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Enough is enough

Paul Sharp

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Heres a little something I thought I would share, than I'll get to my real rant 'cause it will start me on the road to feelin' better....This is something I posted on Brian's original message board..., for those that I will address in a moment..., note the date.  You can also find this if you scroll down on the Hate page on the main brianenos.com site.

"I Hate hearing the word "Tactics" used in Competiton


I'm a LEO and I shoot in competitions. I hate hearing how I will suck at tactics and maybe even get myself killed just because I like to test my skills in competition. The most frequent comment I hear is, "Your tactics are sound, for now, but if you keep shooting in these competitions your tactical skills will decline". That is just one area I get grief about, even though I always ace any "tactical" shoot house or building clearing training drills. Lets not even get me started about the constant, "You'll never be able to reach your full shooting potential if you keep shooting that weird looking Isosceles, its not even a true Isosceles, your elbows are bent." Than after I shoot they always qualify their remarks with "Well if you would shoot a proper Weaver think of how good you would be." Dude, whatever. I really love the "gamesman shoot isosceles, warriors shoot weaver," Mmmmkay, If I'm sucking pavement up my ass while trying to shoot around cover in the middle of a firefight..., I don't think any stance will be relevant, but that’s just the opinion of a lowly gamesman, based on my observations of human behavior during simunitions training. Or how about this, "Why did you not do a tac load there son? We do not do speed loads here, that is "tactically" unsound." I'm sorry, I thought tactically unsound would be not having a topped off gun, topped off as quickly as possible I might add. This isn't a battlefield or theatre of war, a tac load is useless in the middle of a gun fight. Why do I need to pocket a mag with 1,2 or 3 rounds left in it? Rip that sucker out of there and stuff another one in. Did I mention I completed the "Combat Challenge" course of fire, at this LEO tactical training center where all the above conversations occurred, in record time with one of the best scores ever? Guess that doesn't count since I didn't do tac loads or shoot "The Weaver." Alright, I'm going to go meditate and chill. Boy do I feel better.

From Paul Sharp


Thank you Paul! The situation you described is pathetic. It's just a weak ego's attempt to feel superior. If you want advice, I'm sure you know how to ask for it.

It's not how you do it—it's what you do that matters.

Who would you NOT want shooting at you, Rob Leatham, or some guy who TALKS about what tactics and techniques YOU should be using?

At each moment in life, your task, should you choose to accept it, is to do exactly what needs to be done. It's just that there are some who know that,

and some who don't.


I Hate Hearing Shooters Putting Down Other Shooting Sports


Now, for what I hate!  People that e-mail, routing the mail through a bazillion places so I have no idea who you are, (for now), calling me a "LACKEY", "a_-hole" and "LIAR", telling me that I should leave this forum since I've "never posted here before this shameless attempt at touting someones wares", and "they've never even seen a post from me unless its to promote this hucksters wares" and accusing me of intruding into "their" forum,

Check the date dude!  09/02/00 for crying out loud, when did you become a member here?  Exactly so shut the f*

up!  I didn't just pop up here yesterday!

What I hate more than all of that is reading something from some nameless coward telling me that they will "shut me up and run me off with my tail between my legs" and how they "can't wait to run into me so they can run over me"....thats cool with me dude.  If you really are that motivated, I'm easy to find.

Wait, what I hate more than that is this, how did I get sucked into this?  I train, I ask questions about training, I offer my opinion on training or my training experience, I don't discuss personalities, rumors or someones personal life with anyone.  If I do discuss those issues it will be with you and no one else and we will be discussing A) Me or B) You, since we are the only ones present.  And the express purpose of that conversation would be to foster growth in one of us, not to tear one of us down.

What I hate more than all of this is how pissed I am right now, this is ridiculous.

Now I understand why EL stays away from the net, nameless cowards that incite you to the point of beating someones ass.

Alright, I feel a little better now.....

(Edited because...)

(Edited by Paul Sharp at 8:21 am on Dec. 6, 2002)

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Good post. I think the "Combat Tactical Gurus" miss a real important thing with their dogma. A gunfight is a FIGHT. The goal is to kill or if that's too harsh, eliminate the threat. How you do it can be enhanced with proper training, no kidding, but its a fight for life. Everyone I know that has been in a gunfight said "Bill the first time you react and empty the gun, reloading doesn't mean s--t, except that you need a new one to keep shooting. This includes military combat.

