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I've got some friends wanting to go watch the Nationals, so I'm looking for some info about it.

Do they have a Super Squad and is there a squad schedule? I looked at the squad listing on the web site, but couldn't tell if there was a SS due to first names only and couldn't find a shooting schedule.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Sevigny, Edwards, Gilbertson and Golosky will likely shoot the match on Thursday. That's their usual M.O.

All slots are full according to a friend who called a couple of weeks ago and a waiting list. Best to call them yourself though.

ROAD TRIP! Working 3 days this weeks is gonna suck.

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idpa hq has done there usual crappy job. overbooked match hotel so competitors were kicked out of their rooms to make room for idpa staffers. seems like last minute planning. there are lots of big hotels in lR so why have it at this tiny place? no parking fr the party tonite, people parked all over even at apartments across the street. plenty of beer and snacks for those forrtunate to have a room or find a parkin plce to hike from. stages look way repetitive and simple, plennty of memory tests. very discouraging.one intersting stage, you get to shoot some dogs a doper sicks on you. whooope

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...stages look way repetitive and simple, plennty of memory tests. ..

Re : Memory tests ,

A major gripe of mine .......

What is the purpose ?

How does it satisfy : "test a defensive skill" or "must be a realistic scenario"?

Can someone explain that to me??


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Re : Memory tests ,

A major gripe of mine .......

What is the purpose ?

How does it satisfy :  "test a defensive skill" or "must be a realistic scenario"?

Can someone explain that to me??


I think that the card games and the multiple choice “choose your bad guy” tests should be reserved for side matches for those that want to play. An either or choice (shoot the guys in the red shirts or shoot the guys in the black shirts) is OK. Anything else falls under the “Little Green Men from Mars” BS specifically derided in the IDPA rule book.


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It gets back to trying to keep the matches fresh and new...and if you subscribe to the "tactical" bent that supposedly IDPA uses, you just can't do that very well...How many bad guy scenarios can you dream up...

I would rather take it to another level and try the OK Corral with auto loaders or something like that instead of the little gimmicky things like colors or cards or crap like that...

Just my .02

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OK, I shot the entire match on Thursday. I have to say I enjoyed this years match a lot more than last year. No repititious stages, lots of different start positions, even some stages where target engagement was a choice, lots of props, lots of fun.

I shot an ultra-conservative 215. I didn't want a disaster, I just wanted a nice, clean match and that's what I got. Dave Sevigny is slaughtering SSP so far with a 164. Nobody will catch that in SSP, and I'm pretty sure that no one else in the other divisions will either. I don't know any other details on the other divisions, I've been too busy. The Fri/Sat shooters finish up tomorrow then we'll get to see how everybody stacks up.

All in all, from my perspective, I think IDPA is getting their act together. It seems like the match is running well, the SO's are professional for the most part, and the stages were well designed. I don't have much of an opinion on the match hotel part since I only live 30 minutes from the range.

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I would hope the match is better than last year. Last years lame and repetative stages were the reason I passed on it this year. I agree on the childish card games. Kind of cooled me off on IDPA this year. Maybe I'll give it a try again next year.

Matt, you coming up again to the Fall Classic next week? I am going to help with final set up tomorrow. Should be another fun match. Probably not any 18 rd max stages either :D


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Steve, yes the math works out to 51 seconds. He was flying, I was not. I just wanted a clean match, so I went for the accuracy with the new gun. I could have turned it up a notch, but that was the first match I shot with that particular pistol, so I didn't.

Thursday shooters had a beautiful day to shoot. Looks like Fri/Sat shooters get to shoot with bags on targets both days. Aacckk.

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