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9 ounce slide


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So I am going back and forth between two barrels, one with small holes and one without, I'm pretty sure I like the holes. I've also started moving into 115s instead of 124s. My current slide weight is 12 ounces on the dot. I was looking at Gans website and he can do some cuts to get down to 9 ounces. No holes, dot tracks straight up and down. Holes, dot tracks straight up and down but doesn't leave the glass and my hat gets pushed back a little. 124s, soft, period. 115s, still working up loads but initial thought is different feel, could take either one but I could get 4000 MGs instead of 3750 for the same price. With each new thing I've tried I've seen a difference but nothing that made me go wow that is what I was looking for. Would I see a bigger difference over 3 less ounces in the slide or about the same. So far what's made the biggest difference for me is round count. Full size btw. I could leave well enough alone but hey, were open shooters, where would the fun be in that. Maybe if I ran small holes, 115s and a lighter slide ......

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High 9's to 10.5 if you are using a steel comp. Akai, Dawson, Brazoz, Bedell(steel), EGW

10.3-11 if you are using a titanium, cone comp or a light steel comp.

9 is more for a minor gun. I know some gunsmiths will say 9's are fine for major, but I'd make sure the gun has a replacement warranty.

There really is no magic slide weight. It really depends on your set up. Barrel, comp, powder choice, and what a shooters prefers all come into play. I say go 10.5, see how that does. You'll notice the difference. It's a safe weight to have less issues and be less prone to slide cracking, because the cuts will be less aggressive. Also, the lighter you go the more critical the barrel fit is. If you put a 9.5-10oz slide and the comp and barrel aren't fit perfect. You're gun won't last very long.

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I don't think it is a WOW thing, but if you have the skill to handle a faster reacting gun then go for it. Once the gun is good it is just teaking it.

The last wow I had was when I added .3gr to a 38SC load and tamed the beast that was so bad it hurt to shoot it, the extra gas made it nice to shoot. Go figure. Sometimes its just little things. And the other thing I never had to worry about making power factor.

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The little I have learned from those who know a lot is that there is no one single thing that is THE answer. Slide weight, barrel/comp weight, bull/bushing/hybrid, comp design, ports/no ports, powder/bullet selection are all interrelated. About the only absolute I have found is Coco's point. Open guns, particularly ported guns, run better around 172-175 than at 165.

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I drug a bone stock and I bean bone stock ( not even a trigger job) 9mm trubor from D class last june (2011) to A class this june. I just finally in last 3 months chopped up the slide after 45-50K rounds. 9.7 oz slide made it about 6K rounds before it cracked. But things i have learned 173-175 is wayyyyy more betta than 168. light slides cycle really fast especially with a light comp. If your running a gun with holes like my super and trubor now feed them a steady diet of beannny gas powder... hs6 4756 3n38 ect... your scores will thank you for it. My slide weighs 10oz now on my trubor and with a 9 lb spring it screams when it cycles. my supper is to slooowwww with big heavy ss comp and 11 oz slide.

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All great thoughts. Sounds like 9 may be a little light for a major pf load. I'm using 8.2 of 4756 at 1.245 oal for a 171pf, 124 mg jhp. Brazos comp btw. I tried 9.0 behind a 115 and got 163 pf so I have three more loads ready for the chrono. Then I'll look at the slide.

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I have a 9 oz slide and run a 7 lb spring. One thing to consider is that the slide is no longer that light once you put in the extractor, fps, fp, firing pin spring, and any other misc. things like a slide racker.

my load is 7.6 gr of autocomp and a 124 jhp MG

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Call a reputable smith. Talk to them, send the slide in an have them take it down to 10.3-10.7 ballpark. Keep the slide in the white, load and spring test. If you're happy get the gun finished, if not, take a little more fat off. Also, have the smith do an overall check, particularly the barrel fit. If the gun was built by a good smith I'm sure it's fine. The barrel fit is critical on open guns, even more so on one with the slide chopped.

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