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Best way to sort small primer 45ACP


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I've been trying to pull them out as I inspect them after cleaning, but that's not the best answer. It's easy to miss one. Small primer 45 brass :angry:

Edited by rln
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I don't find out until the primer wont seat. No big deal, just pull the brass and toss it in the small primer box. That box is filling up faster and faster recently.

Not a good option for me on a 1050 with autodrive but thats what I did on the LNL

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I've tried vile cursing directed at the guy at our range who shoots SP .45 and leaves it around. It hasn't worked yet, but I just got started. :closedeyes:

Hmmm I guess cursing at myself wont get very good results, but I could be wrong :blink:

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I haven't done it, but I would think using a large primer swaging rod would work fairly well. Trying to insert it into the primer pocket by hand, if it goes in, it's a large primer. If not, it's a small primer.

I have been doing this after running them through the press to deprime

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After cleaning I use 2 old factory plastic ammo box containers and install 50 cases primer up to inspect for sm primer and then put the second case on top and flip. Now I spray with one-shot and dump in my loading box. I will do a couple hundred and have primer tubes ready and its off to the races.

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You can use the two container trick as above, load by shaking a handful of brass on top one as the cases will fall into it primer down (most of them) - finish filling it in that manner, then place other container over first and invert, now you can look at the primers easily and pick out the SP cases.

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I don't have a case feeder, so I stage all my brass on the bench next to the press. Cleaned brass sits in a big Ziplock bag, I shake it so 80% are primer down, grab a handful and flip them over. I've noticed that the SP brass tends to be much cleaner on the inside after tumbling, so that's a good indicator as well.

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Convert your press to SP, sell all your LP brass and buy SP.

Then the worst thing that happens is your primer falls out. Better than making your press go boom.

I dont think I can justify doing that over sorting them to load separately.

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You can use the two container trick as above, load by shaking a handful of brass on top one as the cases will fall into it primer down (most of them) - finish filling it in that manner, then place other container over first and invert, now you can look at the primers easily and pick out the SP cases.

good idea. I wouldn't have thought they would fall into the container that well. I may give this a try

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Starting to think of a design where I could run them through the 1050 with auto drive to deprime. Then with a home made primer seating rod that would warn me if the primer hole was too small for the rod. Hmmmmm The rod would have to compress closing the contacts on a switch. I can build that sort of thing if I can find a few parts. Time to do some digging.

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If you are running a 1050 by hand then you can set up the depth of the large swaging rod to keep the press from going all the way down on a small primer piece of brass. You will feel it, and be able to pull it out smoothly. No way to do it autodrive except send it to a processor and have them process your brass and the machine will reject all the small primer brass. You get it back but it will be separated.

No Free lunch here.....and it sucks.


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If you are running a 1050 by hand then you can set up the depth of the large swaging rod to keep the press from going all the way down on a small primer piece of brass. You will feel it, and be able to pull it out smoothly. No way to do it autodrive except send it to a processor and have them process your brass and the machine will reject all the small primer brass. You get it back but it will be separated.

No Free lunch here.....and it sucks.


I am thinking of a swaging rod that is spring loaded so when it hits a SP it will compress and close contacts on a switch. At this point I am using the press for nothing more than depriming and sorting.

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I have built this spring loaded rod with normally closed switch on it to test the concept. Thinking is that any time the light goes out it has hit a small primer the opens the switch. Sorry for the poor pic.


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