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Steve Anderson

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I agree that points are important, but they don't always win matches.

At area 8 the guy who beat me had about 50 points ( i think) below my point total. he just shot faster than i did.

how do you explain that one.

Side not we where both top 15 shooters in division

The point is if you practiced this way then you would have gotten all the points you already had but would have shot faster.

If you shoot accurate ALWAYS then you speed will increase till you are shooting as fast or faster than your competition but more accurately. Not saying that is what I do personally but it is sound in theory.

If you shoot for accuracy without any focus on pushing the speed envelope, you're speed will not increase dramatically. You will get faster, but it takes longer to get there. Right now I'm working on faster splits at distance. I have to go outside my comfort zone to find out just how fast I can shoot at 15,25,35y etc and still hit the target. I tend to "over sight picture" beyond 15y. It's getting better. Confidence is growing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I will try this a few times through the off season at some indoor matches. I will play with open or limited minor and try to see if I shoot the same or if there is a more focused mentality. I will also ask the RO to score Ds as mikes!

Some of the most fun I had shooting was with my Kahr MK9 shooting production against some pretty good production shooters, I did not do well overall but started to really focus towards the last stage and shot all As with 10 to 13 yard partials, this is the focus that I try to get in every match but only see occasionally.


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I shot L-10 minor with my IDPA rig last weekend to practice for the state IDPA match.

Not as cool as declaring minor and shooting major, but still a handicap. I actually found that on most stages that involved movement that I was not losing much, if any, time to the Limited shooters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just shot an indoor match and declared limited minor. I also was only shooting with 10 round mags as a further handicap. I noticed that I was shooting considerably slower than usual but the video shows me shooting faster than I thought I was. Accuracy was good overall and that was my primary focus, targets were all in the 12-13 yard range with a fare amount of no shoots. I ended up shooting 1 mike and 1 no shoot on the middle of stage 3 and shot mostly A's throughout all 4 stages. I did notice that what seemed slow to me in the moment was not really that slow at all and the confidence in called shots was much higher. Videos are on my channel. There was a Master Class Limited shooter there (I am only an A class Lim) for me to compare myself to. I just have to wait for the results now to double check minor scoring and points dropped as well as placement overall.

I will declare minor again at another indoor match to focus on being an overall more accurate and consistant shooter.


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  • 3 weeks later...


After reading this entire thread, it sounded like a fun idea... blink.gif

So, I am officially starting my 2012 season after taking october and november off and not touching my guns. I have my first ipsc match of the winter season tomorrow. I will shoot my ESP setup M&P 40 5" and my IDPA rig and sign up for limited minor. I am a production shooter so I will only load to 10rds.

This should be very interesting to see how this shakes out. I will have matches on the 1st and 3rd thursday of the month until April. Maybe I will run the same setup til then. If I do, I should really learn a lot about my shooting and either really piss off a lot of the limited guys or get laughed off the range for being the only one dumb enough to do that! roflol.gif

I'm hoping for the former rather than the latter...devil.gif

I'll keep ya posted on how it goes.biggrin.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot my M&P Pro 9mm in limited last weekend. Points were lower than major obviously, but speed was good. Finished same place I would have shooting major after re-scoring.Confirms same thing I already knew, I gotta shoot more A's. I'm classified in L10 as C and been shooting less than a year. I'm thinking at my level this is a good exercise to force me to shoot more A's and help me get better and doesn't effect overall results which only matter as a measure of improvement. Good exercise, glad I found this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another thought is to have a "Mike Pool"...or even a Mike & D pool between you and your friends. For each Mike or D you have to put a dollar (or $5 or whatever) into the pot. Most accurate guy at the end of the day takes the pot.

Nice, I like it. I've got a group of friends who all shoot production and this would be a great way to further penalize us for shooting non-As. Might just have to try this.

So we've been doing this for a few months now and with us production guys we count Ds, misses, no-shoots and procedurals against you as 1 point each and the guy with the most points at the end of the match buys the beers (3-4 guys). Our club is lucky enough to have a bar on site with beer on tap so it's a cheap bet, but still has slowed me down a bit, having that further incentive to hit all As.

With or without the bet I have a bad habbit of throwing extra shots at a target if things seem iffy and I usually either end up with 3 Cs or 3 As haha. I guess I need to learn to call my shots better and learn to leave the Cs.

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