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Brainstorming Ideas for 3 Gun Nation Questions

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Guys these are just hypothetical ideas my shooting buddies and I came up with to keep 3 Gun Nation fresh. I'm hoping more discussion of the show not only increases visibility to the show but also gives Chad and Pete some ideas for future.

If you have an idea post it here.

To be honest I'm trying to find ways average shooters like me and my shooting buddies can get into the shoot offs. Me and my buddy Mike Cyrwus had the opportunity to shoot in the Team Shoot Off at Ozark and it was awesome! Everyone needs to experience that rush!!!

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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Assaulter had a good idea in another post in a different discussion. His idea was essentially to have a shoot off from random people, in addition to the current format, and include two of them in the final 8 (a new number of 10) in the shoot off as it is now.

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Assaulter had a good idea in another post in a different discussion. His idea was essentially to have a shoot off from random people, in addition to the current format, and include two of them in the final 8 (a new number of 10) in the shoot off as it is now.

I like that idea as well. Heck I bet there would be time to take the top 16 or maybe even 32 if we used our own guns and ammo. However that would require everyone to shoot similar divisions.

It could almost be like a March Madness of guns. Everybody loves a Cinderella story and letting more of the Top 30 in there to shoot would do it for sure.

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A team shootoff would be a great way to get "regular" people into the shoot off as well as any corporate shooting team. You can run 3 people in the time it takes to run one person.

I'd really like the 3-man format to catch on as well. I'll be in PA next year at that match.

Edited by DyNo!
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A team shootoff would be a great way to get "regular" people into the shoot off as well as any corporate shooting team. You can run 3 people in the time it takes to run one person.

I'd really like the 3-man format to catch on as well. I'll be in PA next year at that match.

That would be awesome! You could have individual and team winners for both the overall match and the 3GN stuff. What a great way for a sponsor to brag about their 3-4 sponsored shooters.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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The team relay event was really cool. At ranges that have the space available, if they could have the shoot-off set up before Sunday morning, teams could sign up to shoot, just like how the stake shoot was organized at the Pro/Am. Maybe charge $20/team to enter, double elimination, and hold all of this before the shoot-off for the division winners even starts.

I think RM3G did a shoot-off similar to this?

Edited by Bryan 45
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The team relay event was really cool. At ranges that have the space available, if they could have the shoot-off set up before Sunday morning, teams could sign up to shoot, just like how the stake shoot was organized at the Pro/Am. Maybe charge $20/team to enter, double elimination, and hold all of this before the shoot-off for the division winners even starts.

I think RM3G did a shoot-off similar to this?


RM3G had a shoot-off set up the entire match. It was much like "grudge racing". It was also a fund raiser for the juniors. The juniors also shot this for their cash.

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You Kids

Their are less shoot-offs thin used to be in the games.

Yes they are one of the biggest Rushes in shooting.

Hosting a good shoot-of is like hosting a party = its an Art-form in is self A skilled host makes it happen.

The shotgun games had lots of shoot-offs Clay targets under stadium light with bleachers to sit on .

The main point of Sportsman's Team Challenge is to make the shoo-off for the Championship round

The relay part of the STC would work for a 3gun event = you would not have to have two seppreate field , as it is shot against the clock. 90 seconds par time for what -most teams - need 105 seconds to complete.

its a Rush Almost as good a Barefoot water skiing

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MMA fights have "preliminary bouts" prior to the "Main Event". These prelims invovle fighters with less experience and to a certain extent, less skill.

Why not do the same with the shootoffs. The preliminary shootoff would consist of eight shooters randomly drawn from a hat. These shooters would be taken from the pool of shooters that did not qualify for the main shootoff. Use the same course of fire, but only set up half of the targets for each weapon. This will keep the prelim shootoff in a shorter time constraint (we all want to go home right?) and it would also help with shooter ego. Meaning the shooters involved would not have to be looking at doing reloads and such.

The prelims do not take away from the main event, and the shooters in the prelims get experience in the shootoffs but do not get a chance to work their way into a main event unless they qualify during a future match.

Awards for the winner could consist of cash, ammo certificates, or equipment, donated by sponsors of the event. The winnings would be geared toward helping shooters increase their skills in future matches.

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I like the shoot-offs..no doubt. It would be nice to see regular Joes have a chance to get in there (I made the BRM3G shoot off in 2010). It is definitely a rush everyone should get a chance to experience. What I dont want to see is 3 gun come under a specific set of rules. I like the outlaw rules. There are enough matches out there now where everyone has their own flavor. Team formats (EG CMMG) are great and good things to do while waiting for a prize table. Its just going to keep getting better. Im just glad Im here to enjoy the ride.

Edited by abn-rgr
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To be honest I'm trying to find ways average shooters like me and my shooting buddies can get into the shoot offs.

Along the lines of average guy/gal competing in the series. I think you must currently shoot in 3 point series matches to qualify for the final match, correct?

While I think this is a reasonable number to qualify, it could be really tough for a normal working guy/gal to shoot 3 matches in a year; the time off, travel, money is significant.

It seems like taking the top XX number of shooters form each qualifying match might bring in a few new faces to the final, or at least give those who only can shoot one match a year a chance vice no chance. It might even result in an unsponsored shooter getting some sponsorship!

I guess I can't see the value added in the 3 match requirement.

It would be easy for a number cruncher to figure out by looking at the top XX finishers in each match and compare that to who qualified for the Final at the end of the year.

Just a thought.

David E.

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Awards for the winner could consist of cash, ammo certificates, or equipment, donated by sponsors of the event. The winnings would be geared toward helping shooters increase their skills in future matches.

I like the above idea!

Now to get crazy.

Taking it one step further you could have a lottery of one random person from each division matched with a pro. That pro could "coach them up" and after so many matches or a set time the AM that should the most improvement could win something for their pro. The AM would get some great coaching/training for free while the pro could have some money on the line to keep them serious. Kind of like taking a portion of Top Shot one step further in a 3-gun context. Who knows......add a little drama to that VS channel show....what was the name of it again?

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  • 1 month later...

Guys these are just hypothetical ideas my shooting buddies and I came up with to keep 3 Gun Nation fresh. I'm hoping more discussion of the show not only increases visibility to the show but also gives Chad and Pete some ideas for future.

If you have an idea post it here.

To be honest I'm trying to find ways average shooters like me and my shooting buddies can get into the shoot offs. Me and my buddy Mike Cyrwus had the opportunity to shoot in the Team Shoot Off at Ozark and it was awesome! Everyone needs to experience that rush!!!


How about shoot off side matches that you can pay a small fee to get into the bracket.... then we all could get an opportunity to experience a shoot off.....

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