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Got my orders! Going back to the Army!!!


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Oh I know. It's just disappointing that for fear of hurting my "supervisor's" feelings, every NCO higher is not stepping up and doing what NCO's lateral to my supervisor (and myself) think is wrong. New Army or just Eighth Army.

Like I said, I can't wait to get back to the REAL Army. Fort Bragg (by way of Fort Rucker).

See you guys at 3-Gun Nationals!!!


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Probably New Army but it wasn't much better in my day either (57-60) in that we had a clear division between the specialist ranks and NCOs. NCOs commanded troops and specialists performed technical/professional jobs. A corporal (E4) could actually give orders to a SP4 (E4) of a military nature even if the SP4 had time in grade & time in service. I was not a very good military example either as I made PFC 3 times in 3 years. Oh the war stories. I captured a Colonel once on an exercise and made him sit on the ground, yep minus 1.

If you have never been to Bragg it is in a world of its own where legs (non airborne) are way down the list, slightly lower than cow pies. If you plan to make the Army a career then start collecting fruit salad and merit badges.

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Don't let one bad experience make you look at the Army in a bad way. I have bad days all the time especially when the Battalion Commander is calling me chewing me out. I look at all the good times that I have each day when I see my Soldiers making things happen and doing the impossible to achieve the mission. I look at the days when everyone's morale is high and they are enjoying their jobs even though we are working longer and harder.

Learn from the leaders who lead you know and figure your own leadership style when you make the rank. I have a different leadership style from when I had my first command to my second command. I have a completely different mission and group of Soldiers so the way I interact with them is slightly different. The core values are the same but the leadership style is different.

Learn from this experience. Read Schofield's Definition Of Discipline and the 7 habits of highly effective people. If you can't find Schofield's or the 7 habits, let me know and I will post them for you.

I will give you a one from the 7 habits that I follow every day. "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." It doesn't seem like it would work in the Army but it has its place in many different situations.

Keep your head up and keep driving on.


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  • 4 weeks later...

So faced an interesting moment in my military career yesterday and figured I'd share it with my BE.com family. Here goes (got this from a classmate from AIT):

Fellow Soldiers,

Im sorry to be writing like this and it is terrible to say...

Spc. Jeremy Loveless, from 2nd plt, has been serving in Mosul, Iraq as a line medic for one of our infanrty batallions, while on a patrol yesterday 29 May 2006, Spc Loveless was hit in the left clavical by sniper fire. Loveless was outside the rear airgaurd hatch in a stryker when the bullet entered and traveled through his major arteries into his heart, he was killed instantly with no pain. Spc. Loveless was a great medic here and an all around great guy, all of you who knew him in AIT knew that. Please pray for his wife, kids and other family members as they go through this extreamly hard time. To everyone else deployed to Iraq right now be safe and those deploying to Iraq, take all the training you can get it will come in handy some day.

Please pass this on to others who may have known him and have them pray for his family as well.


PFC Kimble Ariel

BSMC 172 BSB, 172 SBCT

Mosul, Iraq

SPC Loveless was just an all around nice guy. To say that he was a friend is maybe a stretch, but he was a Charlie Couger (C/232nd Med Bn, Ft. Sam Houston) as I was and like Shakespeare said, "For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."

Please pass on a prayer tonight for his wife Melissa and 4 yr. old daughter Chloe of Estacada, OR. He joined the Army to further his skills as a medic to become a paramedic/firefighter. It was his dream.......and HE LIVED IT.

God Bless his family and our soldiers around the world doing their best for God and country.

Soldier Medic & Warrior Spirit,

SPC Richard A. White

Senior Medic

249th MP Detachment

Camp Humphreys, ROK

3rd PLT, Wolverines, C/232nd Med Bn (05-05)

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  • 2 months later...

So left the girlfriend's place in OKC heading to Raleigh, NC for the night and then to Bragg in the AM. Nothing big, just a lot of connections. OKC to KC to Nashville to Raleigh.

So I wrap up lunch in Nashville with a less than good "BBQ" pork sandwich, "beans" and "Mac & Cheese" and press on to my gate for my 4 hour layover. Nothing really seems overly positive except for the hotel bed that's waiting for me later tonight.

I'm walking to the gate and who do I see and then meet? Reba McEntire! Pretty sweet. While I'm not a huge country music fan, I did grow up listening to her (Dad loves her) and she took about 5-10 minutes out of her day to talk and introduce her friend that was with her. Gracious as could be and a pretty woman too! ;) She signed my boarding pass (the small end that I get to keep) too! Sweet!!!

