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3 Gun Nation Semi Pro Standings Announced

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Good to see the results published. I just shot a note to the 3GN folks to see why I'm not on the list - I'm on the Semi-Pro series and shot the TX MG match, so I should be list. If my math is correct, I should be doing OK among the "one match" club. Can't wait until CMM3G next week to increase the tally. Best of luck to all.

Edited by Fullauto_Shooter
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Good to see the results published. I just shot a note to the 3GN folks to see why I'm not on the list - I'm on the Semi-Pro series and shot the TX MG match, so I should be list. If my math is correct, I should be doing OK among the "one match" club. Can't wait until CMM3G next week to increase the tally. Best of luck to all.

I'm sorta scratching my head also???

Pulled in 2nd place limited at LaRue, and uhhhh....no tac-irons listings at all....hmmmmmm.

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That list is going to get a lot longer. These updates won't mean a whole lot until the smoke clears from the last match. But its still cool to look at. It will be interesting to see people bobble up and down the list until the end.

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I talked to Chad yesterday, to tell him that my smm3g scores were missing. I noticed that SMM3G misspelled my last name, so I figured that was the problem. He told me that misspelled names were hell on his tabulation, so I figured Id post up and remind the pros, semis, and amateurs to kind of try and police their names during match registration and while looking at score updates throughout the match. Make things a little easier and more precise.

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Sounds like its time for 3GN to build a scoring program or at least beg the matches to give them a data dump with the info the need. It maybe time everyone uses their 3GN number when registering for a match?

Either way this is exciting!!! Lots of fun races going on. I see Daniel Horner signed up for Midwest recently. That means a lot of 80-90% just dropped to 60-70%. Time to start division jumping;)

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Sounds like its time for 3GN to build a scoring program or at least beg the matches to give them a data dump with the info the need. It maybe time everyone uses their 3GN number when registering for a match?

Either way this is exciting!!! Lots of fun races going on. I see Daniel Horner signed up for Midwest recently. That means a lot of 80-90% just dropped to 60-70%. Time to start division jumping;)

I'm not a stats guy, but it seems like matches that have signed up with the 3GN tour should update their registration paperwork to have a data entry where 3GN-shooters enter their tour status (Pro, Semi, Am, etc) and 3GN shooter #. I'd also like to see the match results show 3GN affiliation so I could see how I'm stacking up against the other Semi-Pro guys and gals; would also like to see a complete listing of everyone who's entered each tour. Until we know who's actually in the race, it'll be difficult to really tell how well anyone is doing.

On the Division-jumping, I'm personally not a fan but it's become a reality in the game we play and could determine the outcome of many races. Would like to try my hand in Heavy Optics division down the road, but still trying to assemble the necessary gear - that's an expensive division to play in.

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On the Division-jumping, I'm personally not a fan but it's become a reality in the game we play and could determine the outcome of many races. Would like to try my hand in Heavy Optics division down the road, but still trying to assemble the necessary gear - that's an expensive division to play in.

I get bored easy! Plus I like to spread the a$$ whipping around too! It's pretty cool how the pro series is shooting heads up tac optics in their 5 matches then guys are going back to their regular or new division to try to cash in on that sweet divisional series $5k payday from Hornady.

HMO is expensive! A case of .308 really hurts the old pocket book. If I get embarrassed at Midwest I'll make you a deal on a nice setup.

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On the Division-jumping, I'm personally not a fan but it's become a reality in the game we play and could determine the outcome of many races. Would like to try my hand in Heavy Optics division down the road, but still trying to assemble the necessary gear - that's an expensive division to play in.

I get bored easy! Plus I like to spread the a$$ whipping around too! It's pretty cool how the pro series is shooting heads up tac optics in their 5 matches then guys are going back to their regular or new division to try to cash in on that sweet divisional series $5k payday from Hornady.

HMO is expensive! A case of .308 really hurts the old pocket book. If I get embarrassed at Midwest I'll make you a deal on a nice setup.

Yeah, I enjoy running TAC OPTICS but would like to be more competitive in the 3GN Semi-Pro race and HMO is the most appealing alternative division. I've got a couple thousand rounds of .308 I've accumulated over the past years and most of reloading equipment I need to start cranking out the heavy stuff. I have no doubt you'll rock it at Midwest, but do please keep me in mind if you decide to thin the herd on any of your HMO gear down the road.

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Really guys? I am going to give this semipro deal the best shot my poor boy wallet can take, but if you're jumping to a division that has 6 shooters what did you really prove? If you have always been a HM, Irons, Open shooter then have at it. But if you are changing division so that you can then go shoot TO against the best and then get hammed in the year end shoot off, or next year if you make the pro series what have you really accomplished?

The best guys in any division are more than likely better shooters than I am, as are many of the shooters who will jump to a division where the competition isn't as stiff. But if I saw that 3 guys I could beat hands down where in Heavy Laser Cannon so then I went out and bought all the gear for Heavy Laser Cannon what have I proved? That I am willing to buy my way into a competition where I will be outclassed?

