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VPC paying too much attention to IPSC


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VPC...a bunch of screaming blissninnies, which I don't mind...trying to foist off their insane and sexually repressed (according to Freud, anyway) worldview on real human beings, which I do mind. A lot.

They are out there, and they watch us. Of course, we watch them back :lol:


I had fun reading through this and looking at the pictures. "...I know him, and I know her, and I've been there, and..."


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I wish the junior camp they run at the Clark range in Louisiana had been around when most of us were kids and we all could have gone!

It's funny that they intended those articles to be hatchet jobs with their typical VPC distortion of half-truths and blatant intellectual dishonesty, but I'll bet that they would probably make the average person want to try practical shooting for themselves. :lol:

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It's funny that they intended those articles to be hatchet jobs with their typical VPC distortion of half-truths and blatant intellectual dishonesty, but I'll bet that they would probably make the average person want to try practical shooting for themselves.  :lol:

Their VPC article appears to be designed with one purpose in mind - make sure that IPSC is not recognized as an Olympic sport. In that, they have almost certainly succeeded. The article caused the IOC to have to issue a press release denying affiliation with IPSC (due to confusion over the term "demonstration" vs. "demonstration sport"). The VPC has let the IOC know they will face organized opposition to any recognition of IPSC. I very much doubt that the IOC will be interested in stepping into any such controversy to support a sport which has very little "big money" media appeal.

As to the "free publicity" effect - that's probably why IPSC dropped off their radar screen after the Olympic bid was effectively neutralized.

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I can't argue with your points, but I think IPSC in the Olympics was never a really a possibility. It didn't help when the NIPSC people were going around online claiming that IPSC had been accepted as a demonstration sport (which is had not) and then did furious backpedaling when some others (and I) called them on that bit of nonsense.

It would be cool to be in the Olympics, but they're doing everything they can to eliminate guns from the games. Adding the least politically correct (but arguably the safest) shooting sport to their list was and is so unlikely as to be practically impossible.

So while VPC may have had that goal, I don't think they had any effect in the eventual outcome. They may have "succeeded" in getting the IOC to panic and distance themselves from us on a faster time frame, but it still would have happened.

Given the level of corruption and cheating associated with the Olympics and their administration, I don't really want to be associated with them.

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Here is an AP article via Yahoo's cache on the subject from July 22, 1999.

About mid-way down, there is a explanation on IPSC in the Olympics in the newsletter that the then IPSC President, Nick Alexakos used to distribute.

The USPSA under Andy Hollar did a poor job of PR in this instance. I don't recall any press releases being put out and the media basically reprinted the VPC press release wholesale with a one-line quote from Hollar. Heck, when Yahoo was covering this in their Gun Control news section, they didn't even have a link to the USPSA until I clued them in on it. Yes, USPSA is non-profit and non-political, but that doesn't mean you have to roll up and play dead and not defend yourself and get your story out. Today, I think that the USPSA is doing a much better job of PR, but could still do more.

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I wonder if there was similar opposition in ancient Greece, when events like the javelin throw, or the Marathon, wrestling, or archery--all directly related to fighting craft--were introduced to the Olympic games?

What about later on? Fencing. Tae Kwon Do. Pentathalon. How many others have their roots directly in martial disciplines?

Man, the VPC are a bunch of venemous weasels.


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It didn't help when the NIPSC people were going around online claiming that IPSC had been accepted as a demonstration sport (which is had not) and then did furious backpedaling when some others (and I) called them on that bit of nonsense.

Excuse me. Who exactly is "NIPSC people"?

Moreover, where & when did they claim that "IPSC had been accepted as a demonstration sport"? The official statement from IPSC was made in the official newsletter from the IPSC President (linked in the post from davidwiz), which says (and I quote):

"The Hellenic Shooting Federation which is the governing body for all shooting in Greece, has petitioned the Olympic association to hold an IPSC "exhibition" match during the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece. Not for Olympic medals - not this time. Like everything else, we have to first pay our dues."

And how and when exactly did you personally "call them on that bit of nonsense"?

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Just to let you guys know ... you might want to go back and edit or delete your posts.

I got bitched at not too long ago for bitchin' about Feinstein.

Apparently Brian Enos doesn't like political-type talk on this thing.

FYI. ;)

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I can't argue with your points, but I think IPSC in the Olympics was never a really a possibility.  It didn't help when the NIPSC people were going around online claiming that IPSC had been accepted as a demonstration sport (which is had not) and then did furious backpedaling when some others (and I) called them on that bit of nonsense.

I don't remember Nick even claiming "IOC recognized demonstration sport" status (and he clarified it was not when asked). What happened is that he used the term "exhibition" in conjunction with an event coinciding with the Olympics. Since the existing procedure is to have "demonstration sports" hold similar "exhibition matches", the media was confused (that seems to come easily to them), and they erroneously reported "demonstration sport", which resulted in the IOC issuing a press release clarifying the lack of IPSC recognition of any kind, and stating recognition was not currently under consideration (which is true, since no application for such status was filed).

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I don't remember Nick even claiming "IOC recognized demonstration sport" status (and he clarified it was not when asked). What happened is that he used the term "exhibition" in conjunction with an event coinciding with the Olympics. Since the existing procedure is to have "demonstration sports" hold similar "exhibition matches", the media was confused (that seems to come easily to them), and they erroneously reported "demonstration sport", which resulted in the IOC issuing a press release clarifying the lack of IPSC recognition of any kind, and stating recognition was not currently under consideration (which is true, since no application for such status was filed).

Rob: I did not refer to that particular individual, but rather those who chose at the time to propagate the untruth that IPSC was a demonstration sport in the games. I don't have the copies of the digests from way back then (from your e-mail list), but I'll think you'll find that multiple people were all atwitter over the rumored demonstration sport status.

The "clarifications" that came after the fact were just that ... after the fact. The actual truth about how the rumor actually got started is something we'll never know.

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I did not refer to that particular individual, but rather those who chose at the time to propagate the untruth that IPSC was a demonstration sport in the games.

In that case, I'd still like to know what your reference to "NIPSC people" means, in particular who or what does the "N" represent, because that's the term you used to describe those you charge of conspiring to "propagate untruths" (and is that like a lie?).

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