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Testosterone replacement therapy


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Some women complain that there is too much testosterone at the range. Maybe you need more range time? wink.gif

Seriously, though, good luck with your research. There is a wide of variety of backgrounds for people in this forum. Somebody with specialized knowledge may jump in.

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Most guys that come in asking about it come back normal on the lab tests. Those that I have treated with the topical testosterone don't seem to see much results, and most didn't want to go on to shots. I have run into a case of critically low testosterone that was bordering on life-threatening, but that is super rare.

Talk to your doc. You need labs to confirm its low, then treatment, then re-test of labs to see if the amount you're taking has been enough to get your levels into the normal range, then adjustment to either a higher dose or another form of delivery like patch or shot. It definitely can have its side-effects as well, though if you aren't noticing benefits you aren't likely on enough to notice problems either.

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I wanted to see what other opinions were. I'm surprised there isn't much on it.

Here is what I do.


I know they are not all over the country yet and I feel fortunate they opened one within a reasonable distance from me. I am pretty much the poster boy for what they do. Its under a doctors supervision and I have been doing this for about 8 months.

I was initially about 150 and was retested last week after my 10 days and was 550. Means I may run around at 700 or so, maybe a tad higher on day 5ish. Since I have started down this path I have done a lot of reading on the subject and while I'm not a MD I have found out a lot of interesting things. One thing is mainstream medicine is starting to notice this and its becoming more accepted if not recommended. My internist of 20 years is still a bit skeptical but very happy with the results. I have lost 55 pounds plus and see another 20 or more coming off.

One of the most informative books I found was http://www.amazon.com/Testosterone-Guide-Second-Nelson-Vergel/dp/0966223128/ref=tmm_pap_title_0

The first half is the info and the second half is more oriented in fitness and diet but thats getting off point.

I feel better than I have in 20 years and my energy level is up along with all of the other benefits if ya know what I mean :surprise:

Over the last 10 plus years eating better and staying active has not helped loose weight, getting my testosterone up has made it possible. I no doubt I would not be able to have the success I do on my own.

What makes me feel 100% comfortable with this is I am under doctors supervision with this and regularly tested and monitored along with seeing my internist. I no longer need to take diabetes medicine as my numbers have all gone back to a normal level after several years on the meds and several years earlier of high blood sugar numbers.

There is a couple side effects which to me are acceptable trade offs. For one my hair is growing faster and most noticeable if I don't shave for a day. I have always been high normal on blood pressure and it crept up over the last couple months so I am on a ARB blocker (I requested this family after learning about it as a part of what I learned on this whole issue). I'm now lower than I have been in some time on BP. Its a fairly common effect of this but as long as its treated a much better thing than fighting weight related diabetes which I no longer have.

I know this is a lifelong change for those who do this. Part of this process is my own body which made only so much testosterone now is pretty much making none since it sees plenty. And if I stop taking shots my body may not make it anymore regardless. Plus there is a couple of other minor issues that may happen to some users. I also had to be tested after my first month for FREE testosterone to get a more accurate dosing to get the results I needed. And as far as the estrogen issue that is part of what is tested for on a regular issue. As a precaution I take a very small dose of Arimidex every other day.

I know guys who use the gels with mixed results and honestly want nothing to do with the OTC snake oil stuff(IMO) If its not under a MDs supervision its just hype from what I have read after a lot of study.

Anyway its been the fountain of youth for me and my wife seems VERY happy as well. My insurance pays for it except a $30 copay for each shot and I have that figured into my flex health care fund at work so its pre tax dollars.

I kind of thought there would be more men looking into this kind of treatment. It may not be for everyone but if your over 40 and have some of the symptoms take a look.

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Talk to your doc. You need labs to confirm its low, then treatment, then re-test of labs to see if the amount you're taking has been enough to get your levels into the normal range, then adjustment to either a higher dose or another form of delivery like patch or shot. It definitely can have its side-effects as well, though if you aren't noticing benefits you aren't likely on enough to notice problems either.

Ding, ding, ding, ding.... We have a winner!!!

Yes friends, if you suffer from low testosterone, you can call 1-888-Blah-Blah and spend oodles of money on pills that don't do squat. OR, you can go see your Dr and find out what's really going on.

Seriously, if you have symptoms that make you believe you have low testosterone, or anything else that the money grubbing SOB's on TV want you to believe is wrong with you, go see a Dr. Why, because they can actually give you something that works and more importantly, they can find out WHY you have a problem. Low testosterone is usually a symptom of something, and I don't mean old age.

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Low Testosterone therapy seems to be pretty popular around the DFW area and I have a few friends/co-workers who are on it. They all look great and according to them feel great. At 43, I was thinking I might be a little low myself and since my Doc is an anti-aging specialist, I got tested. Mine was 550ish and I don't have any of them low T symptoms :cheers: I guess I'll have to burn that fat the old fashion way :sight:

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Low Testosterone therapy seems to be pretty popular around the DFW area and I have a few friends/co-workers who are on it. They all look great and according to them feel great. At 43, I was thinking I might be a little low myself and since my Doc is an anti-aging specialist, I got tested. Mine was 550ish and I don't have any of them low T symptoms :cheers: I guess I'll have to burn that fat the old fashion way :sight:

That's pretty much the most common result. This is one test where it certainly doesn't hurt to check it though. If its normal you can be reassured and focus on other areas of your health.

