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your best OH S**T moment


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Not gun related, but about the stupidest thing I've ever done.

So I'm trying to print some stuff on my Epson ink jet printer that I haven't used in a while and can't seem to get some of the jets clean enough to print well.

Anyway, I spent about an hour or so running the cleaning routine to no avail. So I broke out the alcohol and started cleaning the jets of the printer head with a cue tip. Still can't seem to get it unplugged. Now I'm into this for about 2 hours and it is near dinner time. I'm really starting to get pissed given this piece of crap, which always printed well won't cooperate.

BTW, I had also just replaced the color ink cartridge as well during this process.

So, what to do......

Wait for it........

I look over and what do I spy, oh, but a wee little can of compressed air. The stuff used to blow out computer equipment and such.

Can you guess what I did yet?

Yup, this dummy says to himself, "I'll fix this thing!" So I proceed to fill the ink cartridge with compressed air with hopes to push out the blockage.

Well, just about the time I did that my kid walks into the computer room and asks me what I'm doing. At that moment, I pull the straw away from the little vent hole in the ink cartridge and to my amazement the magenta ink starts spewing like a freakin' whale just cresting the surface. Holy $hit! A gyser of red ink, yes, up to the ceiling and which seemed like it lasted for a minute.

Needless to says I stuck my hand over the stream of red ink. It hit the ceiling, the wall behind the printer, a couple spots on the carpet behind my computer desk (new carpet, BTW), and all over my $800 Sony 32" HD TV computer monitor.

Obviously, a few choice words were spoken, that I'm sure my daughter will never forget.

Took me 2 hours to clean up, what I could, and I missed dinner. Windex is an amazing product! My hands were red for a week. I just told everyone, "You should see the other guy".

Printer went in the garbage with a swift kick to the curb.

So after reading this, don't judge me :blush:

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My Father was good at teaching me -Life lessons- one of the early ones was

Every one does something that is stupid , the worst is advertising the stupid act. :P

Just a year or so a go we were together and another person starts a conversation with "I did the stupidest thing yesterday" my Dad just for a fraction of a second cut his eyes over to mine so we could share a 45year old joke

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My very first and only USPSA Nationals event started out a little rocky... I had been dryfiring like crazy at the motel working on my draw and reloads, you know the drills. I show up to my first stage and the RO's tell us that it's ok to do a walk through... what do I do when I hear the make believe beep in my head? I draw my gun!!!! It didn't quite clear the holster when my brain said "what are you doing you dumb ass!" I put the gun back in the holster and just stood there in shock... no one saw me do it...no DQ... I felt like a total idiot and my match results showed it too... lesson learned.

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My Father was good at teaching me -Life lessons- one of the early ones was

Every one does something that is stupid , the worst is advertising the stupid act. :P

Just a year or so a go we were together and another person starts a conversation with "I did the stupidest thing yesterday" my Dad just for a fraction of a second cut his eyes over to mine so we could share a 45year old joke

No doubt! Just trying to help others learn from my mistake ;)

Just wish I would've got it on camera. Could have won AFV prize :P

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:blush: ...... and now for the rest of the story.

Target 1911 experienced my OH SH**T moment first hand, this very morning.

David was getting a pistol from me. We live about 2 1/2 hours apart and decided to meet half way. We both got up early this morning and started driving at about 5:30am. David arrived at our destination first and I shortly thereafter, only to discover that I had LEFT THE DAMN PISTOL AT MY HOUSE !!!!!!!! :blush::blink::wacko:

To make matters worse, my wife had made the drive up with me. A witness to the whole fiasco.

Truly, the most embarrasing moment of my entire life. Thank the Lord, David has a great sense of humor. :bow:

Edited by Paul Burtchell
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Just be glad I had a good night at work ;)

I had just pulled a 12hr shift.

We both just stood there for a second not knowing what to say. I gotta really good laugh from it.....he was just a little red....and kind of unsure of what my reaction would be. It was great.

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14 years old....buddy and I decide to make a potato cannon. In the garage, all going well. Barbecue lighter ignition and everything. We were like 2 demented mad scientists. Prepare to fire it off with the biggest potato we could find.3,2,1 bang. It was the best bang ever. Launched the potato perfectly, right through a 2 month old garage door.

Thank god Pop was cool about it.

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Back in the Dark ages...High school :closedeyes:

Hated the swim coach..dont remember why :blink:

Found the balcony door unlocked to the swimming pool...dropped in, pitched the coaches desk and bicycle into the pool :blush:

Laughing and giggling only to find we were locked in, with no escape :surprise:

An oh s#%T moment I wont forget :ph34r:

Jim :huh:

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Back in the Dark ages...High school :closedeyes:

Hated the swim coach..dont remember why :blink:

Found the balcony door unlocked to the swimming pool...dropped in, pitched the coaches desk and bicycle into the pool :blush:

Laughing and giggling only to find we were locked in, with no escape :surprise:

An oh s#%T moment I wont forget :ph34r:

Jim :huh:

Damn, that's messed up!:sick::roflol:

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So I was about 10 years old or so, and my brother and I had found an 8foot parachute in my Dad's(GentlemanJim's) closet. So we decided we would take a cinder block, tie up the chute, climb up to the top of the tallest tree in the backyard and throw it off and watch it float down to the ground. So we're 3/4 or so up the tree and lugging this cinder block up with us when my Dad calls for us. So my brother literally falls out of the tree trying to run down before getting caught with this thing, and I'm left holding a cinder block at arm's reach. I don't know if you remember but at 10 years old a cinder block is pretty heavy :(

Soo, I drop the thing, and it tumbles through the branches towards my brother on the ground. He looks up, sees the block falling from branch to branch and starts running in circles until the thing lands squarely on the back of his head.

