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Marketing NRA AP

Chuck Anderson

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What made me want to come? I just like shooting and will use any excuse to do so. I had seen the Bianchi Cup on "Shooting USA" on the Outdoor's channel so had a clue as to how the stages went. I am not a member of the local club (too far and too much $$) but the $15 entry fee (same as USPSA) is cheap for a chance to shoot this kind of thing with the targets and all the equipment provided. Coming with my USPSA buddy (who is a member of the club) was just me getting over my anxiety of showing up at something new. Membership is not required to participate in the competitions but I felt strange showing up for something new anyway. I am going to go next month if at all possible even if I have to go alone. And I may have to as the fellow I went with this time has accepted a job out of state! It is at the Tallahassee Rifle and Pistol Club (TRPC) in Woodville (South of Tallahassee) Florida. Pretty good bunch of folks down there and I have enjoyed shooting USPSA with them this past year and look forward to shooting NRA Action, USPSA, and maybe a little Steel Challenge this year!

I've shot there a few times myself. Tell Michael that Kevin says hello. I've been trying to make it back there for the past several years but my work schedule hasn't allowed it. They are a great bunch to shoot with.

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We are having a Regional Action Pistol Match in Berrien Springs, Michgan the weekend before Bianchi on May 19th, and an Action Pistol State Championship the next day on May 20th. Many of the guys shoot this match on the way to Columbia. We are also having an indoor Action Pistol match in Benton Harbor, MI on March 25th.

In case you wonder why I post this here instead of in the Match announcements section of the forum, instructions in that section state that Action Pistol match announcements should be listed in the Action Pistol part of the forum and I thought that the Marketing Action Pistol thread may be a good place to advise you of an opportunity to shoot a regional and state AP match. Feel free to let me know if I should post this in a different place.

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We are having a Regional Action Pistol Match in Berrien Springs, Michgan the weekend before Bianchi on May 19th, and an Action Pistol State Championship the next day on May 20th. Many of the guys shoot this match on the way to Columbia. We are also having an indoor Action Pistol match in Benton Harbor, MI on March 25th.

In case you wonder why I post this here instead of in the Match announcements section of the forum, instructions in that section state that Action Pistol match announcements should be listed in the Action Pistol part of the forum and I thought that the Marketing Action Pistol thread may be a good place to advise you of an opportunity to shoot a regional and state AP match. Feel free to let me know if I should post this in a different place.

Maybe someone could sticky a post for people to list AP matches.

Kansas City is also having a regional on Sunday May 20th.

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Good timing? Two regionals on the same weekend. Someone needs to sit down and talk about that. If Kansas was on one week earlier I would go in two days earlier and shoot both.

You could always come in a week earlier anyway and shoot with us in Bedford.:cheers:It's not a Regional though.

The shooters coming from the east will go to MI and the ones coming from the west will go to KC.

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Had a match last year, but was not sanctioned. Had good enough turn out (some Austrailians and other out of town'ers) they decided to do it again. KC received sanctioning for this year.

If Michigan was another weekend, we could probably get a good group from KC there. If I googled it correctly, its not a bad drive.

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Had a match last year, but was not sanctioned. Had good enough turn out (some Austrailians and other out of town'ers) they decided to do it again. KC received sanctioning for this year.

If Michigan was another weekend, we could probably get a good group from KC there. If I googled it correctly, its not a bad drive.

They tried it on other weekends. Berrien Springs is too far out of the way for most of us and local participation is very low. It is supported by us diehards. The matches took the place of Winnamac that ran a match for years prior to Bianchi.

They also run a regional and state match back to back like we do. More bang for the buck.

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About 10-12 years ago, that was the level of participation here in VA/WV. We had about 8-10 shooters and ran a Regional only. After a couple of moves to other facilities and making the weekend a Regional & State match over 2 days (more bang for the buck as Kevin puts it) this past year we had 51 shooters firing 68 guns each day. That makes for a FULL day on the Mover. It had to be scheduled just like Bianchi is for that event because of the time factor. You can only run ~7-8 shooters/hour if you go by the NRA rules of no more than 12 hits on a target before scoring, and the 7 1/2 minute limit.

We also did about $10,000-15,000 in range improvements (turning targets and a mover on rails) before the matches in 2010. As they said in the movie "If you build it, they will come." :cheers: One of the big problems is what's mentioned in the headline of this thread.....getting the word out. Even on this forum board, AP announcements are limited to the AP section for match announcements this year. In the past, we listed our in the other "Match Announcement" section, but have to post them here now.

The AP community is a pretty tight-knit group of shooters, and therefor, also kind of limited. Once you get onto the email lists, there are matches all over the eastern and mid-west parts of the country that you will be notified of, and it's good to see someone on the west side taking up the initiative to run some matches out your way!!!:cheers:

Different locations run the match prize tables in different fashions as well, the basic idea being to give most if not all the money back to the shooters in some fashion or another. Some have drawings of shooter numbers at random after the medals & certificate are awarded. Others start at the bottom of the finish order for trips to the table as an incentive for new shooters to return. Kind of hard to say you won't come back when you walk away with a Dillon 550B for finishing in last place, huh?:roflol:

Run them as you like, but there's plenty of input available for you if you just talk to the right people, and GOOD LUCK with starting some good matches out your way!!:cheers:


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+1 that the NRA should have "Actionpistol.com" etc - this shouldn't cost them very much.

Perhaps, some kind of iPhone app for it - the Practiscore one for USPSA looks very promising - which has the various courses of fire, rules, scoring app, etc. AP is, possibly, one of my favorite type of matches - I'm horrible at it, but I enjoy the heck out of it.