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Talk to your doc. You need labs to confirm its low, then treatment, then re-test of labs to see if the amount you're taking has been enough to get your levels into the normal range, then adjustment to either a higher dose or another form of delivery like patch or shot. It definitely can have its side-effects as well, though if you aren't noticing benefits you aren't likely on enough to notice problems either.

Ding, ding, ding, ding.... We have a winner!!!

Yes friends, if you suffer from low testosterone, you can call 1-888-Blah-Blah and spend oodles of money on pills that don't do squat. OR, you can go see your Dr and find out what's really going on.

Seriously, if you have symptoms that make you believe you have low testosterone, or anything else that the money grubbing SOB's on TV want you to believe is wrong with you, go see a Dr. Why, because they can actually give you something that works and more importantly, they can find out WHY you have a problem. Low testosterone is usually a symptom of something, and I don't mean old age.

There may be no other health issues. Its just luck of the draw sometimes if a man has low T. I know from talking to the docs at the clinic that they have patients who were steroid abusers and now have virtualy no testosterone of their own. And some of their patients see no help from the max dose they will give.

I work with a guy who has no other health issues or weight issues but still was low. He is using a gel product prescribed to him and seeing very good results. I dont want to use gel simply because of the daily hassle. The shots are quick and easy and unless Im getting a retest Im in and out in 10-15 minutes. The place I go is part of the national chain and if they sold stock Id be in big. I am going to try to get my local MD to do this for me so I can save the gas money of driving each way, I have to drive an hour each way for this which isnt a big deal but with gas prices going up it adds up .

Regardless I will continue doing this because I know what a game changer it has been.

And I agree wholeheartedly with the snake oil advertisers. Those "products" are a waste of time and money and I am glad I did the research early on to find this out. As far as I have seen if your not under a MDs care and using prescribed products your wasting your time and money.

Edited by Kent Grewe
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A couple of thoughts from a 48 year old.

Gun porn is NOT a proper substitute for real porn.

Eat a lot of broccoli and cauliflower if you are are on a low carb diet or lifestyle . . .

Eat right and get the good proteins . . .and a lot of them -and keep exercising vigorously!

Kill off the old cells and make way for new ones . . . by exercising vigorously.

Make sure you can do the above by checking with your DOC.

Don't believe all the medical crap coming from the FDA, or the bullsht food pyramid, and the DOCS that push pills . . . figure out a good plan by doing your research . . . and what feels right . . .

Be younger next year!

And remember, if you are having sex, can take a break to pee, pee, and go back to having sex without losing the wood . . ., you probably don't need help . . .without meds- that is . . . .

my .2

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After months of lethargy and just generally feeling lousy I decided to get checked. The result did come back low and I was prescibed a Topical Gel. The positive effect was felt within a day or two.

Up until the onset of the negative symptoms I was very active. I lifted weights,ran Triathalons and was constantly on the go with my family but the symptoms came on fast & furious and they had me wondering what the heck was wrong with me.

To make a long story shorter...Testosterone treatment is very benificial and can be life changing if you genuinely need it but is probably just expensive and counterproductive if you dont.

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Accoring to Dr. Oz, both men and women can increase their testosterone level naturally. Are you ready?

The Wonder Woman stance. Yes, assume the Wonder Woman stance and increase your testosterone level naturally. For how long was not apparent, to me, when I watched his show. I am going to look at his web page for more information. Oh, and I have been doing the stance. I place my laptop on the kitchen island and assume the position while web surfing. I am doing so right now. Hey, can't hurt, right?

No, I did not make this up . . . you can't make this kind of stuff up!

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Thread drift... Not the same thing but it's part of what's contained in this:


As to testosterone replacement, there's a bunch of stuff being sold by mail that's probably about as useful as rhino horn. As to the prescription stuff, there's now some indication that it can increase the risk for heart disease in some men. Lends a new twist on "No pain, no gain."

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Graham Smith, on 21 Nov 2013 - 09:08 AM, said:Graham Smith, on 21 Nov 2013 - 09:08 AM, said:

Thread drift... Not the same thing but it's part of what's contained in this:


As to testosterone replacement, there's a bunch of stuff being sold by mail that's probably about as useful as rhino horn. As to the prescription stuff, there's now some indication that it can increase the risk for heart disease in some men. Lends a new twist on "No pain, no gain."

I think the indications have to do with men who have had some issue of heart health previously. And in men in their 60's I believe. Im skeptical of any kind of study that makes claims with little info. Every month something different is supposed to kill us and a few months later the medical community changes its mind.

Im still having the kind of results that make me the poster boy for what this stuff can do. No way Im giving it up unless someone can show me 100% proof of any problems.

I also switched to a weekly shot instead of every 10 days. I stay more stable and no let down on the last few days.

Wonder woman stance? Dr Oz? Really? You get demerits for even being a guy watching a womans show. :roflol:

Edited by KentG
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Accoring to Dr. Oz, both men and women can increase their testosterone level naturally. Are you ready?

