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New USPSA 3-gun rule change coming in Jul?

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At our monthly 3-gun match last week the match director announced that starting in Jul USPSA will only allow 30-rd magazines in limited & tactical divisions. In his words: " you will be reloading, no more Frankinmags, so you can start practicing that today or wait until Jul ...". I can't find this planned change listed, anyone else heard about this upcoming change?

Edited by Nimitz
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Nothing about anything like that in the 2012 edition of the USPSA multigun rules nor any mention of it in the Jan or Feb online BoD meeting minutes, nor in the Apr telephone meeting minutes. Rule changes come from the BoD. I think your MD may be wrong. Anyway, what's a surefire 60rd magazine among friends?

Edited by wgnoyes
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I dunno. I was told that in the same timeframe the USPSA was going to ban any shotshell carriers that were not mounted to your primary equipment belt, targeting the Chameleon, Carbon Arms, and Otto systems that are secondary belts or chest rigs. I can't believe the hate that those things generate.

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Whoa whoa whoa. Back it up guys. USPSA will hopefully be voting on a new MG rule book at the in person meeting that first weekend in July. Any rule changes that go into effect would not be immediate and would have to be announced just like everything else.

Second, while everything is subject to change, none of the current drafts have anything at all about targeting equipment to be made illegal. Big mags and chest carriers are still fine. The new book is about consolidating the rifle, SG, Multigun, etc books into one much shorter rule book. It also brings rules much more in line with IMGA while clarifying a lot of the things IMGA leaves out or leaves to MD discretion.

There is normally a better way to figure this stuff out than posting a bunch of rumors. Hit up your AD and ask. I'm more than happy to discuss any potential rule changes.

BTW. The SG thing is an IPSC rule, not USPSA. I don't think anyone in the USPSA BOD has any interest in duplicating what IPSC did with their last rule changes. Not gonna get into it but I have zero interest in IPSC shotgun at this point

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BTW. The SG thing is an IPSC rule, not USPSA. I don't think anyone in the USPSA BOD has any interest in duplicating what IPSC did with their last rule changes. Not gonna get into it but I have zero interest in IPSC shotgun at this point

Yes, definitely takes the fun out of it when you spend over a $100 on a piece of equipment only to find out its now illegal.

Glad to hear there is no talk of that presently

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In this communication age, it would be feasible for the BOD to float the new rules by the membership prior to the BOD voting on them.

I guess rumors serve as the informal communication network which seems to be the norm within USPSA.

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Chuck: thanks for the clarification. As I stated, I wasn't looking to start rumors, just find out what the actual facts are since our MD seemed adament about the change. Maybe he just plans to make a local change .... and I'll be happy to reorder my PMag extension ...!

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ok, I've finally figured out what is actually happening & as stated eralier, tehre are no rifle magazine restrictions being considered in limited & tactical. I will assume the same is true for the comments about shotgun shell carriers ....

So here's the story ... I'm new to my club's 3-gun matches and made the rash assumption that they were USPSA 3-gun matches. What they are in fact doing is following USPSA safety rules for the matches but modifying other rules for local interest. For example, we don't follow the current USPSA scoring system. We use a modified system whereby a target is considered neutralized as long as there are 2 hits anywhere on the A,B or C sections of a standard target. D hits or Ms get you a 3 sec penalty as do missing steel.

So when the MD announced the rule change for rifle magazines I assumed it was a USPSA rule change since I thought we were USPSA matches ... sorry to get everyone spun up but at least it got your hesart rate up for those of you who have too much sedintary time in your life ...

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Those of us who shoot 3 gun or MG should be thankful that we have Chris and Chuck on the USPSA BOD to guide these new rules discussions.

One thing that the BOD has gotten out of the habit of doing is posting rule changes on line for a public comment period before they are adopted by the BOD. USPSA should go ahead and post the proposed rules to allow the members to consider them and give feed back to the BOD.

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Please before posting any rumors how about contacting your Area Director?

The new rule book is almost complete. I am in the process of finalizing the numbering and cross references. hope to have this done by next week. Going to Colorado Multigun in the morning or it would be done this week. I plan to get the proposed rule book posted at uspsa.org for comments and input before we vote on approval.

Let me say that there are not going to be any huge changes. What we have done is combined the 4 books we were using to run the matches into one stand alone book, eliminating all of the conflicting rules and simplifying everything.

None of the above rumors are going to be part of USPSA rules.Everything that is allowed now will still be allowed in the new book. In fact I have loosened up many things and made it so all the stuff that is allowed in most "outlaw" matches is allowable under our rules. Less constraints on course design than the current books allow.

The only equipment changes planned at this point have been done. Open shotgun is open.

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Please before posting any rumors how about contacting your Area Director?

The new rule book is almost complete. I am in the process of finalizing the numbering and cross references. hope to have this done by next week. Going to Colorado Multigun in the morning or it would be done this week. I plan to get the proposed rule book posted at uspsa.org for comments and input before we vote on approval.

Let me say that there are not going to be any huge changes. What we have done is combined the 4 books we were using to run the matches into one stand alone book, eliminating all of the conflicting rules and simplifying everything.

None of the above rumors are going to be part of USPSA rules.Everything that is allowed now will still be allowed in the new book. In fact I have loosened up many things and made it so all the stuff that is allowed in most "outlaw" matches is allowable under our rules. Less constraints on course design than the current books allow.

The only equipment changes planned at this point have been done. Open shotgun is open.


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