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CM 03-04


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  • 2 months later...

Shot this one OPEN this weekend, bobbled the reload changing sides and pushed me to a 7.5 sec run..... HF 8.5333 should be about 82%. Tried shooting left side first back to front three targets, and changed to the right side shooting back to front the last four.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I shot this one too conservatively today. I shot the same program as Erik Warren; drew to the left and shot 3 targets outside in, and then reload to the right and shot 4 targets outside in.

70 points in a bit under 12.4 seconds, which won't advance me within B class.

I think I didn't speed up enough as the targets got closer, despite what Steve Anderson has said about near-far vs. far-near. The no-shoots really got me to wait to see a steady sight picture.

I'm also wondering whether it would be a little faster to draw to the right side and reload to the left, rather than the other way around. Seems like slightly shorter movement. I wonder if I could shave a little time.


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I've shot this one now at two different clubs back to back. Shot it the same way both times (start on the right rear target and shoot 4 targets coming to the center....then left rear and work toward the front.

First match was 57 points in 6.85 seconds

Second match was 58 points in 6.73 seconds but had a mike (on the center most target...I saw the sights lift over the left shoulder as I fired the shot trying to speed the reload up as much as possible...I knew it immediately when it happend and it killed my motivation).

Both runs were in Limited 10 using a single stack.

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  • 2 months later...

Limited, 64 points in 7.02 seconds, 9.116 hit factor, good enough to win the stage.

From the right side, middle target first, working outward, then from the left side, outside target first, working inward. Interesting that I shot this different in Open.

I didn't have my GM Limited gun setup and couldn't settle the sight back in the A zone. Hence all the Bs and Cs. But it was one of my better reloads. Too bad I didn't review the timer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

9.87 and 66 points for a 6.6869 HF in Production. Drew to T5 then 6-7, reload T1-T4. Seemed easier to draw to a target almost directly in front of the gun and the reach for T4 after moving around for the reload and changing sides.

We're the Classifier Tool when you need it????

Edited by TMC
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  • 4 weeks later...

We are going to shoot this one in a couple of weeks. I haven't shot this one yet and am going off of theory and wanted to bounce some ideas off of you that have already shot it.

I thought of drawing (right hander) to T7. I think that I can see it better and as S. Anderson suggests go from far to near. I just finish with the Burner series and Jerry Barnhart talks about doing your reload if at all possible going from right to left because it is easier to bring the gun down on the reload than chase the gun with the reload.

So T7, T6, T5 and then T4 all from the right; reload going from right to left and then T1, T2 and finally T3.

What do you think of the initial plan?


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So T7, T6, T5 and then T4 all from the right; reload going from right to left and then T1, T2 and finally T3.

What do you think of the initial plan?


Thats exactly the way I shot it...both times I shot it. Doing it this way seems to "flow" well.

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  • 4 months later...

Shot this last Saturday at Malibar. I had a rough day, and this was kinda jerky, but it's still alright I guess. Those friggin' no shoots look HUGE when that beep goes off. :huh:

7.07 -8 (YUK)

8.76 hf

Ohio says 89%.

I shot it 3,2,1 reload 7,6,5,4.

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I'm surprised more folks haven't caught this, but what's up with the stage description? :angry:

Start position: Standing behind barricade

(picture shows "box A)

Procedure: Engage from left and right of barricade.

(no mention of box A, or staying in box A)

When I asked out MD about starting with one foot outside box-A, he told me he'd assess penalties per shot fired! I said show me where it says I have to start in the box let alone shoot from within it.

This classifier, like many others, is open to too much interpretation and the HHF is probably screwed because of it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

They've changed the wording to include shooting from box A.

That was quick. Thanks Sedro.

Hmmm.... Ok....so what about all the previous runs that have been submitted where the shooter DID shoot out of the box? It would seem to me that stepping out of the box could make things a bit easier (and faster???).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vid of an 89% run. Kinda conservative, but I did shoot smooth and pick it up a bit at the end.

<_< won't post. if someone pm's or emails me I can send it direct for hosting. It's like 4.3 meg.

Edited by dirtypool40
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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot this yesterday, just shot, didn't try to doing anything except "see".


6.32 secs

HF 10.126


Funny thing on this stage. SAnderson went right before me and burned it down in 6.11 with 66pts. I was ROing and I can remember seeing his reload perfectly. His reload was smokin. I had that mental picture in my head when I shot. I nailed the reload :D:D


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