The Wonder Woman stance. Yes, assume the Wonder Woman stance and increase your testosterone level naturally. For how long was not apparent, to me, when I watched his show. I am going to look at his web page for more information. Oh, and I have been doing the stance. I place my laptop on the kitchen island and assume the position while web surfing. I am doing so right now. Hey, can't hurt, right?

No, I did not make this up . . . you can't make this kind of stuff up!


Not sure about the stance but looking at Linda Carter does seem to increase my testosterone levels.

Edited by toothguy
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until the onset of negative symptoms I was very active.

1. What negative effects?

2. How active are you after the onset of symptoms?

3. Are you still taking the testosterone?

The negative symptoms I experienced prior to treatment were lethargy,depression, lack of interest in doing almost anything that I used to do. I chalked it up to PTSD or depression at first but the onset was so sudden and non typical that I got checked out by the DR. All symptoms disappeared within days of starting the treatment.

I am moderatly active now but still trying to get back in shape. I did notice an unexpected weight increase after starting therapy even though my activity level increased. My DR said that was not unuasual.

I am still taking the Topical Gel and I can tell a difference when I stop for a few days.

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Thread drift... Not the same thing but it's part of what's contained in this:


As to testosterone replacement, there's a bunch of stuff being sold by mail that's probably about as useful as rhino horn. As to the prescription stuff, there's now some indication that it can increase the risk for heart disease in some men. Lends a new twist on "No pain, no gain."

Yes it's true. You have to go back after 3 months to ensure there was not a dramatic increase in BP.

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I wanted to see what other opinions were. I'm surprised there isn't much on it.

Here is what I do.


I know they are not all over the country yet and I feel fortunate they opened one within a reasonable distance from me. I am pretty much the poster boy for what they do. Its under a doctors supervision and I have been doing this for about 8 months.

I was initially about 150 and was retested last week after my 10 days and was 550. Means I may run around at 700 or so, maybe a tad higher on day 5ish. Since I have started down this path I have done a lot of reading on the subject and while I'm not a MD I have found out a lot of interesting things. One thing is mainstream medicine is starting to notice this and its becoming more accepted if not recommended. My internist of 20 years is still a bit skeptical but very happy with the results. I have lost 55 pounds plus and see another 20 or more coming off.

One of the most informative books I found was http://www.amazon.com/Testosterone-Guide-Second-Nelson-Vergel/dp/0966223128/ref=tmm_pap_title_0

The first half is the info and the second half is more oriented in fitness and diet but thats getting off point.

I feel better than I have in 20 years and my energy level is up along with all of the other benefits if ya know what I mean :surprise:

Over the last 10 plus years eating better and staying active has not helped loose weight, getting my testosterone up has made it possible. I no doubt I would not be able to have the success I do on my own.

What makes me feel 100% comfortable with this is I am under doctors supervision with this and regularly tested and monitored along with seeing my internist. I no longer need to take diabetes medicine as my numbers have all gone back to a normal level after several years on the meds and several years earlier of high blood sugar numbers.

There is a couple side effects which to me are acceptable trade offs. For one my hair is growing faster and most noticeable if I don't shave for a day. I have always been high normal on blood pressure and it crept up over the last couple months so I am on a ARB blocker (I requested this family after learning about it as a part of what I learned on this whole issue). I'm now lower than I have been in some time on BP. Its a fairly common effect of this but as long as its treated a much better thing than fighting weight related diabetes which I no longer have.

I know this is a lifelong change for those who do this. Part of this process is my own body which made only so much testosterone now is pretty much making none since it sees plenty. And if I stop taking shots my body may not make it anymore regardless. Plus there is a couple of other minor issues that may happen to some users. I also had to be tested after my first month for FREE testosterone to get a more accurate dosing to get the results I needed. And as far as the estrogen issue that is part of what is tested for on a regular issue. As a precaution I take a very small dose of Arimidex every other day.

I know guys who use the gels with mixed results and honestly want nothing to do with the OTC snake oil stuff(IMO) If its not under a MDs supervision its just hype from what I have read after a lot of study.

Anyway its been the fountain of youth for me and my wife seems VERY happy as well. My insurance pays for it except a $30 copay for each shot and I have that figured into my flex health care fund at work so its pre tax dollars.

I kind of thought there would be more men looking into this kind of treatment. It may not be for everyone but if your over 40 and have some of the symptoms take a look.


I'm a personal trainer for a living. My male clients over 45-50 who are on TRT get great results from exercise. My clients who are NOT on TRT get much lesser results. PERIOD. Healthy Test levels are CRITICAL to health, fat loss, muscle RE-gain, and overall energy and vitality.

The risks are greatly over-blown, and the medical profession is very quickly coming around to more recent studies showing VERY minimal sides and negative effects. While the UP-side is huge.


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Reshoot, on 22 Nov 2013 - 09:13 AM, said:

Me thinks some are too macho to watch Dr. Oz, or too macho to admit they do.

I am man enough, not only to watch it, but admit it :P

Actually never seen his show.

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