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Area 8 Championships.

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The folks at Topton have a cool way of previewing their stages, check it out.


That's amazing and the best way of visualizing stages I've seen yet!

Now if they can just add animations of various GM's shooting them, we'd be set :D:D

Since I don't even know where area 8 is, I'm not going to be shooting them but I'm having fun imagining shooting them :rolleyes:


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That is wonderful! There are some people with way too much time on their hands :P

I'll have to shoot area 8 sometime now ...


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i'll have to agree with kdj, that's somebody with way too much time. that was an old form of animation call stop animation. takes time to move the piece take a photo, move the piece take the photo.....

still though,....very cool.

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I haven't been doing this that long, but I have a question on Stage 9 (and a few other stages too)... there's an awful lot of shooting into the wall. The 2 places I shoot, those would be DQ's.

Is shooting into the walls, normal?

(there's some bays we have that have dirt side berms.. do they have this at every bay?)

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under what rule of the rulebook is shooting a prop a DQ?

I'm willing to bet that there'll be no shooting of walls when the match is built....

Topton Asistant match director Larry Eckert actually built the models of every stage in the match. If you send him an e-mail, he might be willing to ship you his (Powerpoint) stage building tools....

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On our ranges, all rounds must impact the berm, no walls period. You shoot a wall, you're DQ'd.

Maybe it's local range rules? And not props, specifically walls. At both ranges the walls are railroad ties.

I actually like the rules, there is the distinct possibility that rounds could go through is some places. But it would be really cool to have bays/stages like these.

This could just be that I have such limited exposure to ranges, where the "walls" may be berms, etc.. where rounds couldn't escape.

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The stages do look great. I can't wait to rip it up!

I have shot Area 8 at Topton the last two years, and they put on a great match. Everyone should try to make it out.

I don't think I will shoot stage 9 the same way as the animation, looks like too much foot movement. Don't actually know untill I get there, but that would not be my prefered route. Just an opinion, and everyone has one.

Good luck to everyone who goes! :D

T Thacker

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Sounds like a local rule ---- and possibly if you guys are lacking side berms a necessary one to prevent rounds from entering the next bay. I had the round into wall DQ discussion recently, when I shot a paper target from a different place than every other shooter, and the round zipped through a wall and knocked down a piece of steel. The timer-holder wanted to DQ me for shooting up a match prop. Fortunately the match director upheld the rulebook, and granted a re-shoot under Range Equipment failure....

I hit the wall but missed the steel on the re-shoot....


I'm sure the animation was just presented as one way to shoot the stage --- This match is very good about leaving the shooter options on stages....

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It appears that there is some cofusion, maybe only on my part, about walls and berms and props.

If you have a single rear BERM and divide the shooting area in to seperate courses using Railroad Ties, that might be called a WALL and I would understand requiring all shots go into the rear BERM since the WALL mihgt not last all that long with repeated bullet impacts. In fact It would be somewhat like a Stake Shoot, the WALL would certainly fail. It is soundsa lot like most indoor ranges, no shooting to the side. A PROP however should not be a DQ if shot, unless it is shot on purpose in order to gain an advantage.

Those of use that have BERMS on three sides might consider a WALL and a PROP to be one and the same. At our range we use inexpensive 8 x 6 sections of stockade fencing. They last for years, are easy to store, easy to insert a port into and easy to get rid of when they are totally used up.

Nik's example, was that he engaged a paper target from an angel that was missed on the stage preview and hit a concealed peice of steel through a PROP wall. No DQ, now, if Nik had figured the angles in order to hit the steel on purpose with an eye towards a reshoot, that would result in a DQ for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Jim Norman

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I was really surprised when that piece of steel fell ---- and the to be activated paper that I was engaging in a stationary position started moving....

And in case anyone asks --- the stage sort of required you to run past a swinger for about five yards to engage the activator, only to then run back to engage the swinger. Since I'm not so fleet of foot and had a chunk of C-D zone exposed, I chose to shoot 'em out of order.....

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I haven't been doing this that long, but I have a question on Stage 9 (and a few other stages too)...  there's an awful lot of shooting into the wall.  The 2 places I shoot, those would be DQ's.

I apologise for interjecting a rule clarification into a thread about what looks to me like an excellent course design but, for the record:

10.4.1 A shot, which travels over a backstop, a berm or in any other direction, specified in the written stage briefing by the match organizers as being unsafe. Note that a competitor who legitimately fires a shot at a target, which then travels in an unsafe direction, will not be disqualified, but the provisions of Section 2.3 may apply.

Hence it's not a Section 3.3 "local rule". Some ranges allow you to shoot towards the sides of a shooting bay, and others don't but, in either case, the match organisers are entitled to "lay down the law" provided it's stated in the match and/or stage literature.

Anyway, it looks like it's shaping up to be a great match, so I wish you all blue skies, clear front sights, crisp triggers and zero "foo-foos" :)

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Thanks everyone for the clarifications, I've just never seen such a large range.

This looks like an excellent shooting venue, with some great stages, wish it was a little closer. Good luck to all the competiors!

I apologize for hijacking this thread...

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