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Missouri Fall Classic

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This was another great Fall Classic. Perfect weather (the last 2 years), interesting but not overly complex stages, run in a timely fashion, and a great match staff and RO's. I was fortunate to be a in good squad that worked hard and was fun to shoot with. Thanks to all the guys in Squad 6. This match doesn't get alot of hype, but it's worth the 6 hour drive for us. Thanks again all. Waiting on results as well.

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This was another great Fall Classic. Perfect weather (the last 2 years), interesting but not overly complex stages, run in a timely fashion, and a great match staff and RO's. I was fortunate to be a in good squad that worked hard and was fun to shoot with. Thanks to all the guys in Squad 6. This match doesn't get alot of hype, but it's worth the 6 hour drive for us. Thanks again all. Waiting on results as well.


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Mod. note: merged with existing topic.

We had a really good time. i went with 3 of my friends. we had a blast. the stages were great and you got thru them very quickly. it was very organized. being that this was all of our first bigger match we were really focused on just soaking up as much info as we could. like how the RO's handled situations. and just really trying to focus on making sure we were being safe. also while it may be the same in principle, you just feel alittle more stressed at a bigger match. it was nice to get the first one under our belt before the season is over. being at this match did make me realize a few things thou. number one is the shape you need to be in if you really want to compete in this sport. so as of today i am starting a new diet and exercise plan. so that by next spring im in alot better shape. next is working on my speed. the majority of my shots this weekends were alphas.but i also need to work on my trigger control and grip pressure. and making sure its always the same. at the start of the day i was noticing my shots on paper were on the left side of the A zone and slightly into the C zone, still in a great grouping. just off to the left edge. after talking to Bkeeler, he suggested adding more pressure with my weak hand and like clockwork my hits moved right back to center. so im going to start doing alot of dry fire practice over the winter to make sure i have it down.

My break down from shooting this weekend was

alphas- 188

bravos- 5

charlies- 54

deltas- 5

mikes- 7

i am going to have my video up soon i have 8 of the 10 stages on tape. the other 2 got missed on video. people loading after shooting and forgeting to tape everyone from the stage.

Edited by Flexmoney
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This was another great Fall Classic. Perfect weather (the last 2 years), interesting but not overly complex stages, run in a timely fashion, and a great match staff and RO's. I was fortunate to be a in good squad that worked hard and was fun to shoot with. Thanks to all the guys in Squad 6. This match doesn't get alot of hype, but it's worth the 6 hour drive for us. Thanks again all. Waiting on results as well.

Congrats Tom, 2 in a row..

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This was a great match!

It was really fun to shoot with the Kunz Bros. and emerging junior sensation Allie Barrett.

Great squad in general with only one sourpuss (me;-)

Perfect match weather too.

It was fun to see my buddy Kelly win it all.

I was surprised to get a top 10 finish in Limited as I had 4 mikes, a no shoot, and a stack of Deltas.

Notes: I had a chunk of lead frag my nose on stage 10, it hit so hard that it knocked my glasses crooked. The tiny little cut bled like a stuck pig. The bridge of my nose is a little black and blue tonight.

The shoot off was fun, I wasnt even going to shoot it, but ended up in the final round.

Yes it was nerve-racking to go to the 3rd tie-breaking string. 2nd place sucks, but the guy out shot me straight up.

Random prize tables? Meh. :-( But it did run quick and smooth.

We also went to a wedding at a nearby biker bar...but thats another story.

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This was a fun match and perfect weather! Wish I would have shot a little better but those small square pieces of s**** (steel) left me dumbfounded on a couple of stages.

I really don't like the random prize tables as it takes away from all of the shooters that won thier divisions etc...but I did win a gun on the random draw first out of the box!

Thanks to all the RO's and match staff for making this a fun and quick match. We shot 10 stages and we were done by 2p.m.

The wedding was top notch, the bike rally was cool, the beer was cold as was the river, and the steaks were fantastic!!!!

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Thanks BillD and DWFAN. DWFAN; were you there this year or did you shoot a different division?

I didnt make it this year, we had our NRA AP regional at my home club and I did not have enough vacation to shoot on Friday with the RO's. Maybe next year.

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This was a fun match and perfect weather! Wish I would have shot a little better but those small square pieces of s**** (steel) left me dumbfounded on a couple of stages.

