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Credit Card Fraud


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Would really love to meet one of these a$$hats one day that steal other peoples credit card info. Probably wouldn't be so tough and ballsy in person. The good news is that the retailer thought something was fishy and called my credit card company ( USAA ) who then called me. We had a three way call at about 6:30pm last night. Too bad the customer wasn't in the store because I would have called the cops myself.

SOB was trying to charge $990 in women's handbags. Already had spent $2200 earlier in the week without me knowing it. The card was in my wallet last night, so have no idea how they got the info.

Thankfully the credit card company is reversing the charges, but damn...I hate these people (the thieves, not the CC company).

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About a year ago I get a call one Friday morning from Wachovia Credit Card Fraud office. Seems the filtering software they use had spotted some out-of-character charges on one of my cards. Now, I travel for a living so this card is used all over the US, plus mail order charges for books, shooting and reloading supplies, all kinds of stuff. Yet the software caught it, wild. $400 in Dale Earnhart Jr gift cards. No only did the send me a new card, but the lady offered to replace all my Wachovia cards just in case.

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Don't know what card you are using but seems strange the Credit Card company didn't notify you of $2200 in charges. Wonder if they have the software that alerts them to such wide spending patterns? You may want to ask them!! My debit card has been compromised several times over the past two years I guess from online activity. My debit card company (BoA) caught it both times before it got out of hand.

Edited by The_Vigilante
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SOB was trying to charge $990 in women's handbags. Already had spent $2200 earlier in the week without me knowing it. The card was in my wallet last night, so have no idea how they got the info.

Thankfully the credit card company is reversing the charges, but damn...I hate these people (the thieves, not the CC company).

I work in the "bill payment industry" and in my opinion, your card provider *SHOULD* have fussed a bit when there was a $2200.00 charge on the card that was entered "without the card present." If the card is not swiped through a terminal for a purchase that large, and/or used to buy things you normally do not buy... all kinds of alarms should have been going off. Working in the industry, there should be all kinds of "velocity parameters" and "normal usage" tracking that is going on. Anything "outside the norms" for you should warrant a phone call to your listed contact number. On a related note... have them list your cell as your contact #... it may be annoying, but I would rather find out immediately that something funky is going on than when I next check the messages at home....

As for how they did it, "they" could have been anyone that you gave the card to so they could run a charge for dinner etc.. There are also devices that they can swipe the card on and "steal" the information off of it to use. When they use a swipe terminal like that it is called "skimming." It could be as simple as they wrote the card # down and the 3 digit identifier on the back and then gave it back to you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0w_ktMotlo

I am security paranoid (part of my job description) and I have had two card numbers "taken." One guy was trying to by Futures stocks in property with them and the futures company noticed something funny and delayed the charges till they could talk to me and my bank and the other one my bank caught when I charged two different things within 5 minutes of each other 100 miles apart... :blink:

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I've had my info stolen twice in the last 5 years. Last one, the guy got it at a local restaurant. I know that for a fact, the card co. told me that the ipo on the computer where the women's items were purchased was right here in Lubbock. The only time I had used that card was at one restaurant, once. The women's store had taken my card number online(from the thief) & sent items to a real address in the Dallas area. I have no idea why the police didn't go knocking on that door & arrest the woman that received the stolen goods. I didn't have to pay, of course, but it caused some real issues since I was in Hawaii at the time & they locked that card down so I couldn't use it. Made sort of a mess of things, to say the least.

What can you do, right?


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SOB was trying to charge $990 in women's handbags.

Nice try Glenn, but you know those handbags are going to look great with your high heels.ph34r.gif

I was actually waiting to see HighLordGomer smack that hanging curve over the wall,..so you either beat him to the punch, or he's busy on some other gun forum.

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Good timing on the thread. Our bank put a hold on my wife's card because a charge showed up in the amount of $1.02. It seems that triggers more filters than a $1000 charge. It was explained to us that thieves somehow get your info and do a small test to see if the card will work before making major purchases.

I told the bank that it seems funny I buy hotdogs at Speedway with mine for $1.50 and nothing happens. They told me I do that enough that they know it's legit! roflol.gif

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My bank called me last year when someone bought a couple of small items - in Europe.... Have not a clue as to how they got the info.

Also had my card "lost" by the server at that chain Italian restaurant for about 15 minutes. Gave us a free dinner then came out into0 the parking lot and said they had found it ...and had the bill printed out and asked me to sign it.....

I had the credit card cancelled and a new one on the way to me before I left the parking lot.

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This crap is getting more widespread every day.

I'm probably more security concious than most but for the first time ever in 2011 I got hit twice in one year.

First it was a check lost in the mail. Whoever intercepted it cloned the account and went shopping at a Walmart in Denver.

Several months later, someone got the numbers on my Discover card and went shopping at a Walmart in Southern Oklahoma.


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Got hit for the first time this month on a visa card. Multiple fraudulent charges on the same day.

Luckily, the system recognized it on the same day as the purchases and sent a fraud alert to my phone. Called the bank, refuted the charges, cancelled the card. Had a replacement card within 48 hrs.

Now I have to watch my other cards. If they got one, they may have somehow gotten others.

I hope their fraud department actually tries to catch the creeps. I could let my imagination run wild with possible scenarios of what would be an appropriate punishment.... :devil:

Edited by sfchorn
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Oh. My. God. Going through it right now.

I noticed some charges last month. Got them removed, then got suspicious

and ordered a year of back statements.

Went through them today. TONS of charges from the same place. Had those removed.

Ordered my 2010 statements. Will look a those when they arrive.

Lesson learned: READ THE DAMN STATEMENT each month! Doh! :angry2:

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