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Speed up or slow down?


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This last weekend I shot a match in Austin. I had a blast since it was my second match ever. First match a local qualifier match. That was 2 weeks ago.

Today I looked at my scores. I did as bad as I thought I would. 55 out of 59 ( I think). Overall I shot 79%. I had a total of 4 misses in the match. My times were horrible.

On the way home, I was kicking myself for not going faster. However after looking at my percentage should slow down even more?

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Slow down until you are shooting 90-95% of the available stage points. Think of it this way...every miss costs you 15 points ( a negative 10 penalty for the miss and the 5 points you could have had if you would have shit the A zone).

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The clock is the rub.

there is the feeling of needing to go fast. but the trick is get the hits. get the POINTS.

see what you need to see to do that. Try really hard not to get caught in the time trap. Speed will be a by-product of doing the other things better.

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I shot the same match. We were on different squads. Hey, those were some very challenging stages with LOTS of hard cover. I through a couple of Mike's into hardcover myself as did alot of other folks. Looking back I should have been more visually patient and got the points and avoided the penalties and Mikes.

Especially in Production, with minor scoring, you've got to get the points. Shoot A's as quick as you can. If you are throwing C's, D's & Mikes or are hitting into hardcover or Non-Threats, back off the throttle a little. Easier said than done, when that buzzer goes off. ;)

Good luck and hope to meet you soon.

Paul Burtchell

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There is no speed up or slow down, only what you can see and what you can't.....


I think that sums it up the best. Good thought JT. You do not have to shoot slower to get your hits. Though you need to see better and know what you need to see. later rdd

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i agree that points are important however be careful of the trap I have fallen into lately and that is becoming so concerned with points that you hold for the perfect sight picture instead of what is needed for the shot. As I have restarted shooting again I have used a type 3-4 focus on everything when all that was needed was type 1 focus. I am currently practicing what is actually needed to get the A no more no less. Its has really amazed me that for shots out to 7 yards or so a clear target focus is all that is needed for an A. I cant explain how it works but it does.

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