the test you refer to but I did locate this quote:

“But this narrow beam is also the lidar gun's major weakness. Unlike radar, it must be precisely aimed from a stationary position, typically at a range of 500 to 1200 feet. Lidar cannot be used in mobile units. Unfortunately, because there is almost no "signal scatter" for a laser detector to pick up, most detectors can't warn you when Smokey is using lidar until the beam is already focused on your car—and that's usually too late to avoid a speeding ticket.”

I have found plenty of folks wanting to sell some type of black box that claims to defeat lidar using some sort of IR blocking. Of course the sun emits considerable IR which doesn’t seem to affect the ability of the police to register your speed with a lidar unit.

Food for thought,


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