As one of the shooters on our squad pointed out "just because they own that many tiny steel targets doesn't mean they have to use them all in the same match!"roflol.gifThose things gave me hell on 8 round arrays (shooting SS). I think every SS shooter ended up doing at least a couple of standing reloads because of them. They made several challenging stages look deceptively easy, and that's good stage design.

I really don't like the random prize tables as it takes away from all of the shooters that won thier divisions etc...but I did win a gun on the random draw first out of the box!

I thought the division and class winners got the first run at the prize table and then it was random draw. As long as the division and class winners get first crack at the good prizes, I think random draw could give some beginning or middle of the pack shooters an extra incentive to attend. This is particularly true of the guns. Of course, I took home the last gun, so I could be biased. rolleyes.gif

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This was a great match, had alot of fun with friends and family. My wife and I spent some time with Mr.& Mrs. Barrett, and Allie at breakfast Saturday morning. I didn't get to see her shoot but it was great she won. Allie if you read this you know who we are and we are rooting for you. Don't burn yourself out and keep your priorities straight. And above all listen to your mom and dad.

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First time going to this match, it was a great day to shoot, was on a great sqaud but other than that everything else sucked

I had 3 mags go tits up on me, wouldn't feed, 1 went salt shaker on me, then out of no where the damn gun stopped working, standing there pulling the trigger and nothing is happening!!!

So I switched guns, had the mags sorted out, but I had already shot 6-10, and stage 1, with a malfucntion on every stage.

Back up gun ran great on 2,3,4,5, but I was pushing trying to make up some ground, and the god damn 6 inch plates you just can't be sloppy with your sights (I hope who ever had to go around sticking those in the ground that their back hurts from doing it, because they sure were a pain in the ass)

Congrats to Tom and David,Check (that's Chuck) and the old man for his "C" class open win

Nice job to Jacob as well, did a great job!!

Edited by JakeMartens
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As one of the shooters on our squad pointed out "just because they own that many tiny steel targets doesn't mean they have to use them all in the same match!"roflol.gifThose things gave me hell on 8 round arrays (shooting SS). I think every SS shooter ended up doing at least a couple of standing reloads because of them. They made several challenging stages look deceptively easy, and that's good stage design.

We have a LOT more of those 6 X 6 plates...we didn't use half of what we bought this year.

Bob Delp

Edited by Glock27
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As one of the shooters on our squad pointed out "just because they own that many tiny steel targets doesn't mean they have to use them all in the same match!"roflol.gifThose things gave me hell on 8 round arrays (shooting SS). I think every SS shooter ended up doing at least a couple of standing reloads because of them. They made several challenging stages look deceptively easy, and that's good stage design.

We have a LOT more of those 6 X 6 plates...we didn't use half of what we bought this year.

Bob Delp

I hope the prize table is back to order of finish next year. The first time I win Limited Division at this match and it is the first time they do random draw.

I really enjoyed the match though, and the little steel. Bob has got to be the nicest match director in the sport.

Great match Bob.

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We made a mistake by not publicizing that we'd be doing random draw in advance. Duly noted and it will not happen again. I think that even if we do a random draw, that it should be AFTER Division winners have had their pick. There would have to be some minimum number of competitors required for recognizing a Division. I don’t think top Revolver with 3 competitors would deserve either a pistol or to pick ahead of the general order of finish.

We are leaning towards "Order of Finish" and modified (see above) "Random Draw" every other year.

One thing that makes COPS much different than most USPSA clubs is that we have no parent organization. IPSC pretty much bought the land (we paid the 10 year loan off in 7 years). The Fall Classic is our biggest money maker by a large margin. Monthly matches would keep the lights on, but large purchases and range improvements are funded by the Fall Classic.

We bought the pistols we gave away through the Springfield Armory program for major matches. Buy 3 and get one free. We also bought $1,500 of merchandise from Steve’s Guns of Springfield. I’m afraid the days of being able to put a decent prize table together without paying for part of it are over. Our cost of prize table $3,000

Another expense that we now have are Motel Rooms for out of town RO’s. When I first became involved with helping run the match, Motels would give us a free room for every 5 room that competitors booked. Over the years, it went up to 10, then 20, and now we have to pay the standard price. Without the out of town ROs, we simply would not be able to put on a 10 stage match. Cost of Rooms $1,000.

We repaired a bunch of our wall panels (~$600) and when added to target, paster, staples, batteries. Cost $1,000

Plaques were $500. New laser printer parts $400 ( drum + toner cartridges). Throw in porta pottie pumpouts along with a trash pickup and we burnt through another $1,000.