In my mind if the pro series is going to only be TO, and the semi pro series is going to be the direct gateway to that via a year end shoot off. Why would a guy who shot 77% of someone who isn't the best's score in HTO get more points than a TO shooter who shoots 50% of say Daniel Horner's score? Especially when he beat's everyone else for the Overall title regardless of division. Isn't that what the divisional titles/series are for?

Full Disclosure: I have had 2 Manhattans, a long week, and 4 hours of sleep in the last 48. Not trying to insult anyone, it's your time, money, and effort. I know how much each of us puts into 3 gun, especially if you are talking about traveling and hitting 6-8 major matches. I just don't understand the mentality.

Edited by ClutchUSMC
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Really guys? I am going to give this semipro deal the best shot my poor boy wallet can take, but if you're jumping to a division that has 6 shooters what did you really prove? If you have always been a HM, Irons, Open shooter then have at it. But if you are changing division so that you can then go shoot TO against the best and then get hammed in the year end shoot off, or next year if you make the pro series what have you really accomplished?

The best guys in any division are more than likely better shooters than I am, as are many of the shooters who will jump to a division where the competition isn't as stiff. But if I saw that 3 guys I could beat hands down where in Heavy Laser Cannon so then I went out and bought all the gear for Heavy Laser Cannon what have I proved? That I am willing to buy my way into a competition where I will be outclassed?

In my mind if the pro series is going to only be TO, and the semi pro series is going to be the direct gateway to that via a year end shoot off. Why would a guy who shot 77% of someone who isn't the best's score in HTO get more points than a TO shooter who shoots 50% of say Daniel Horner's score? Especially when he beat's everyone else for the Overall title regardless of division. Isn't that what the divisional titles/series are for?

Full Disclosure: I have had 2 Manhattans, a long week, and 4 hours of sleep in the last 48. Not trying to insult anyone, it's your time, money, and effort. I know how much each of us puts into 3 gun, especially if you are talking about traveling and hitting 6-8 major matches. I just don't understand the mentality.

Let me be clear, I have never shot anything but TO and probably won't make any jumps this season because I also have limited shooting funds. But the reality of the Semi-Pro series is that the four with the most points at the end of the year will get an invitation to the $5K shootout in Vegas. Given the "Horner factor", it's simply harder to score 80-90% in TO than it is in most of the other divisions. There are very good shooters in all divisions, but few dominate so completely as Daniel does in TO.

While I haven't changed divisions to try and gain a competitive advantage (and probably won't anytime soon), I see it no differently than "gaming" a stage during a match to gain a competitive advantage. It's simply a means to improve your overall standing in the race - isn't this the point of competition??

Edited by Fullauto_Shooter
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I guess at the end of the year if the top 4 semi pro shooters are in a division other than tac ops we will have our answer as to whether making a switch to another division to eliminate "the Horner factor" will be worth it or not. That being said, the man wins overall more times than not against ALL divisions as I see it. Not having your percentage based off of his score is an advantage as far as I can see.

I, for one, got into this sport to see how I stack up against the best of the best and to motivate me to shoot better for both work and pleasure. There are top level shooters in ALL divisions of this sport, but no one can argue there are MORE top level shooters at every match in tac ops than probably all others combined. At least one of those shooters absolutely smokes EVERY stage of the match, keeping guys like me in the 70% range. Would that happen in a different division...probably...but no one can deny the "deep pool" tac ops shooters are up against.

I will stay...in the end its all for fun and I got to see my name in the top 25 if not for just a fleeting moment :sight:

And to me, the point of competition is to see how you stack up against others shooting in your same division and rules. Comparing the year end result percentages of tac ops, irons, and open is not a comparison of equal competition.

Disclosure: I am not bashing 3gun nation in any way. They are doing a ton for this sport and thru its continued growth we can all hope to have MORE competition, coverage, and sponsorship!!!


Edited by BigBets
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I thought , wrongly I suppose , But I thought the % points were for each division. So the top 25 will be combined points for each divisions.

If its combined less than 1/2 will be from Tack Opt thin.

I made just a bit of a play in Open , But I did not do any thing to my shotgun other than Load it full past 9 rnd.

Open just doesn't do it for me.

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Really guys? I am going to give this semipro deal the best shot my poor boy wallet can take, but if you're jumping to a division that has 6 shooters what did you really prove? If you have always been a HM, Irons, Open shooter then have at it. But if you are changing division so that you can then go shoot TO against the best and then get hammed in the year end shoot off, or next year if you make the pro series what have you really accomplished?

The best guys in any division are more than likely better shooters than I am, as are many of the shooters who will jump to a division where the competition isn't as stiff. But if I saw that 3 guys I could beat hands down where in Heavy Laser Cannon so then I went out and bought all the gear for Heavy Laser Cannon what have I proved? That I am willing to buy my way into a competition where I will be outclassed?