My personal opinion is if you are reloading in a self defense situation, then you are really a poor shot and in a world of trouble. No matter what your skills are, if you have missed 11-20 times then it has really hit the fan and things could be, well, worse.

Do I think my ability to draw cold in under a second and hit an A under competition stress, would help me if I had to face the evil one. You bet. Do I think I am unstopable. NO WAY. That kind of thinking in your first post is arrogant.

On the second part, that's why I sign my posts with my name and I am not afraid to discuss anything I post in person. Some people lack that. Its their problem. They are probably followers of a guru or one themselves.:)

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Here, here.  One question you might keep up your sleeve for the next time is this:

"Point out a particular "match technique" that would not be useful in a gunfight."  Usually you'll get speed reloads and lack of cover.

Maybe even have the latest LE shooting in your area in mind, so you can point out how some practical competition might have helped those involved.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  The original post can be found on Brian's main site along with a lot of other great info.  I printed the wussification hate post as soon as it posted back than and enlarged it at Kinko's.  It hangs on the wall of my gym and serves to give folks a mental gut check.


I hear ya', my first counter point has always been, "a smooth, sure presentation, accurate fire, while moving will help you in which arena A) A fight  B) Competition shooting or C) BOTH."  I like that as well, I'll add that approach, sort of putting the rock back in their pocket.

btw, did you get my e-mail?

The point of this rant wasn't really the tactical issues, but to point to certain individuals the date of that post, 09/02/00.  Seems some would ASSume that I just popped up here and only to promote D.R.

One via his e-mail stated that "I" was some sort of alter-ego used by D.R. to stir up discussion to promote him/me, since we are the same?!?  Now I'm confused. :)

Anyway, point is simple, I've been here since it started so give me a break with this "lackey" crap.

Obviously, this is pointless, which is one more reason to hate it.

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I had to read your post a couple of times, and the follow up before I figured out what you are talking about. If I understand you correctly, you received an anonymous e-mail condemming you for participating on this forum. Is that correct?

In my view, that's pretty low and I agree with you 100 per cent. I hope it never happens again and certainly hope the sender is just another troll lurking around the Web. I for one really appreciate your posts. I just can't imagine any of the regulars pulling such a stunt.

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Thats sad, this used to be such a happy place.

BTW welcome back Paul.

To whomever wrote the nasty Email: Weak dude. If you don't have the guts to post it in an open forum, them maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself.

I think it once again needs to be emphasized that this is not a defensive or "tactical' forum. And Pauls origional post was great.

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I don't know who threatened you, but obviously they haven't got to the link in your signature line and found out what you do for a living (and I'd sit down and enjoy a few pbr's with you).  Anyway that sucks it's to bad you don't know whosent you the emails, because it would be nice to post the fools name(s) here so we all know whom the real jerks are amongst us.

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I got an e-mail from what I assume is a spoof Hotmail account. I received the electronic bashing because I registered as a user on the other forum. I am glad you posted or I would have gone ballistic. Looks like there is an electronic terrorist lurking about. How does one go about getting rid of such a problem? Maybe if we ignore it???

(Edited by Ron Ankeny at 8:02 pm on Dec. 9, 2002)

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I'm no computer whiz so I had the guy that does my web site check it out.  The final one I received came through hotmail as well and originated in a bogus yahoo account.

After some thought I think the best way to handle this would be the normal treatment you would give a coward.  Nothing, just ignore 'em.  They have nothing better to do than stir trouble from behind the lines.

As near as my bud could tell, my anonymous love letter originated in Oregon.  He probably could have dug deeper but like he said, at a point its like chasing down everyone that flips you off in traffic.  You just end up off track, spending time and gas money and they won't get out of the car to take their beating anyway so why bother.

Sorry it happened to you as well.  Wouldn't it be cool if it was the same guy.  We could road trip out there and take turns handing him his paper when he comes out to pick it up off the front porch in the morning.  I could do it on Monday morning and then you could do it on the following Tuesday, you know, right when he starts to think it was just some nut.

Imagine his call to 911, "the paper boy just beat the dog out of me...., again"  :)

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Since we're on the email thing and I don't know jackS&*t about computers, is anyone else getting screwed up emails from other forum members? I keep getting ones  that won't open and I just get some jibberish in the address line and page unavailable screen? I've got them from list members Dave Cutts, Gmshtr, and several others.

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Usually a sign that someone else has a virus.  Many will weasel their way into someone elses address book, then send out viris infected messages using headers from that persons address listings.

Keep your virus definitions current, and virus programs active, when on line or downloading e-mail.

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