USPSA Activity Fee $500.

Total expenses ~$6,500.

Income: $10,000. Another perk for working big matches is that you get to shoot for “free”. 10 stages + chronograph = 24 + one scoresheet collector = 25 non-paying competitors.

As you can see, we didn’t make a huge amount of money…and to be fair, the cost of repairing props probably shouldn’t be counted as a match expense. But, our props are all repaired, the range is cleaned up and we are ready for the MO Multi-Gun Championship next month!....AND we have another XD that we will be raffling off!


Bob Delp

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I've always wondered why it seemed like the Rolla match was a tad more expensive as compared to other equal sized matches. I really appreciate the explanation and I now do not mind paying a little more to help you all out.

You guys have done a great job. I'd like to see a few more major matches out there...and hopefully bring in some more money for the club.

It was a fun match, however, I wish someone would steal those little square poppers.... :)

Nice job to you and all your ROs!


We made a mistake by not publicizing that we'd be doing random draw in advance. Duly noted and it will not happen again. I think that even if we do a random draw, that it should be AFTER Division winners have had their pick. There would have to be some minimum number of competitors required for recognizing a Division. I don’t think top Revolver with 3 competitors would deserve either a pistol or to pick ahead of the general order of finish.

We are leaning towards "Order of Finish" and modified (see above) "Random Draw" every other year.

One thing that makes COPS much different than most USPSA clubs is that we have no parent organization. IPSC pretty much bought the land (we paid the 10 year loan off in 7 years). The Fall Classic is our biggest money maker by a large margin. Monthly matches would keep the lights on, but large purchases and range improvements are funded by the Fall Classic.

We bought the pistols we gave away through the Springfield Armory program for major matches. Buy 3 and get one free. We also bought $1,500 of merchandise from Steve’s Guns of Springfield. I’m afraid the days of being able to put a decent prize table together without paying for part of it are over. Our cost of prize table $3,000

Another expense that we now have are Motel Rooms for out of town RO’s. When I first became involved with helping run the match, Motels would give us a free room for every 5 room that competitors booked. Over the years, it went up to 10, then 20, and now we have to pay the standard price. Without the out of town ROs, we simply would not be able to put on a 10 stage match. Cost of Rooms $1,000.

We repaired a bunch of our wall panels (~$600) and when added to target, paster, staples, batteries. Cost $1,000

Plaques were $500. New laser printer parts $400 ( drum + toner cartridges). Throw in porta pottie pumpouts along with a trash pickup and we burnt through another $1,000.

USPSA Activity Fee $500.

Total expenses ~$6,500.

Income: $10,000. Another perk for working big matches is that you get to shoot for “free”. 10 stages + chronograph = 24 + one scoresheet collector = 25 non-paying competitors.

As you can see, we didn’t make a huge amount of money…and to be fair, the cost of repairing props probably shouldn’t be counted as a match expense. But, our props are all repaired, the range is cleaned up and we are ready for the MO Multi-Gun Championship next month!....AND we have another XD that we will be raffling off!


Bob Delp

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I definitely had a better match than last year! Last year, I had 21 Mikes!

This year:

A = 220

B = 3

C = 27

D = 3

M = 5

Procedural = 1 (FTE on one steel plate.)

I finished 23rd in Open, probably because I wasn't fast enough. I'd rather concentrate on accuracy though. Speed will come later.

I also came in 4th on the Man on Man Steel match on Sunday. I ended up losing 3rd place to Jeff Matche :D

If you're gonna get beaten, get beaten by someone good!

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First time going to this match, it was a great day to shoot, was on a great sqaud but other than that everything else sucked

I had 3 mags go tits up on me, wouldn't feed, 1 went salt shaker on me, then out of no where the damn gun stopped working, standing there pulling the trigger and nothing is happening!!!

So I switched guns, had the mags sorted out, but I had already shot 6-10, and stage 1, with a malfucntion on every stage.

Back up gun ran great on 2,3,4,5, but I was pushing trying to make up some ground, and the god damn 6 inch plates you just can't be sloppy with your sights (I hope who ever had to go around sticking those in the ground that their back hurts from doing it, because they sure were a pain in the ass)

Congrats to Tom and David,Check (that's Chuck) and the old man for his "C" class open win

Nice job to Jacob as well, did a great job!!

At least there wasn't a Cooper tunnel ;)
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