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What I like


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Dark, thick, brown coffee swirling into my cup.

Long early morning shadows on the hills.

The purposeful step of the deer.

The slink of a cat across an open space.

The aroma of freshly cut hay.

The ever present attentiveness of the antelope.

For these things I am truly greatful to the great I AM who made them and me. :D

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Merlin, you crack me up! :lol:

No man, I promise I don't drink no foo-foo coffee. No cream or sugar or (Irish Whiskey) here. :P

Tightloop is right, the list should be growing........ (ball room dancing with a beautiful woman) ;)

It isn't that these things are not present on any other day. It's just that today I can enjoy them.

Oh, yeah. I like watching my front sight lift off a white steel plate.

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The local Wal*Mart had a few bottles of grape Propel today, when they usually have none. To make it better, the woman stocking the shelves had an unopened case of grape ... which I now own! Woo-hoo!

I'm happy right now that FOX News is interviewing a bunch of big business leaders who have announced their support for Kerry and are bashing the President. That part doesn't appeal to me, but what does is that FOX News is giving them air time without rebuttal because they really are "fair and balanced," or at least as close as we're likely to ever see. The absurd criticisms of FOX being some kind of right wing puppet media outlet don't hold much water when you see the evidence first hand. Of course, by comparison to the far-left leaning majority of the mass media (which is demonstratable by fact), they do seem somewhat conservative ... because they are close to the middle.

I like that my checkbook is balanced.

I like that remembered to get some fuel for my Zippo!

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Timers on Coffee makers --- for those days where I have to get up in the middle of the night, i.e. the single digit hours before noon.

The breadth and shape of a strong woman's shoulders; boy am I happy it's tank top season again!

Shooting a sport I've never shot before with the Canon EOS-1D, a camera that makes all of the technical difficulty in sports photography just disappear, so I can concentrate on truly seeing how to capture the magic of the event. (After 12 years as a sports photographer I shot diving for the first time yesterday!)

The taste of the first sip of coffee in the morning. (That's with cream and sugar.)

Watching as an unhappy little league pitcher who's already walked a couple of players, and is behind in the count, reaches deep inside himself to strike out three batters in a row.

The purr of a kitten curled up, sleeping on my chest.

Having an hour of uninterrupted quiet time to read an engrossing book.

Waking up early in the morning and watching Carol sleep.

Being surprised by what pops up in the garden in the spring, after too many months of looking at mostly dirt.

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My daughter's face when she picked out her wedding dress.

All my grandchildren playing in the yard.

Great friends

People you love

Great literature

Classic Vettes

Northern Lights

Smell of a wood fire


The list is long.......

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Working outside again during the serene beauty of an ever changing Indiana summer.

Listening to talk radio everyday on my 'boombox' at the eternal surprize of the home owners. Rush may not be right all the time, but he sure is fun to listen to.

Being in really good shape at an age when many start to give up on fitness. My job seems to fit my desire to stay fit!!!

Taking my dog on walks out to the quarry behind my house. Never thought a Rotty could swim so gracefully.

A warm hug from my daughters and knowing that when they say 'I love you daddy', they really mean it...

Occasionally realizing that life doesn't have to be perfect to be perfect.

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Being comfortable in my own skin.

A good woman who says she loves me and I believe her. (Had to go through a few before I found her)

Grand Babies.

Cold winter nights.

Warm summer days.

Silence in small doses.

All of the small blessings that shower me each day. And the time I spend giving thanks for them.

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OK then - the real deal...in no particular order.

People with integrity

Common courtesies

People who CAN look you in the eye

Science Fiction

Old westerns - books and movies

Having friends that really do give a shit if you live or die

A good job

A wonderful and understanding wife who puts up with my BS...

Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream with salty peanuts and Hershey's Chocolate Syrup

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I like reading Orwell in Starbucks while washing down their espresso brownie bar with a mocha. I like a sitting 120 pulse.

I like being able to see out of my truck after I wash it.

I like flipping loaded rounds off my long ejector, catching them in the air near the ejection port after nearly sweeping my hand by the muzzle, while wearing my hat backwards, with my shorts low on my hips.

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Going for a long run in the rain.

The way the first good snow of winter makes the earth clean again.

My dog's eternally happy face.

Thick, black, succulent coffee with croissants and jam.

A weekend spent with the greatest people on earth (shooters of course).

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In no paricular order...

The smell of the earth right after the first rain of the season in southern Africa.

Night sounds right after midnight in the African bush.

Fresh Kudu liver with onions and apples on the fire.

Warm cup of strong coffee sitting by a fire in the feld on a cold winter night after the liver above.

Quiet moment after that perfect group/CoF where everything went perfect.

My daughters smile in the morning.

That car that stops and lets you into traffic.

The sound of jackals and lions in the night.

This list can get real long if one is not careful.....Now I'm depressed. Think I'll go home, grab a gun and sleeping bag and be off for a while.....

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