In my mind if the pro series is going to only be TO, and the semi pro series is going to be the direct gateway to that via a year end shoot off. Why would a guy who shot 77% of someone who isn't the best's score in HTO get more points than a TO shooter who shoots 50% of say Daniel Horner's score? Especially when he beat's everyone else for the Overall title regardless of division. Isn't that what the divisional titles/series are for?

Full Disclosure: I have had 2 Manhattans, a long week, and 4 hours of sleep in the last 48. Not trying to insult anyone, it's your time, money, and effort. I know how much each of us puts into 3 gun, especially if you are talking about traveling and hitting 6-8 major matches. I just don't understand the mentality.

Let me be clear, I have never shot anything but TO and probably won't make any jumps this season because I also have limited shooting funds. But the reality of the Semi-Pro series is that the four with the most points at the end of the year will get an invitation to the $5K shootout in Vegas. Given the "Horner factor", it's simply harder to score 80-90% in TO than it is in most of the other divisions. There are very good shooters in all divisions, but few dominate so completely as Daniel does in TO.

While I haven't changed divisions to try and gain a competitive advantage (and probably won't anytime soon), I see it no differently than "gaming" a stage during a match to gain a competitive advantage. It's simply a means to improve your overall standing in the race - isn't this the point of competition??

If I could decide that I didn't want to shoot any 5 targets in a match and you had to shoot them all would you call that gaming too? 3gn is trying to compare apples to oranges by saying a 77% shooter in division X is better than a 74% shooter in division Y. There will be some guy who shoots TO all year and doesn't get a shot next year, who could hands down beat a shooter who jumps divisions every match to make it into the top 25.

If the big dance is going to be all TO all the time... shouldn't the audition be too?

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Could we get this moved or start a new conversation... we are way off the topic here. Also, I would love for Pete to weigh in on this.

Either way 3GN is nothing but good for our sport. I will continue to watch the show, and tell other people about it. And I'm signed up for the series, even if I'm unsure about some of the details. Keep up the good work!

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Really guys? I am going to give this semipro deal the best shot my poor boy wallet can take, but if you're jumping to a division that has 6 shooters what did you really prove? If you have always been a HM, Irons, Open shooter then have at it. But if you are changing division so that you can then go shoot TO against the best and then get hammed in the year end shoot off, or next year if you make the pro series what have you really accomplished?

The best guys in any division are more than likely better shooters than I am, as are many of the shooters who will jump to a division where the competition isn't as stiff. But if I saw that 3 guys I could beat hands down where in Heavy Laser Cannon so then I went out and bought all the gear for Heavy Laser Cannon what have I proved? That I am willing to buy my way into a competition where I will be outclassed?

In my mind if the pro series is going to only be TO, and the semi pro series is going to be the direct gateway to that via a year end shoot off. Why would a guy who shot 77% of someone who isn't the best's score in HTO get more points than a TO shooter who shoots 50% of say Daniel Horner's score? Especially when he beat's everyone else for the Overall title regardless of division. Isn't that what the divisional titles/series are for?

Full Disclosure: I have had 2 Manhattans, a long week, and 4 hours of sleep in the last 48. Not trying to insult anyone, it's your time, money, and effort. I know how much each of us puts into 3 gun, especially if you are talking about traveling and hitting 6-8 major matches. I just don't understand the mentality.

Let me be clear, I have never shot anything but TO and probably won't make any jumps this season because I also have limited shooting funds. But the reality of the Semi-Pro series is that the four with the most points at the end of the year will get an invitation to the $5K shootout in Vegas. Given the "Horner factor", it's simply harder to score 80-90% in TO than it is in most of the other divisions. There are very good shooters in all divisions, but few dominate so completely as Daniel does in TO.

While I haven't changed divisions to try and gain a competitive advantage (and probably won't anytime soon), I see it no differently than "gaming" a stage during a match to gain a competitive advantage. It's simply a means to improve your overall standing in the race - isn't this the point of competition??

If I could decide that I didn't want to shoot any 5 targets in a match and you had to shoot them all would you call that gaming too? 3gn is trying to compare apples to oranges by saying a 77% shooter in division X is better than a 74% shooter in division Y. There will be some guy who shoots TO all year and doesn't get a shot next year, who could hands down beat a shooter who jumps divisions every match to make it into the top 25.

If the big dance is going to be all TO all the time... shouldn't the audition be too?

I don't get your point about skipping 5 targets in a match and don't understand how it applies to either "gaming" or this discussion. If I had to define "gaming", it would be something like this "the application of experience and ingenuity, within the existing rule set, to achieve the best result (score)".

I agree with your thoughts that the current rule set in the Pro-Series may be comparing apples to oranges with respect to determining overall score and placement. It's very likely we'll have some "pure TO" shooters left out of the top 25 at the end of the year; also very likely some may be better shooters than those who "Division shopped" their way into the top 25. That said - "the rules is the rules" and may the best shooter / gamer win.


ETA: I just wish my score was reflected in the current standings; getting this fixed is still job one for me.

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