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Big Brother

Shooter Grrl

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Well it finally happened... I was happily surfing be.com this afternoon at work, on my own time, when I got an error message that said

"Your access to this site has been blocked - websense found the use of the banned word "weapon".  If you have any questions please refer to company policy blah blah"

Talk about annoyed, disappointed and just plain pissed off - I was in the middle of a thread even and was just trying to go to page 3!!!!

What really frosts my butt is that the company is in serious financial difficulty and has laid off THOUSANDS of employees... how can they justify spending money on this kind of under these circumstances?

Do they really think that those of us left actually have time to spend all day surfing the net?

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Having been "big brother" at my workplace for several years I can see both sides of the issue most of the time but it sounds like your place is going a lot too far.  I can see watching for activity that might get the company sued like an employee who is looking at porno and getting a million complaints to HR from people who are offended.  It just makes sense to quell that!  But content filtering isn't the way to go because you end up blocking access to places that you really don't mind the employees going.  

If you know one of the network admins you could ask them if there is an exception list and that might help.  I guess it depends on how your company views use of the web at break time, lunch, etc... I know some let you play and some don't.


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See if you can rig up a modem and dial out.  There's nothing they can do to stop you then, aside from cutting the phone line.  

BTW, don't you work for a defense contractor?  If so, that would strike me as just slightly hypocritical.  


(Edited by EricW at 10:11 am on Oct. 12, 2002)

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Around here bypassing the firewall via modem might be frowned upon if discovered.. you may get more traction by finding some moderately-work-related sites that have the 'w-word' on them as in "This XYZ gadget is the latest w**** in the fight for customer service" or something, then bitch about that.  Everybody that surfs ESPN at work should be hitting the same block, and enough pressure will get words removed.

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Quote: from Shooter Grrl on 6:35 pm on Oct. 13, 2002

Not quite - we manufacture COMMERCIAL satellites

Why not just have David rig you up a satellite uplink and cut out the middleman?  I'll bet you can even expense it as overhead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, here's an idea I thought of for SG--

Try surfing BE.com through one of those 'translator' web sites-- you know, the ones that convert any web page to swahili or jive or redneck or valley-girl or whatever.  I'm sure it wouldn't look too different some days..

here's BE.com in Redneck (you have to click the 'Dialectize' button, and there seem to be technical problems surfing, but it's very entertaining)

I'm trying hard to refrain from comparing BE on the 'Moron' setting to Glocktalk..

(Edited by shred at 10:57 pm on Oct. 29, 2002)

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[Airplane] Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive. [/Airplane]

Funny how redneck and jive are so similar.

ShooterGrrl, is Websense an application (service) running on your machine? Reconfigure it to not filter sites, or disable it entirely.

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This SO sucks!  In case ya'll haven't noticed, I haven't been around much :(  

I can't remove, delete or install anything on my computer.  They've got us running NT 4.0 with all the software files on the server - with rights whatsoever on my login.  

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  • 1 month later...

One creative way to fight this might be w/ political correctness   . . .  try joining a "breast cancer information/support/charity group.  The filter will likely object to the word "breast" as related to porn - this happened to AOL a while back.  When you get the filter response, storm up to the most senior person you can find and demand an official appology for accusing you of viewing porn, demand everyone in the computer dept, be sent to mandatory sensitivity training, claim you feel "violated" by a soul-less computer (and maybe just throw in the demand that the filter be removed entirely).  Management will seek the least expensive way to shut you up - remove the filter.  They could also fire you, but that might risk a discrimination suit which might ultimately prove expensive.

Fight the power! - BTW, we miss you around here. D.

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Websense is an application running on a separate machine that filters the traffic.  They also provide a service that updates the sites to be restricted.  The admin among other things chooses what categories of sites to block.  If you look at the logs generated by websense at a major company  you might be surprised what  kind of surfing is taking place.  I personally don't think tools like websense are the best way to manage your employees.

Quote: from Erik Warren on 11:02 am on Oct. 30, 2002

[Airplane] Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive. [/Airplane]

Funny how redneck and jive are so similar.

ShooterGrrl, is Websense an application (service) running on your machine? Reconfigure it to not filter sites, or disable it entirely.

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