Not really the worst 'oh s**t moment' but thinking I killed my brother ranks pretty high up there :P

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So I was about 10 years old or so, and my brother and I had found an 8foot parachute in my Dad's(GentlemanJim's) closet. So we decided we would take a cinder block, tie up the chute, climb up to the top of the tallest tree in the backyard and throw it off and watch it float down to the ground. So we're 3/4 or so up the tree and lugging this cinder block up with us when my Dad calls for us. So my brother literally falls out of the tree trying to run down before getting caught with this thing, and I'm left holding a cinder block at arm's reach. I don't know if you remember but at 10 years old a cinder block is pretty heavy :(

Soo, I drop the thing, and it tumbles through the branches towards my brother on the ground. He looks up, sees the block falling from branch to branch and starts running in circles until the thing lands squarely on the back of his head.

Not really the worst 'oh s**t moment' but thinking I killed my brother ranks pretty high up there :P

Just one of MANY emergency room visits I remember <_<

Like when you (adjusted the bicycle jump for your brother) :surprise:

Dad just shakes his head in wonderment, how in the world did they survive childhood :blink:


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Like when you (adjusted the bicycle jump for your brother) :surprise:

Hey now! He ASKED me to do that :ph34r:

Come to think of it though, I think I sent him to the E-room substantially more often than he sent me...

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Not mine, but my father set fire to 80 acres of corn when he was a teenager. At the time, my grandfather only had a few hundred acres, so an 80 acre loss was pretty major. Fortunately, they were resourceful, so my father bought a bunch of hogs on credit, fattened them up on 80 acres of burnt corn, and ended up making more on the hogs than they would've made from the corn.

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Anyway, apologies for the thread drift! :P

So this one is more of a 'moment' for another person whom we don't even know but the fact he almost killed himself with stupidity merits the story :P

We're down at Elephant Butte in NM for one of our many family lake trips, I think this one was Memorial Day weekend. So there's all the standard partiers up and down the beaches getting drunk out of their minds and we just sat back and laughed at them. This one guy though, decided he wanted to walk back and forth up the beach through our camp. During this he trips over our boat rope, gets up and walks off. 5 minutes later he comes back the other way and trips over the boat rope, again. This happened a few times until he trips over the rope and falls face down in the water and doesn't move. Turns out he passed out drunk IN the water and would have drowned had he not been drug up on the beach. Anyway, this guy slept on the beach, with his face half in the sand, half in the baking sun, for about 4 hours...

I'm sure he had a great story going back to the office on Monday :P

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Roughly a second after this point.


I managed to miss the edge by about a foot. I was about 5'7" at the time so that gives you perspective on the height of the roof.

Many, many, many of my stories involve doing ridiculous things to get girls' attention.

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So I was about 10 years old or so, and my brother and I had found an 8foot parachute in my Dad's(GentlemanJim's) closet. So we decided we would take a cinder block, tie up the chute, climb up to the top of the tallest tree in the backyard and throw it off and watch it float down to the ground. So we're 3/4 or so up the tree and lugging this cinder block up with us when my Dad calls for us. So my brother literally falls out of the tree trying to run down before getting caught with this thing, and I'm left holding a cinder block at arm's reach. I don't know if you remember but at 10 years old a cinder block is pretty heavy :(

Soo, I drop the thing, and it tumbles through the branches towards my brother on the ground. He looks up, sees the block falling from branch to branch and starts running in circles until the thing lands squarely on the back of his head.

Not really the worst 'oh s**t moment' but thinking I killed my brother ranks pretty high up there :P

Now that's funny! :roflol:

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Only because you could run faster <_<

I think next time you come home...Im going to spank you just for old times sake :roflol:


I had a bunch of those moments when I was growing up. When I asked my dad why he didn't strangle me or tie me up and throw me off a bridge when I was young, he told me "How could I get mad at you for something I would have done when I was a kid?". Gives you a wholly different look at things....I asked him why he never got mad when I broke something when I was kid, like the 3 wheeler, or the jeep, or the tractor, or anything like that and he told me, "As long as you are alive, everything else can get fixed." He's a smart old geezer.....

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Roughly a second after this point.


I managed to miss the edge by about a foot. I was about 5'7" at the time so that gives you perspective on the height of the roof.

Many, many, many of my stories involve doing ridiculous things to get girls' attention.

I did jump off the Ocklawaha bridge on ST RD 40 in the Ocala National Forest once, when I was 18 or 19....

Notice the guy fishing on the wooden part of it?

post-18733-033993700 1296158448_thumb.jp

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My 3rd solo flight in an airplane. I take off, climb to 500 feet, then POP, followed by a neverending WHOOOOOOOOOSH sound. I knew I'd lost something, so after I pulled most of the seat out of my buttcrack, I realized that the plane was still flying, and all control surfaces were working.

I figured I'd lost one of the landing gear, or maybe a panel off of the bottom. I completed the flight, and only after landing at my destination, and stopped, I realized the top door latch had popped open (my instructor had always shut the door before that flight) I hadn't latched it correctly. Still was the longest OH, S**T monment I've ever had.

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Sorry, Grumpy. This is the internet. Pics or it never happened!

Cameras were very expensive way back then and so was the film....And they weren't water proof. But it did happen. Hurt like hell...The scariest thing wasn't jumping or even hitting the water, it was when you went by that damn wooden platform at mach 2.3.

Climb up the ladder on the left and jump. If you tried to walk to that spot, it's about 1/2 mile across the bridge in either direction, so you swam out to the platform, climbed up, then the ladder. Once was enough...

Edited by GrumpyOne
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