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Using both a Bladetech DOH and CR Speed


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I've been using a CR speed in Limited for a while and really like it for a number of reasons. I've also used a Bladetech DOH in Limited and feel almost as fast with it if I practice regularly. There are pros and cons to both but my main question for this post is this: Do you set them up the the same angle of cant or differently. I've been setting them up differently because I feel like the CR speed is faster with a slight muzzle forward cant for me and of course, I keep the Bladetech DOH with the standard straight drop that it comes with. I noticed that shooters like Travis Tomasie seem to set up their CR speed holsters with a straight drop and he is ridiculous with a straight drop holster with the M&P/ sub 4 second El Prez on Shooting USA. Does anyone that uses both set them up the same or differently. I can see the benefits of consistency with regard to cant but is it really important. Dry fire practice draws has not made this obvious to me yet.

Any wisdom?

THanks in advance,



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I dumped a CRSpeed that Todd Jarrett personally adjusted with me to go to the blade tech. He and I were squadded together on Sunday and he commented that he thought that the blade tech was the way to go. When he adjusted my CR, his focus was very much on safety... moreso than speed. He spend a lot of time talking about where the round when if a shot broke on the draw.

I have noticed about a .15 difference in raw speed in my draw, but I haven't had it cost me yet. (to answer your question, the setup was actually very similar, the blade tech is straight cant)

Edited by Seth
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After shooting Production for years with a DOH I recently began shooting Limited with a CR Speed. I set it up with a slight forward cant and a position slightly in front of where I used to run the DOH. Felt like that gave me better/faster/straighter access to the grip on the draw.

But after a class Saturday with Max Michel Jr. and Blake Miguez, I'm beginning to question my setup. They both make a strong case for a holster position closer to where I used to run the DOH, so I'm re-examining my thinking. Orientation of the pistol directly to the target from the draw is the basis for their reasoning.

In thinking about it, after shooting from the DOH for years, I could break a one second draw from it on a close target so the DOH and that position is plenty fast enough.

The safety question you raise is also a pertinent point.


Edited: 'cause I hate tipos typos! and to add a detail

Edited by BayouSlide
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I personally thing that the DOH can be just about as fast as the CR Speed. I use a CR speed for my Glock 20 more for comfort than speed. Maybe it's just me, but I find that the grip angle on the Glock makes the draw very uncomfortable if it is completely vertical.

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I have a DOH and just picked up a Race Master. I have spent the last few days coming to the conclusion that for me a slight angle forward works for the RM, over the original very forward cant I started out with. It seems I can get my hand on my grip easier. My DOH is set up as a straight drop.

I think body geometry is more of a factor than anything, and you set up the holster in a manner that best compliments your body type to accomplish the same end result.

Good luck,


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Have you ever seen that Jim Zubiena clip from Miami Vice? It's a great demonstration of skill (fruit of training) using less than optimum equipment and position. To me, it more important to develop the skill, rather than sweat the minutia regarding equipment.

That's Fake! No Way! Actually, that is amazing. I've never seen the movie, but that is really something. Thank you for sharing, and thanks for making such a good point.

A bit of trivia, I think it may have been Bob Munden that did a segment about draw speed in old westerns. I believe two of the fastest were Jerry Lewis and Sammy Davis Jr..



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