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Bolen spring, follower and pads?


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I am trying to set up my SV 9mm mags with bolen products. It seems like the mags need some trimming in order for the pads to fit? Should I file it or should I modify the pads instead? Also, it seems like the springs are a bit longer, should I also cut the springs? and lastly, the follower seems longer, it seems like I also have to trim it. Need help and anybody's input on this. Thanks in advance.

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Hello: Firstly I don't like the Bolen base pad since it is hard to remove with the spring catching and twisting :surprise: Don't cut the spring. Make sure the follower comes all the way up on the SVI tube. You may have to clearance the follower on the right side so it does. You will have to remove some metal on the mag tube to fit the base pads. Go slow and take the minimum off. Do this without the spring or follower in the tube first. This is some of the tuning that is done to new mags :devil: Thanks, Eric

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I LOVE the Bolen basepads. They are a breeze to take apart once you learn the trick. I do two at a time to make it easier. What I love about them is that when you go to do a reload, I don't feel like I have an ice-cube attached to my mags, and I'm actually just grabbing the mag body itself.

But more importantly, like Eric said DONT cut the spring, it will eventually compress a little but that's part of how a spring "sets" in. And with the followers I like to leavev them alone except for a slight 45 degree bevel I put on that little slide lock ledge.

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Hello: Firstly I don't like the Bolen base pad since it is hard to remove with the spring catching and twisting :surprise: Don't cut the spring. Make sure the follower comes all the way up on the SVI tube. You may have to clearance the follower on the right side so it does. You will have to remove some metal on the mag tube to fit the base pads. Go slow and take the minimum off. Do this without the spring or follower in the tube first. This is some of the tuning that is done to new mags :devil: Thanks, Eric

Are you talking about the 1st generation or the second generation pads. The first ones he did are hard to remove and replace but the second generation are easy.

for me anyway.

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I have Bolen on one or two mags-I believe they may hold an extra round. They are a PIA to remove the base pads hence the infrequent use. Their followers and springs are ok.

You can cut the spring if you want, you may get an extra round in the mag at the cost of reduced longevity of the springs. If you want to replace the springs more often, like every other match :surprise: . I know people that do cut the spring to get an extra round into the mag but they replace the spring after the match (usually an Area or National match). It is just not worth it to me.

I live in the desert so being able to remove the base pad easily to allow cleaning after it has been drop is a big deal to me (and aircooooooler) since we both shoot in the same sand pit.

Dawson and Grams base pads are very good. SV makes an awesome pad but like Bolen does not facilitate easy cleaning.

My guns do not lock back, I grind a little off the follower to ensure they do not lock back the slide. There are many cons to this approach and in the olden days before mags/followers were of the quality today this approach prevent premature lock back. :roflol:

The followers do not seem long in my SV 9/38 mags.

Edited by pjb45
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I LOVE the Bolen basepads. They are a breeze to take apart once you learn the trick. .....

Can you share this trick? I ruined a good spring and scratched up the basepad trying to get a 7mm off once. I had to drill a hole in the bottom and install a metal plate to push down the spring.

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It's alot harder to explain than it is to show. I just push the detent pin from "up" to "down" position (no tools needed on mine), and simply slide the basepad right off. It needs to be done quickly, like ripping a band-aid off. Ha ha ha :)

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I didn't cut the spring but the followers sometimes stop in the middle or tumble. Some mag are like salt shaker. How much trimming should I do on the followers?

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I just use the pointy end of mag brush to push the pin. I can take them apart at least as fast as I could with Dawson's. And I agree with Chris, I like the feel of the Bolens during reloads.

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Hello: If the followers are catching mid way up the mag the mag is out of spec. My 170mm SVI mags hold 30 rounds with Grams 4mm base pads and have more room than the 4mm Bolen base pads or the Dawson SNL's. You will have to check the mag dimensions so the follower does not bind or the follower turns causing a salt shaker effect. Easy removeable base pads is a must for me since I like clean well running mags. I learned that from Benny Hill at a match in San Antonio :cheers: Thanks, Eric

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i file the bottom edges of the tube then roll off the sharp edges no need to modify the basepad. dont cut the springs they set after a few nights loaded. i love my bolen stuff :D

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Hello: If the followers are catching mid way up the mag the mag is out of spec. My 170mm SVI mags hold 30 rounds with Grams 4mm base pads and have more room than the 4mm Bolen base pads or the Dawson SNL's. You will have to check the mag dimensions so the follower does not bind or the follower turns causing a salt shaker effect. Easy removeable base pads is a must for me since I like clean well running mags. I learned that from Benny Hill at a match in San Antonio :cheers: Thanks, Eric

Should I trim the followers then?

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It's alot harder to explain than it is to show. I just push the detent pin from "up" to "down" position (no tools needed on mine), and simply slide the basepad right off. It needs to be done quickly, like ripping a band-aid off. Ha ha ha :)

Chris, does this mean you're ripping the basepad out and momentarily bending the springs to get it to clear the pad?

Also, my detent pin can't clear the magazine, is this a normal problem? if so, what do you do? file the detent pin or file the magazine?


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Hello: Just push the pin down further so it clears the mag tube. As you remove the base pad it does bind the spring up some and that is what I don't like. The Dawson and Grams base pads just come straight off and don't twist the spring. I also don't like the Bolen base pads because if they drop on a rock just right they will dent the base pad in the middle :surprise: I know Chris likes them better than the Grams since he feels that the Grams will break when landing on concrete. Hope this helps. Thanks, Eric

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Hello: Just push the pin down further so it clears the mag tube. As you remove the base pad it does bind the spring up some and that is what I don't like. The Dawson and Grams base pads just come straight off and don't twist the spring. I also don't like the Bolen base pads because if they drop on a rock just right they will dent the base pad in the middle :surprise: I know Chris likes them better than the Grams since he feels that the Grams will break when landing on concrete. Hope this helps. Thanks, Eric

Eric, the pin can't be pushed up because it's hanging up against the body of the magazine. The problem is not taking the pad out, is installing it in.

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