I agree that it should accommodate anything that fits into a USPSA or IDPA class.

Push the accuracy requirements? I don't think AP would ever attract new shooters - but it could pull from IDPA, USPSA, and, perhaps, bulls eye and silhouette shooters.

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I have to admit from a purely self serving viewpoint, that a shoot in KS the week before Michigan would be perfect for me and I bet 1/2 of the Aussies and Kiwis that would have the time.

KS is 3 hours of your dawdle from Columbia by the time you actually get to the range. One day or two I don't rally mind. Then back to Columbia for a little more practice and get ready for MI the weekend before the Cup. Two hard matches and a cruise to Columbia on the Monday. Check in Tuesday and final check and test fire with Match ammo and into it Wednesday. That way you get three or four proper matches under the belt and set you up for the big show.

Now a trip to Bedford the same weekend before Michigan has it's appeal. What does not would be the 14hour, possibly over 2 days, drive from Columbia to Bedford. Then we loop back via MI and then down to Columbia. May try for 2013, that would be quite cool if I could talk the Boss into it. I should have an extra week that year.

So if you all get your crap together (just for me??? :devil: ) and put on a Grand Prix circuit leading into the Cup that would just awesome. I suspect that the Cup in May will be difficult for some Clubs to get stuff done due to the short run in out of Winter. Could be something for the future.

Now as to the early Cups being invite only. From my understanding if you wished to compete when you lived overseas, you had to apply and prove you were of suitable standard to be allowed to come. That would be a real pain in the backside trying to make plans that far out. It is bad enough now. As soon as we are back I start the plans for the next one.

Would it be a good thing that if in the future you had to qualify to get to the Cup?

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So if you all get your crap together (just for me??? :devil: ) and put on a Grand Prix circuit leading into the Cup that would just awesome. I suspect that the Cup in May will be difficult for some Clubs to get stuff done due to the short run in out of Winter. Could be something for the future.

We had that at one time although it was the end of Sep into Oct. We shot 2 matches in VA and then off to KC. Spend most of the week practicing in TX for their 2 matches. Leroy and I used to call it the fall tour. I would say that it could be done. That is if you could convince the guys in Lake Charles to hold a regional and state the weekend before MI. That way the crazy ones could go on to MI the next weekend. The not so crazy could go to KC. Problem solved. :surprise:

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I understand where you are coming from. But back then accuracy was prized way more than it is today. Basically it woudl appear that shooting has headed down the "superority through volume" syndrome. Which as a retailer I am all in favour of. :D

If Tom can keep imporving the prizes, the match and the amount of people coming then it will one day be hard to get into.


All I need is more time and a little more money. Or just lots more of both. I am still paying my stupid tax (lottery tickets) but it may pay off one day.

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  • 4 months later...

Anyone consider running rimfire carbine at AP matches? OK, I dind't get much sleep last night and I'm just leaving to go set up the monthly AP match and was thinking it'd be cool to take my .22 AR and give it a try. I have not thought about problems, and obviously since the NRA doesn't recognize it, it wouldn't count for score. Just thinking it might be interesting to offer it as a fun shoot. Keep in mind, for our matches we're only drawing 7 entries or so and two of those are me shooting two guns.

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It has occurred to me to allow rimfire and pistol caliber carbines. I haven't brought it up because we have a good turnout for sanctioned AP matches and have some very dedicated AP shooters so I don't think it would be appropriate to slow down the AP match with a bunch of extra shooters doing a sort of side match.

We do Sunday afternoon club matches of various disciplines, including AP, and have done a rimfire rifle mover before. A rimfire rifle plates match (20,30,40,50 yards) is in our regular rotation and is a very popular event.

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Hello guys

I just have to add my 2 cents.

I have spent the last 28 years shooting IPSC in Canada, Kent got me into the ART of AP shooting in 1996.

I had at the time thought the sport of AP was good, but thought IPSC was way more fun. I was wrong, the sport of IPSC has become a sport for lawyers, what used to be great fun has gone the way of he who shoots fastested and misses still can win.

The people have changed so much over the past 28 years it's just not fun for me anymore.

You guys in the sport of AP have helped me more in the past 4 years than i ever got in 28 years of IPSC.

Speed / Power and Accuracy are still the most important thing in this sport, not one alone, but all togeather. I still need to know how to handle myself and keep it togeather for the hole match. ( im trying )

Thanks to all who make this sport fun.

As to Marketing AP, it needs to be out there some how. If i can help please let me know.



Sorry for any bad spelling.

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Way back when they used to run an A/P State match in Winnamac, IN. They did a bunch of off the wall stuff including a machine gun shoot. (not on the A/P courses of fire) One of the things was a rimfire rifle match o the 4 Cup events. So yes, it has been done before and they seemed to have a good time with it.

I say go for it. It never hurts to try something new.

This year at the VA State match in Bedford they are shooting the TX Mover. The event is not part of the NRA courses of fire. It is shot at 10 and 15 yards requiring 48 rounds. The shooter fires 6 shots right to left. The targets appears from the left in 3 seconds as the shooter reloads. Shooter fires 6 rounds, reloads as the target re-appears and then does it again. 24 rounds are fired at 10 yards and 24 from 15. Sounds interesting. I've never tried it.

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NRA AP is currently on the rise at our club thanks to the promotion of production class. I joined the club in Feb 2011 with a production gun. No one shot AP production at our club at that time so I bought a Metallic class gun. I believe that since I started at least 8 new shooters have joined who are shooting AP production. It is so much easier and cheaper to start shooting production. Then when hooked they can buy a real gun.

Cheers, long live AP.

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