Well, with a little extra bounce in my step, I'm doing some online training, much happier about my wait. Folks in Tennessee are just way too nice. Noticed it when I got off the plane and finding it more and more during my wait.

Now on to Bragg!


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Know nothin' bout the Army, but are you planning on shooting an IPSC in the area? There's a very interesting match in Bragg the 2nd Saturday of the month, of you don't already know, and this Saturday is Sir Walter in Raleigh (really Creedmore), etc....

You probably knew all this, but in case you didn't.

Check out: www.ncsection.org


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  • 1 month later...

Gosh...where to begin.

Got to Bragg at the beginning of August with no issues. Signed into my unit without too much of a problem, although Division wanted me to be a Gun Bunny Medic. I explained no, I'm going to Aviation and the issue was resolved pretty quick.

So, I now proudly wear my 82nd ABN Division patch on my shoulder, rock my burgandy beret and am constantly ooh'ing and aw'ing at the SF, Delta and high speed folks that are around us. Truly the best of the best in one place. Ended my time at Bragg, before going on TDY with a Division run (yes the entire Division running Longstreet). Truly an experience, especially when you see a bunch of pilots and medics crappin' our pants as we pass the mile markers and some gigantic piece of artillery fires off 30 feet from you! :o:blink::D

Spent the last 28 JOYFUL (please see the sarcasm) days at Fort Rucker, Alabama in the splenderous metroplex of Enterprise/Daleville/Ozark. Wow...here's a spot of the world that I never need to visit again. However, I have completed my schooling and am now officially a flight medic. So, if you're in NC and you see a Blackhawk riding around with red crosses on it...that's me or someone from my company.

Haven't got settled in enough to start shooting but some of my pilots tell me about an IDPA-style match that goes on like 1-2 times a month at one of the posts ranges. It's a tactical-ish match and I have a feeling that Kyle is a part of it in some way. Either way, it's a good excuse for me to finally buy another Glock and I'll just play with them before we deploy.

Yep...found out I'm deploying in January for a year. Shouldn't be too rough, but it's another year of no shooting. I will be ready to rock when I get back though unless of course we get deployed again (they just got back not too long ago).

Anyways, when I get back to Bragg (tomorrow) I'll definitely look into meeting some of my Carolina IPSC/USPSA brothers and sisters.

Be good and hope to see y'all soon!


Richard A. White


Flight Medic

C-3/82nd GSAB (AA)

82nd ABN DIV (All the way!)

Fort Bragg, NC

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Heading to Afghanistan. The 82nd Aviation Brigade is swapping out with 10th Mountain's. Shouldn't be too bad. The only thing that's got our butts puckered is 200' hoist operations.

3 weeks left. Be safe and don't get too bored while waiting to clear customs.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So starting progression finally. I've been good and patient. Nothing like getting thrown to the wolves though. Yesterday we flew MOE out, stopped for a refuel and dinner (love it when officers pay), and then back down the lakes and rivers from Stanley County, NC back home under NVG's at 120 knots. Not too, too fast, but when you're visibility is maybe half and you're 20 feet over the trees and a lot of the time below the trees, skimming water, it's a rush!

Man I love flying in Blackhawks (especially when we out drag race the Apaches :lol: )!


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  • 2 months later...

Well it's that time....

"I'm leavin' on a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again...."

Rollin' soon and wanted to say that I love all of my BE.com family and will be back on as soon as possible. It's Bagram AB or bust! So while I'll hopefully see 1-2 of our fellow BE'ers over there, I'll miss all of you. Be safe and have a blessed new year.

See you in '08!


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All right party people, I'm shutting down the laptop finally. Gotta get to the gettin'. I'll be up again as soon as possible. If ya'll want to write, I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone.

Take care and God bless.




HHC-3/82nd AVN BDE

82nd Airborne Division

Fort Bragg, NC -> Soon to be Bagram AB, Afghanistan

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Man I love flying in Blackhawks (especially when we out drag race the Apaches :lol: )!


Those Apache's may be slower, but they gots a BIIIIIIIIIG Gun! :P

Seriously, I am not there, but I very well connected over at BAF :D , if you need something dont hesitate to shoot me mail.... paul.e.helms@us.army.mil

Dress warm, its chilly at night these days! and STAY SAFE.


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