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Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Graham Smith

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I went to the Walgreens drug store last night to look around. Should have brought my laptop with me. My gawd, what a mess. After 10 min of running calculations in my head and comparing different dosages and package sizes and buy-one-get-one half-off/free/$1, etc... I ended up with two 150 count bottles of double strength (3/day) for $30 which works out to $0.30 per dose. So, that will do me for 100 days and we'll see what we see.

Of course, none of this even starts to take in the whole argument of Glucosamine HCL vs Glucosamine Sulfate and which works better and which lasts longer and which one is less adulterated than the other. I sure wish I could find a good source of objective information - 95% of what I have been able to find is stuff put out by various upright sounding sources that mostly turn out to be commercials.

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Of course, none of this even starts to take in the whole argument of Glucosamine HCL vs Glucosamine Sulfate and which works better and which lasts longer and which one is less adulterated than the other. I sure wish I could find a good source of objective information - 95% of what I have been able to find is stuff put out by various upright sounding sources that mostly turn out to be commercials.

hence the need for some sort of standardization or regulation. The whole sector could be more marketable and viable if they would form their own regulatory commission and govern themselves, we the consumer would less reluctant to try their products. All this coming from a Objectivist viewpoint. I will go wash my hands now, they feel dirty.

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Graham Smith, et al,

Check out WillBrink @ OptimalSWAT.com. May have the info you are looking for.

Will has a lot of videos on youtube also. Great guy (I shoot with him when we can)

His web site is BRINK ZONE

His You tube channel is WILL BRINK Channel

And don't just go there to watch the hot women working out :roflol:

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Different times I tried different formulations of Glucosamine/Chondroitin and they did nothing. What helped was getting exercises from physical therapists and doing them. Good to know about the sulfate/HCL thing. If I still have the bottles, I will look.

I wonder about controls when someone gets relief. If a treatment helps, was any other therapy or behavior modification included? "Hey doc, it hurts when I do this". Reply, "Then don't do that". Exercise, no exercise, targeted exercise (which sucks but helps me most). Heat, ice, NSAIDs. I have avoided one activity completely while the PT kicked in but I will be on the tractor this winter - bouncing around on that sucker will be the ultimate test and I just about have to stand on the clutch to get it to disengage. :unsure:


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if you do a internet search, you will find no science based factual proof of validity that this supplement works. I wish our overpaid FDA would regulate Supplements the way they regulate cancer meds.


Thats Rite, and the FDA said that NO science based proof of Love, or God, or that our Dogs care about us.

My comment has nothing to do with the thread, I just always want to say that

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Different times I tried different formulations of Glucosamine/Chondroitin and they did nothing.

After a lot more reading, I am finding that some focused studies have shown positive results, but no where near 100% mind you. And, the key thing seems to be that these "drugs" only seem to work with certain conditions. IOW, just because you have joint pain doesn't mean you have a condition that will respond to G&C.

The main problem with a lot of the so-called studies done is that they were not properly controlled because the results don't have to be reviewed in the same way as perscription drugs or even over the counter drugs. G&C are "nutritional supplements" and are not subject to any rules other than the minimum required to make sure they don't contain any large doses of anything dangerous. In fact, the fruits and vegetables you buy are probably more highly regulated - but that's a different story...

In any event, there's been enough interest in G&C that some more carefully controlled long term studies are now being done. And they are finding that some types of mild to moderate osteoarthritis do show some improvement. Clearly a lot more studies are needed.

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Before adding supplements to ones diet they should examine that diet. Is it a well balanced diet and no meat and potatoes cannot be considered a well balanced diet. Got to throw some fruits,veggies,fish and whole grains in there. Make sure you are eating a well balanced diet and then consult with your doctor as how to handle any problems you are experiencing.

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My knees sounded like milk being added to a bowl of Rice Krispies when I climbed up a flight of stairs. I took Glucosamine at my doctor's recommendation. It took a good three months but no more crackling noises since. That was four years ago and I now take a tablet every day.

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